High Road Renumbering, 1908 - Station Road to Acacia Walk
This section of a plan prepared in 1908 by Beeston Urban District Council, shows the properties between Station Road and
Acacia Walk. The plan as a whole defined a scheme for renumbering the properties on the High Road, Beeston,
Most of the properties shown had been newly built, in the years just prior to the preparation of the plan. These include :
Numbers 18-28 - a block of six saleshops with living accommodation over and Numbers 32-34 - a block of two shops, also with living accommodation
The other properties had existed for many decades but had previously been unnumbered or had numbers that no longer fitted the scheme:
Number 12 (which followed on from an old established number sequence in Post Office Square) was the low profile building on the corner of Station Road
Numbers 14-16 was a pair of shops that had been developed in the ground floor of what had been the Silk Mill building
Number 30 was an older building that stood on the corner of Mill Yard. Although not indicated here, it had previously been known as number 12.
Numbers 36-38 were the two shops which had stood on the corner of Acacia Walk since much earlier times. As indicated, number 38 had previous
been known as number 16. Although not shown as such, number 36 had previously been known as number 14.
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