Beeston Boys' Brigade - Band, 1954

Boys Brigade Band 1954

Back Row: David Hopcroft(Bandmaster), Ken Morley, Jim Fearn, Geoff Wagstaff, Geoff James, Colin Pearce, *, *, *, David Burnham, Michael Stuart, *
Front Row: John Faulkner, Terry Gates, *, *, *, *, Gerald Matthews, *, *, Adrian Varley, Paul Flint

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Suggestions for other names would be very welcome

Thanks to David Hopcroft for providing the photograph and names and to Paul Flint who has added the names of his friend, Adrian Varley and David Burnham.
Tony Rushton believes he has identified the bass drummer as Gerald Matthews
Jim Fearn has identified himself on the photograph - and tells us he played a bugle that belonged to his uncle, Harry Fearn, who was one of the leaders of Beeston Toreadors Carnival Band in the 1930s

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David Hopcroft (Bandmaster) Ken Morley Jim Fearn Geoff Wagstaff Geoff James Colin Pearce Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified David Burnham Michael Stuart Currently Unidentified John Faulkner Terry Gates Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified Gerald Matthews Currently Unidentified Currently Unidentified Adrian Varley Paul Flint