Beeston Skipping Troupe

This grooup met at the Valley Mission on Queens Road, Beeston during the mid to late 1930s and performed its clever skipping rope programmes regularly to delighted audiences at that time.
The group was lead and trained by Miss Ethel Cox (probably shown seated in the picture) and members of the troupe included Doris Turton, Dorothy Hudston, Phyllis Coxon, May Hammond, Marjorie Abel,
Joan Whitehouse, Kareen Halliday, Joan Maltby, Iris Longford. Kathleen Hayden and Alice Hayden, some of which are likely to be amomgst the younger girls shown. The large rope was swung by Miss J Rawlings and
Miss M Cox who are likely to be the two older girls standing and holding the longer rope.
These rwo photographs are from a collection by James Reginald (always known as 'Reg') Whitehouse (1893-1967), the father of Joan Whitehouse, a member of the troupe (sitting second left) and in the image below. She married
Deryck Clifford Peters. Sitting in front of her is Karen Halliday who married Deryck's brother, James Peters. The photographs were kindly provided by Robert Percey, Reg's grandson-in-law.

By the 1970s, a similar troupe had been formed and met at Beeston Parish Hall under the leadership of Joan Peters (née Whitehouse).
Suggestions for the names of any of those shown or other related information would be gratefully received.
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