Wilkinson Family Memorials - Beeston Cemetery, Notts
These memorials to members of the Wilkinson family are by far the most prominent in Beeston Cemetery on Wollaton Road, Beeston.

A view (left) of the memorials to Frank and George Wilkinson and to their wives and other family members.
Scroll down to see the individual memorial inscription panels :
Top Left : Francis Wilkinson of Beeston Hall (known as Frank) - died 11 August 1897, aged 52
Top Right : Elizabeth Brett Wilkinson, wife of Francis - died 23 April 1908, aged 68
Bottom Left : Neville Percival, their third son - died 11 December 1903, aged 29 and : Frank, their eldest son - died 15 January 1904, aged 35
Bottom Right : Emily Wilkinson, wife of George - died 23 July 1902, aged 60 and : George Wilkinson - died 5 February 1919. aged 77
Adjacent to these two large memorials are two further family memorials, to :
Cecil Walter Wilkinson, Francis & Elizabeth's youngest son - died 17 September 1916 and, Clare Georgina, his wife, died 28 February 1958, aged 80
Frank Wilkinson, George & Emily's eldest son, died 22 August 1934, aged 68 Harriett, his wife, died 14 March 1952, aged 83
with, George Francis, their eldest son, died 29 October 1901, aged 6 years 8 months
and, Ivy Elizabeth, their daughter, died 2 July 1980, aged 78
An urn on the grave remembers a 'Baby of Frank & Nellie'
A memorial elsewhere in the cemetery is to:
Frank Wilkinson, Frank & Harriett's second son, died 26 June 1936, aged 39
and, Ellen May, his wife, died 17 February 1966, aged 65
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