Beeston Sea Rangers - 1947 and early 1950s

The occasion was the cutting of a piece of Princess Elizabeth's wedding cake, sent to all Admiralty Recognised
Sea Ranger crews - following the Royal wedding which had taken place on 20 November 1947.
The photograph was taken in the Rover Den of 2nd
Beeston Sea Scouts headquarters in the old National School which was on Station Road (opposite the new Tesco Store). The Rangers were based
in the right wing of the school, the Sea Scouts were in the left wing and the central part, which included the Rover Den (originally the Schoolmaster's house)
Standing (all L to R): Christine Alexander, Audrey Pyke, Joy Treece, Mary Wright(?), Joyce Birkinshaw, *, Eileen Lee, Marjorie Stubbs, Mabel Tyers
Front : Sheila Bywater, Jill Searle, June Searle, Sheila Kirkland, Beryl Hingley, Alice Hingley (Skip)
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Beeston Sea Rangers, known as Sea Ranger Ship (SRS) Robin Hood, appears to have been formed during the 2nd World War, in response to the popularity of 2nd Beeston
Sea Scouts and the wish of members to make a contribution to the war effort. Nationally, in 1943. HRH Pricess Elizabeth (now The Queen) had become a member and, in 1945, the Sea
Ranger organisation celebrated its Silver Jubilee. The Beeston crew, whose Skipper was Alice Hingley, had became Admiralty Recognised, the only one in Nottinghamshire,
by the time of the occasion shown above. Its membership grew remarkable and, by the 1950s, the Crew had been able to open a river base on the Clifton site of the Trent.
about half-a-mile up-stream from Mitchells' Boathouse (now Beeston Marina)

A view of the Ranger's river base in the early 1950s, showing the remarkable membership numbers and excellent equipment and facilities. Either
side of a central everyday area is the galley (on the left) and the bunkhouse (on the right).
In the event, by about 1953, the Rangers had disbanded and had handed their base over to 2nd Beeston Sea Scouts who put it to use by its Senior section.
Thanks to Christine Allsop (née Alexander) for providing the upper photograph and the associated names
And, to Jenni Cowlishaw for the second photograph, Her mum, Joyce Colishaw (née Nolten) was a member in the 1940s.
Any further names and comments are welcome
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