Presentation of Medal of Merit to Bernard Highton - 1953

Bernard Highton was presented with the Medal of Merit at an evening celebrating the Group's 25th
County Commissioner, Sir Charles Buchanan (left) makes the presentaion to Bernard Highton (right), watched by (L to R) :
District Commissioner Henry Middleton, Canon J P Halet (Vicar of Beeston) and Air Commodore W C Cooper

Officers & guests at the Presentation
Left to Right: Sir Charles Buchanan, Canon Halet, Bernard Highton, ?, Arthur Smedley, Donald Hallam, Air Commodore Cooper, ?, ?, Henry Middleton
This photograph, taken at the Group's Headquarters at Station Road, Beeston, gives a good view of the 'Bridge' which
featured at one end of the main hall and was used in the flag ceremony at meetings. Also to be seen is at least one of the two County Flag
camping trophies won by the Senior and Junior Sections respectively, earlier that year.
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