Beeston Fields Secondary Modern School, Beeston - Staff - 1955

Beeston Fields Staff 1955

Standing (Left to Right) : F N B Appleton, Geoff Bonser, East, Houghton, Percy Hill, Jones, H W Barber, L Wilcox F W Martin, Joel Le Maire, Frank Long
Sitting : Frank Saxton, H King, Colin Foster, Keith Shaw, Bob Cottam, K D Roberts (Headmaster), Harry Crook, Arthur Spencer, Johnny Arden

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These names are as written on the reverse, apparently by K D Roberts. In some cases, he has used the names he would have used when talking informally.
There is a note that Mr Smith and Mr Joff(?) do not appear on the photograph

Thanks to Bill Wardle for providing the photograph

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F N B Appleton Geoff Bonser East Houghton Percy Hill Jones H W Barber L Wilcox F W Martin Joel Le Maire Frank Long Frank Saxton H King Colin Foster Keith Shaw Bob Cottam K D Roberts (Headmaster) Harry Crook Arthur Spencer Johnny Arden