Ericsson Graduate Apprentices, 1946
A group which includes the 1944, 1945 and 1946 entries of graduate apprentices at Ericsson Telephones, Beeston Dates from about October 1946
Top Row (1944 Entry) - George Buchanan, Doug Metcalf, Eric Rawson, Edmund Pracott(?), Philip Ball, Mike Towlson, Geoff Hill, Chris Thompson, Phil Hiles, Dick Brooksbank, Maurice Hodgkinson
Middle Row (1945 Entry) - Albert Scott, Frank Priestley, Ron Deardon, Colin Fox, Jim Stevenson, Raymond Horsley
Seated (1946 Entry) - Ivor Gale, Reg Gutteridge, Peter Battlemuch, Dick Startin, Geoff Pike, John Westwood, Don Edmonds, David Cope
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