Beeston in the News Around the U.K.
Friday, 8 January 1813, Liverpool Mercury No 80
Compendium of Weekly Intelligence - Nottingham : On Monday, the 21st ult., a part of Luddites, eight in number, entered the house of Henry COX, at Beeston in Nottinghamshire, and destroyed a thirty-four yard frame.
Saturday, 17 August 1822, Jackson’s Oxford Journal No 3616 -
MARRIAGE - The Rev. J. HUTT, vicar of Beeston-Notts, to Mary, eldest daughter of Adam WOLLEY, Esq., of Matlock.
Wednesday, 14 January 1824, The Morning Chronicle No 17079 -
BANKRUPTS - James HOOD of Beeston Nottinghamshire, hosier and lace manufacturer. January 26, 29 and February 24 at eleven, at the Punch Bowl, Nottingham. Solicitors - Mr HURST, Nottingham, and Mr KNOWLES, New Inn.
Wednesday, 11 July 1827, Derby Mercury No 4957 -
On Friday se’nnight at Beeston-Notts after a long and painful illness, Sidney LOWE, Esq., aged 26; second son of the late Joseph LOWE, Esq., of Nottingham.
Tuesday, February 9 1828, Hull Packet No 2257 -
MARRIAGE - On the 12th inst., at Staveley by the Rev. John CLARKE : E.S. FELLOWS, Esq., of Beeston near Nottingham, to Juliana, daughter of the late J. WHITE, Esq., of Chesterfield.
Wednesday, 30 April 1828, Derby Mercury No 4999 -
MARRIAGE - Thursday last, at Beeston, Nottinghamshire, by the Rev John WOOLLEY, Mr Henry ORTON, surgeon, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas JERRAM, both of that place.
Saturday, 23 May 1829, Newcastle Courant No 8053 -
BANKRUPTS - William BLATHERWICK, Beeston Nottingham, and of Nottingham, lace manufacturer.
Wednesday, 2 September1829, Derby Mercury No 5069 -
MARRIAGE - On Tuesday se’nnight, at Beeston-Notts, by the Rev. John WOLLEY, vicar; Mr Henry CHEETHAM, to Charlotte, daughter of Mr WHITECHURCH, St James-street, Nottingham.
Wednesday, 2 December 1829, Derby Mercury No 5802 -
DEATHS - On Sunday se’nnight at Beeston near Nottingham, aged 72, Sarah relict of the Rev. Pendock NEALE, late rector of Tollerton Notts., after a long and severe indisposition, which she bore with that calm composure and pious resignation which distinguished her character through life, and all along soothed the bed of sickness with consolations full of peace and hope. Her loss is deeply lamented by her relatives and painfully felt by all who had the pleasure of her valuable acquaintance.
Wednesday, 3 March 1830, Derby Mercury No 5095 -
On the 26th ult., a coroner’s inquest was held at Codnor Park, in this county, on view of the body of Samuel FLETCHER, late of Beeston, Nottinghamshire. The deceased had been begging in that neighbourhood for some days, and appeared unwell. On the day of his death he had applied to some miners there to let him lie down in one of their cabins, but was inhumanly refused. The poor fellow sat down near to a cabin door, and in two hours was found a corpse. Verdict - “Died by a Visitation of God”.
Wednesday, 20 October 1830, Derby Mercury No 5128 -
On Sunday se’nnight, a sermon was preached at Beeston Church, Notts, by the Rev. J. WOLLEY, vicar, in aid of the Sunday School of that parish. The collection amounted to £9.11s.
Wednesday, 4 May 1831, Derby Mercury No 5156 -
BANKRUPTS - Thomas BUSH, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, lace manufacturer. May 12, 13 and June 10 at Punch Bowl, Nottingham. Solicitor, Mr HURST, Nottingham.
Saturday, 11 June 1831, Caledonian News-Edinburgh No 17146 -
BANKRUPTS - J. HARRIS, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, lace manufacturer.
Wednesday, 20 July 1831, Derby Mercury No 5166 -
DEATHS : At Beeston, near Nottingham, on Thursday last, Hurt, youngest son of the Rev. J. WOLLEY, aged 14 months.
Saturday, 15 October 1831, Jackson’s Oxford Journal No 4094 -
The silk mills of Mr LOWE at Beeston near Nottingham, have been ransacked and afterwards totally consumed by fire; the damage is estimated at 15,000/- and upwards of 300 hands thrown out of work.
Saturday, 5 November 1831, Jackson’s Oxford Journal No 4097 -
MARRIAGE - At Guiden Morden, John M. NEEDHAM, Esq., of Beeston-Notts, to Jane, eldest daughter of J.G. FORDHAM, Esq., of Odsey House, Cambridgeshire.
Wednesday, 23 November 1831, Derby Mercury No 5184 -
BIRTH : On the 10th inst., at Beeston near Nottingham, the Lady of the Rev. John WOLLEY, of a son.
Wednesday, 24 July 1833, Derby Mercury No 5271 -
BIRTH : On the 21st inst., at Beeston near Nottingham, the Lady of the Rev. John WOLLEY, of a daughter.
Wednesday, 17 September 1834, Derby Mercury No 5331 -
DEATHS - On Saturday night last, Joseph LOMAS, Gent., Beeston, Nottinghamshire.
Wednesday, 3 June 1835, Derby Mercury No 5368 -
BIRTH : On Tuesday at Beeston near Nottingham, the Lady of the Rev John WOLLEY, of a son.
Sunday, 27 November 1836, Champion & Weekly Herald-London No 11 -
PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED - J. HORSLEY and J. FOWKES, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, lace manufacturers.
Wednesday, 1 November 1837, Derby Mercury No 5495 -
BANKRUPTS - Thomas BAILEY, Nottingham, Bingham and Beeston, Nottinghamshire, draper. November 6, December 5 and the Flying Horse Inn, Nottingham. Solicitor Mr LONGBOROUGH, Lombard-Street.
Wednesday, 13 February 1839, Derby Mercury No 5562 -
BIRTH : At Beeston near Nottingham on the 4th inst., the Lady of the Rev. John WOLLEY, of a daughter.
Wednesday, 20 February 1839, Derby Mercury No 5563 -
DEATHS : On the 13th inst., at Beeston near Nottingham, the infant daughter of the Rev. John WOLLEY.
Wednesday, 10 July 1839, Derby Mercury No 5583 -
DERBY AND NOTTINGHAM RAILWAY - the Midland Counties Railway Company have been doing an immense business on this portion of their line now open to the public during the past week. Extra trains have run since Saturday from Nottingham to Beeston, in consequence of it being Beeston wakes. One evening last week one of the engines brought down (we believe) the longest train known yet, there being fifteen carriages, each as filled as it could be.
Saturday, 25 December 1841, British Mercury No 2702 -
BANKRUPTS - John FOWKES, Beeston-Notts, grocer.
Monday, 1 August 1842, Hampshire Telegraph NO 2234 -
MARRIAGE - At Clifton Church, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Edward OMMANNEY, Vicar of Chew Mogun, Somerset; Edward HURST, Esq., of Beeston-Notts, to Louisa, daughter of Capt. CLAXTON, R.N., Clifton.
Wednesday, 12 October 1842, Derby Mercury No 5754 -
Lord MIDDLETON has munificently given the handsome donation of 100/- in aid of the subscription fund for erection at new church at Beeston-Notts.
Friday, 4 October 1844, Hull Packet No 3120 -
BIRTHS - At Beeston-Notts, the lady of the Rev. Alexander T.G. MONSON, of a daughter.
Saturday, 30 November 1844, Leeds Mercury No 5791 -
FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT - MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY - We briefly stated in the Mercury last week that a most deplorable and dreadful accident had occurred on Thursday afternoon, on the Midland line, about a quarter of a mile from the Beeston station near Nottingham. (There then followed a very long and detailed description of the cause of the accident.). The following is a list of the sufferers:-
Mr DEANS, Hounds’ Gate, dead. Mr VARNALLS, formerly butler at Colwich-hall, dead. Mr John NEEP, of middle age of Retford, hopes entertained of his recovery. George BURLEY, about thirty years of age, stoker, seriously scalded and burnt. Mr John BOWLESTRIDGE, landlord of the Three Horseshoes, Derby-road, and Miss Ann GRETTON, of Dove Cliff Staffordshire, all three much bruised. Mr GRETTON, Burton-on-Trent, severely crushed. Mr BRADLEY, Southwell, farmer, leg broken. Mr ARNELL, medical instrument maker, severely hurt. Mr GARRATT, surgeon of London, extremely injured. Robert THORNHILL, lace manufacturer, slightly crushed. David FOX, employee at Mr GILL’s silk mill, arm broken. Misses Ann and Maria LEWIS of Sneiton, seriously hurt. Mr ROBINSON, traveller, very much bruised. Mr THISTLEWOOD of Lincoln, ditto. Mr NIXON, Hounds’ Gate, ditto and tooth broken out. Mr Geo BAKER, Woolpack-lane, slightly bruised. Mr John WILDLEY, Pelham-street, bruised. Mr TUTIN, senior butcher at Nottingham, bruised. Miss SURPLICE of Beeston escaped injury by leaping out of the carriage. Mrs DEAN, sister-in-law to the deceased and landlady of the Castle and Falcon at Nottingham, with her little daughter, was also severely bruised and crushed. We have learnt on good authority that another has died.
Saturday, 7 December 1844, Jacksons Oxford Journal No 4780 -
Inquest on the body of Mr DEAN, one of the suffers by collision of a steam-train with a tender thrown off the Midland Line of Railway between Beeston and Nottingham, after several adjournments, terminated at 20 minutes past 12 o’clock Saturday morning, by the Jury, after 3 hours deliberation, returning a verdict of “Manslaughter against Robert LIGHTFOOT”, the stationmaster, who, it appeared, sent off a train before the tender was removed - he received the highest character from several Directors of the Company for judgment, forethought, and caution, and as being every way qualified for his office.
Wednesday, 9 September 1846, Derby Mercury No 5957 -
ASCENT OF MONT BLANC - Mr J. WOLLEY of Beeston-Notts, and Trinity College, Cambridge, and Mr J.T. HURT, of Wirksworth-Derbyshire, aged 19 years, attained the summit of Mont Blanc on the 5th of August 1846. At 2 a.m. they left the rock at the Grand Michts amidst flashes of lightning, arrived at the Grand Platinum about seven, and at the summit about half-past one, in a high wind. By this time two of the guides had fallen off. They stayed at the summit about half an hour, and returned by the Grant Michts to Chamounix, where they arrived about half past nine, after nineteen hours of walking, part of the time up to their middles in snow. (More details in the newspaper)
Friday, 28 November 1848, Liverpool Mercury No 1803 -
A fire, which consumed property to the amount of £1,000, broke out yesterday evening week, on the premises of Mr Joseph WALKER, farmer, Beeston near Nottingham.
Wednesday, 2 October 1850, Derby Mercury No 7068 -
BIRTHS : At Beeston near Nottingham, the wife of the Rev. S.G. REES, of a daughter.
Monday, 19 May 1851, Daily News-London No 1555 -
MARRIAGE - RICKETTS-WOLLEY : May 13 at Beeston-Notts, the Rev. M.H. RICKETTS, M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, only son of M. RICKETTS, Esq., of the Ford, near Droitwich, Worcestershire, to Susan, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. WOLLEY, Vicar of Beeston.
Friday, 24 October 1851, Liverpool Mercury No 2339 -
DEATHS - October 19, at his residence Clinton-street, Nottingham, Mr Henry SANDERS, clerk to the Nottingham board of guardians, and the youngest son of Samuel SANDERS, Esq., solicitor, Beeston-Notts.
Thursday, 5 February 1852, Daily News-London No 1780 -
MORMON FANATICISM - During several successive days a number of men have been engaged in searching the Trent between Nottingham and Beeston for the purpose of finding the body of a young man named William BARNES, recently a resident of the last-named place. BARNES, having latterly distinguished himself as a zealous partisan among the Mormonites, who unhappily are becoming rather numerous in and around the county of Nottinghamshire, had been elevated to the rank of a priest or prophet. On Wednesday night at 10 o’clock, he and two female converts approached the left bank of the Trent, which was unusually high with a fast current, when BARNES was swept away and his body has never been seen since. Many families have been induced to leave this neighbourhood for the Mormon settlement in California. (This is a shortened version of the story in the newspaper.)
Saturday, 10 April 1852, Leeds Mercury No 6175 -
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED - P.J. HYNES and P.B. POPHAM, Beeston-Notts, surgeons.
Saturday, 7 May 1853, Morning Chronicle London No 26948 -
MARRIAGE - On Ascension Day, at Beeston-Notts, the Rev. William HOPE, M.A., Vicar of St Peter’s-cum-Normanton, Derby, and domestic chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl FERRERS, to Hester, second daughter of the late Rev. John Brown WILLIAMS, Vicar of Llanrissant-Glamorganshire, and domestic chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord MIDDLETON.
Wednesday, 7 September 1853, Derby Mercury No 7218 -
UNITY FIRE ASSOCIATION - Shareholders in Nottingham and its Vicinity -
ELLIOTT, Thomas, Beeston-Notts, Lace Manufacturer
FOSTER, Robert, Beeston-Notts, Builder
WALKER, William, Beeston-Notts, Farmer
WALKER, Elizabeth, Beeston-Notts, Farmer
Saturday, 10 June 1854, Morning Chronicle No 27289 -
Ecclesiastical Appointment - The Rev John Thomas OLDRINI, M.A., Curate of Breaston Derbyshire, has been presented to the Vicarage of Beeston near Nottingham, rendered vacant by the death of the Rev. John WOLLEY, M.A. Patron, the Duke of Devonshire.
Wednesday, 30 August 1854, Derby Mercury No 3281 -
MARRIAGE - On the 23rd inst., at St Mary’s Leicester, by the Rev. John WING, M.A. vicar; William FRACKLETON, Esq., of Liverpool, merchant, to Sarah Annie, youngest daughter of Mr Peter BURTON, of Beeston-Notts, late of Edge Hill Towers, Derbyshire.
Friday, 15 September 1854, Hull Packet No 3637 -
The servant to a farmer at Beeston-Notts was recently found dead at the foot of a stack, 19 feet high, from which she had fallen. She had been killed by a wound from a thatch-peg, which had penetrated about 18 inches into her body.
Saturday, 21 April 1855, London Gazette No 27557 -
INSOLVENT PETITIONERS - Richard Cornelius NUTT, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, butcher.
Wednesday, 20 June 1855, Morning Chronicle No 27607 -
PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED - William LIMB and Edmund FOWLE of Beeston, Nottinghamshire, machine owners.
Monday, 11 February 1856, Liverpool Mercury No 2785 -
A singular case of murder has occurred at Beeston, Nottinghamshire. George BURTON, frame work knitter, who had been afflicted with paralysis so as to incapacitate him from walking, was found by his wife lying dead in bed, and one of his sons was lying insensible at the foot of the bed. An old frying pan was on the floor, with some coke cinders in it; these had evidently been burning in the room, but the fire had gone out. It appears that the son had said he would destroy himself; and a coroner’s jury, after careful inquiry into all the circumstances of the case, have come to the conclusion that he procured the coke to burn with that object, and also for the purpose of taking away the life of his father, by suffocation, and that the father was wilfully murdered by the son.
Saturday, 7 February 1857, Jackson’s Oxford Journal No 5415 -
It appears that there was a slight earthquake felt in England on the 26th inst. Mr E.J. LOWE, of the Observatory, Beeston-Notts, writes in a letter dated that day - “A slight shock of earthquake was felt, both here and at Highfield House, yesterday afternoon at 3h 30m. There was a noise like a distant heavy luggage train and a trembling of the ground, producing a peculiar sensation on the soles of the feet. The earthquake pendulum moved from west to east. The pendulum is thirty-three feet in length, and the movement was scarcely the eighth of an inch.” It since appears that a shock was also felt at Lyons the same day.
Tuesday, 8 June 1858, Morning Chronicle No 28538 -
DEATHS - On the 19th ult., on board the Ganges, Bombay, aged 26, Lieutenant Edward WOLLEY, 51st Light Infantry, fourth son of the Rev. John WOLLEY of Beeston, Nottinghamshire.
Thursday, 8 July 1858, Morning Chronicle-London No 28562 -
BIRTHS - On the 3d inst., at the Vicarage, Beeston-Notts, the wife of the Rev. T.J. OLDRINI, of a daughter.
Wednesday, 5 January 1859, Derby Mercury No 3494 -
MARRIAGE - At Parliament-street Chapel, Nottingham, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. John HUDSTON of Sheffield, brother to the bride; Mr Joseph DAKIN of Matlock Bath-Derbyshire, to Miss Sarah HUDSTON of Beeston-Notts.
Wednesday, 12 January 1859, Derby Mercury No 3495 -
MARRIAGE - On the 25th ult, at Kensington Church, London, by the Rev. S.G. BARROW, Mr John WALKER, grocer, Beeston-Notts, to Louisa, eldest daughter of Mr John MOORE of the same village.
Wednesday, 9 March 1859, Derby Mercury No 3503 -
DEATHS : At Beeston on the 28th February, aged 71, Francis Sophia, relict of the late William HURST, Esq., clerk of the peace for the county.
Wednesday, 23 November 1859, Derby Mercury No 3540 -
DEATHS - On Sunday last, in the 37th year of his age, John, eldest son of the Rev. John WOLLEY, of Beeston, Nottinghamshire.
Wednesday, 27 June 1860, Derby Mercury No 3571 -
MARRIAGE : At Beeston near Nottingham, on the 12th inst., Mr Paul de TEREY, of Esseyg, Hungary, to Mary, daughter of Mr John NORTON of Beeston.
Friday, 28 December 1860, Liverpool Mercury No 4018 -
SEVERE WEATHER - From all quarters of the empire we continue to receive startling accounts of the extreme severity of the weather. With very few exceptions, the heavy snowstorms and keen frosts now visiting the country find no parallel, even in the remembrance of that voracious individual, “the oldest inhabitant”. At Beeston near Nottingham the thermometer on Christmas Day, at four feet above the ground, was 8 degrees below zero, and on the grass 13.8 degrees below zero, or 45.8 degrees of frost.
Wednesday, 31 July 1861, London Gazette No 29503 -
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED - H. FRETTINGHAM and F. FRETTINGHAM, Beeston-Notts, nurserymen and seedsmen.
Wednesday, 11 December 1861, Morning Chronicle No 29617 -
ANOTHER CASE OF BURNING CAUSED BY CRINOLINE - Another case of fire occasioned by crinoline took place at Beeston near Nottingham on Monday, the victim being a young girl named Sarah BAKER, who is in the employment of Mrs PAGE, as a nursemaid. It appears that the unfortunate girl was getting a pin from the chimney piece, when her ample crinoline brought her dress into contact with the fire, and she was instantly in flames. Mrs PAGE, who was in the room, endeavoured without success to extinguish the fire, and was much burnt in the attempt to do so. The screams of the women, however, brought two men who were passing to their assistance, and the burning dress having been got off, Mr BUTLER, surgeon, was called in, but the girl received such serious injuries that she was removed to the General Hospital where she now lies under treatment.
Wednesday, 23 July 1862, Daily News-London No 5055 -
BANKRUPTS - Last Examinations - August 13, G. SAVAGE, Beeston-Notts, chemist.
Wednesday, 8 October 1862 - Daily News-London No 5121 -
BANKRUPTS - John Greeve LEEMAN, Beeston-Notts, draper; October 21 at 11.
Saturday, 18 April 1853, Caledonian Mercury-Edinburgh No 23021 -
MARRIAGE - COMBIE-PERCY : At the parish church Beeston-Notts on the 16th inst., by the Rev. R. WEATHERALL, M.A. rector of Elton, and the Rev. T.J. OLDRINI M.A. vicar of Beeston : Charles T. COMBE, Esq., merchant, Leith, to Clara Elizabeth, second daughter of Edmund PERCY, Esq., Beeston.
Wednesday, 3 June 1863, Derby Mercury No 6844 -
Ilkeston Petty Sessions, May 28; Edward WINTERS, butcher of Beeston-Notts, was charged by Mr HUDSON with having on his stall, in Ilkeston Market, on the 16th, several weights unstamped.
Wednesday, 8 July 1863, Derby Mercury No 6849 -
DEATHS - At Beeston-Notts, on the 29th June, after a protracted illness, George Arthur, eldest son of Mr James FINLAY, of Shardlow, aged 28; deeply regretted.
Sunday, 9 August 1863, The Era-London No 1298 -
FATAL GUN ACCIDENT NEAR NOTTINGHAM - At the Shire-hall, Nottingham, on Wednesday, a young man named Bennett CARNELL, about twenty years of age, was brought before Lord BELPER and the sitting magistrates, charged with shooting a child named Elizabeth OLDHAM, three years old. It appeared from the evidence that on the previous evening at half past six o’clock, the prisoner was shooting birds with an air gun from the window of his mother’s house at Beeston-Notts, and the deceased was playing with other children behind a hedge about twenty yards from him. He continued shooting for some time, when a bullet from his gun struck the deceased on the head, and bespattered her brains all around. An alarm was made, and the police were communicated with, the prisoner being shortly afterwards apprehended by Sergeant DOLBY and conveyed to Nottingham. The poor child lingered a few minutes and then expired. The case was remanded until Saturday, when the result of the Coroner’s inquest will be known.
Wednesday, 3 February 1864, Derby Mercury No 6880 -
DEATHS - On the 25th ult, at 12 Windsor-street, Edinburgh, Clara Elizabeth, wife of Charles T. COMBE, Esq., and second daughter of Edmund PERCY, Esq., Beeston-Notts, aged 22.
Wednesday, 31 August 1864, Derby Mercury No 6909 -
WANTED - A respectable YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE - Apply to Wm ROBERTS, Family Grocer &c., Beeston-Notts.
Sunday, 16 April 1865, Lloyds Weekly-London No 1169 -
A PAINFUL CASE - An inquest was held on Monday by Mr SWAN of Beeston-Notts, touching the death of a girl named Eliza BOLLENDS, servant to the Misses CHEETHAM, at Chilwell, which took place under very painful circumstances. Fellow servant Ellen RILLMAN found deceased sitting in the kitchen corner early Sunday morning; deceased admitted she had given birth to a child. A Mrs BEETON, a midwife, was called for, and took the child, and told her to go to bed but she refused. The Misses CHEETHAM were informed, and were much annoyed. When told she wished to go, they said it would be best if she did so. Deceased had given birth to a male child, full grown and still alive. Witnesses never knew she was in the family way; she never mentioned it, but on Saturday said a young man at Deeping was the father. Between seven and eight o’clock, deceased was removed to Chilwell. Ultimately she went to Mrs COX’s at Beeston. Mr J. BUTLER, surgeon, was sent for, and found her in an exhausted state; he administered stimulating drugs but she ultimately died from prostration, loss of blood, and exposure. The Coroner, in summing up, said it was quite clear that the deceased had been sacrificed for want of proper attention. The persons to whom she was taken were poor, and Mr BUTLER was therefore not called in until the last moment. After considerable discussion, the jury agreed to the following verdict - “That deceased has died from exhaustion after being delivered of a child, and from exposure to cold, on being removed from Chilwell to Beeston, and for want of proper medical assistance.”
Friday, 1 September 1865, Daily News-London No 6029 -
ENGLISH JOINT STOCK BANK (Limited) combined with Nottinghamshire Bank - List of Directors - John FELLOWS, Esq., Beeston-Notts (late Hart, Fellows & Co, Bankers).
Wednesday, 7 February 1866, Pall Mall Gazette No 312 -
BIRTHS - OLDRINI, wife of the Rev. T.J., Beeston Vicarage, Notts, 1st inst., a daughter.
Sunday, 1 April 1866, The Era-London No 1436 -
Wm F. WALLETT, having finished his Engagement in America, has returned home, where he will be happy to hear from old friends. Spring Villa, Beeston, Notts. Good Friday 1866.
Thursday, 16 August 1866, Birmingham Daily Post No 2516 -
SITUATIONS WANTED - WANTED : Situation as Traveller by a young Man of experience. Unexceptional reference and security. Apply G. SAVAGE, Beeston, Notts.
Wednesday, 10 October 1866, Derby Mercury No 7010 -
DEATHS - On the 30th ult., at Beeston Hill Notts, Mr Abraham COOLING, in his 89th year.
Wednesday, 24 October 1866, Derby Mercury No 7012 -
MARRIAGE - On the 9th inst., at Beeston, by the Rev. T.J. OLDINI : Mr Peter COX of Yoxall-Staffordshire, to Sarah Ann, second daughter of the late Mr Simeon ARNELL, of Beeston-Notts.
Wednesday, 6 February 1867, Derby Mercury No 7030 -
TO MALTSTERS - To Let, at Beeston Notts, a set of MALT ROOMS, to steep 14 to 15 Quarters, with stable, gig-house, cart shed, croft, and house, with two lower, four sleeping-rooms, and two pantries. Apply to Mr CHEETHAM, Beeston.
Saturday, 20 April 1867, Glasgow Herald No 8515 -
ENGLISH BANKRUPTS - G. PARKER, colliery owner, Beeston-Notts.
Wednesday, 17 June 1868, Glasgow Herald No 8878 -
MURDER AND SUICIDE BY A MOTHER NEAR NOTTINGHAM - A sad case of murder took place at the village of Beeston near Nottingham on Sunday. A few weeks ago a woman named Mary SMITH was confined of a fine healthy child. On Sunday morning her husband awoke to find his wife and child had left the bed. He went to look for them and discovered their bodies in a water cistern adjoining the house, apparently drowned. On the bodies being got up, it was found the child had a cord around its waist, by which it had been let down into the cistern. There was a puncture wound in the neck of the woman. The poor woman is about 36 years old, and the mother of eight children. The shortness of work for her husband, with the death of her mother four months ago, increased the low state of mind which prompted the deed.
Friday, 24 July 1868, Hull Packet No 4356 - (see also the next story after this) -
At the Nottingham assizes on Monday, William Henry WREN, thirteen years of age, was charged with the manslaughter of Henry RIGLEY, a boy aged five years, at Beeston near Nottingham on 13th June. The prisoner and deceased were playing near to Mr WATSON’s mill when the prisoner seized hold of RIGLEY and held him over a grating through which steam was issuing, and the little fellow was fatally scalded. The jury acquitted the prisoner.
Saturday, 25 July 1880, Manchester Times No 556 - (see also the preceeding story) -
ALLEGED MANSLAUGHTER BY A BOY - At the Nottingham assizes on Monday, before Mr Baron BRAMWELL, William Henry WREN, 13 years of age, was charged with the manslaughter of Henry RIGLEY, a boy aged five years, at Beeston near Nottingham on 13th June last. It appeared from the evidence that the prisoner and deceased were playing near to Mr WATSON’s silk mill early in June. After they had been so for some time, prisoner seized hold of RIGLEY, and held him over a grating through which steam was issuing very strongly. The boy was scalded to a serious extent, and although every means were adopted to alleviate his suffering, he died on the day above named. Mr BRISTOWE, who appeared for the defence, appealed to his lordship as to whether the case should go to the jury, as there was an absence of any malicious intent on the part of the prisoner. - His Lordship said it was a proper case for the jury to consider, and if the prisoner had been over 14 years of age it would have been their duty to return a verdict of manslaughter, as it was held by the law that a person committing an unlawful act from which death ensured was guilty of manslaughter. It had been stated for the defence that the prisoner merely pushed deceased onto the steam grating, while the prosecution said he held him over it. It was for them to say which they believed. The jury acquitted the prisoner.
Wednesday, 4 November 1868, Daily News-London No 7023 -
BANKRUPTS - At the respective District Courts - STAPLES, William, Beeston-Notts, farm bailiff, December 23 at 10.
Saturday, 28 August 1869, Ipswich Journal No 6790 -
MARRIAGE - FAULL-BAULDRY : 25th inst., at the Wesleyan Meeting House, Yoxford, by the Rev. J.H. FAULL (father of the bridegroom), assisted by the Rev. H.G. FAULL (brother of the bridgegroom) : Eldred FAULL of Beeston-Notts, to Emma, youngest daughter of the late Thomas BALDRY of Rumburgh.
Wednesday, 29 September 1869, The Pall Mall Gazette No 1445 -
DEATHS - OLDRINI, Mr G.J., of the House of Lords, at Beeston Vicarage, Notts, aged 72. September 25.
Wednesday, 29 September 1869, Derby Mercury No 8119 -
DEATHS - At Stanton Grove, December 14, aged 41, Hannah, widow of the late John WEBSTER of Beeston Notts, and daughter of the late J. STEVENS, Esq., of Dale Abbey.
Wednesday, 5 January 1870, Derby Mercury No 8120 -
MARRIAGE - On the 25th December at St John the Baptist Church, Beeston, Notts, by the Rev. T.J. OLDRINI, M.A., Vicar : Mr Samuel BERRYMAN, lace manufacturer of Beeston, to Mrs Ann ALLCOCK of Milford, Derbyshire.
Wednesday, 16 February 1870, Derby Mercury No 8126 -
DEATHS - At Beeston, Notts, Mr Wm SALT, lace manufacturer, third son of the late Mr Wm SALT, farmer, of Osmaston near Ashbourne, aged 58.
Wednesday, 6 April 1870, Derby Mercury No 8133 -
WANTED - A situation as GARDENER, thoroughly understands Ferns, Lycopodiums, Vinery, Stove, and Greenhouse Plants - Apply A.M. KEIGHLEY, Beeston, Notts.
Saturday, 20 August 1870, Preston Guardian No 3085 -
CRICKET - Splendid score by A.N. HORNBY, Esq. : At the match which opened on Thursday at Beeston, Notts, between the Gentlemen of the North and the Gentlemen of the South, A.N. HORNBY, Esq., of Blackburn, on behalf North Club, scored 103 runs with his usual ability - the highest score that was made. The Gentlemen of the North obtained 287, whilst those of the South 14 for the loss of two wickets.
Monday, 17 October 1870, Leeds Mercury No 10145 -
MARRIAGE - FELLOWS-JAMES - October 19th at Otterburn by the Rev. O. JAMES, rector of Clarghill, assisted by the Rev. T. WEARING : Henry FELLOWS, Esq., barrister-at-law, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, to Emily HOPE, only daughter of Thomas JAMES, Esq., of Otterburn Tower, Northumberland.
Wednesday, 1 February 1871, Derby Mercury No 8176 -
DEATHS - HOLLAND : On the 27th ult, at Elm Cottage, Beeston, Notts, Harriette Elizabeth, wife of C.A. HOLLAND, Esq., and daughter of the late C.N. BROMLEY, Esq., of Stafford, aged 25.
Wednesday, 15 March 1871, Birmingham Daily Post No 3949 -
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS - BELL’S CIRCUS AND HIPPODROME, Carris Lane, Birmingham. W.F. WALLETT, the Queen’s Jester, will appear FOR THIS NIGHT ONLY. Copy of letter received from Mr WALLETT, of Spring Villa, Beeston, Notts, to James CHAPLIN, Esq., Red Lion Hotel, Smallbrook Street, Birmingham. "Dear Sir, You ask me to appear for the benefit of my Old Friend, and the Father and Liberal Employer of
Artistes, MR JAMES RYAN. My answer is Yes! I shall come over for that Night only, shall give my services, pay my own expenses, and pay for £1 worth of Tickets, which you will please give to a few old friends of RYAN. Wishing you every success on the Night, and the gratitude of all Men who can appreciate your unselfish usefulness, I am, as ever, with great respect, W.F. WALLETT, The Jester."
Wednesday, 12 April 1871, Hampshire Telegraph No 4033 -
DEATHS : FOTHERGILL - On the 31st ult., at Shanklin, James FOTHERGILL, Esq., The Willows, Beeston, Notts, aged 67.
Wednesday, 17 May 1871, Derby Mercury No 8187 -
DEATHS : On the 9th instant, at the residence of his son-in-law W. TYERS of 48 Litchurch-street, Derby - Mr Thomas COX, of Beeston-Notts, in the 91st year of his age.
Wednesday, 6 September 1871, Derby Mercury No 8200 -
DEATHS : HOLLAND - On the 3rd instant, at Beeston-Notts, Charles Ernest, infant son of Mr C.A. HOLLAND, aged 7 months.
Wednesday, 16 April 1873, Derby Mercury No 8282 -
MARRIAGE : GROVES-GRINDEY - April 12, at All Saints’ Church, Derby, by the Rev. D.H. FRANCIS : John Innocent GROVES of Beeston-Notts, to Louisa Fox, eldest daughter of the late Thomas GRINDEY, Longnor, Staffordshire.
Sunday, 21 September 1873, The Era-London No 1826 -
Patronised by the Right Hon. Lord Mayor and Magistrates of York, August 29th 1873, Wm F. WALLETT will commence his Tour, September 22d, ALHAMBRA PALACE, NOTTINGHAM, Six nights. "Raphael’s Dream." "Wandering Wallett’s Wonderful Wallet of Wit, Wealth, Waggery, and Wisdom." Et qui busdam allis (translation: and all kinds of other things). For dates &c., apply Spring Villa, Beeston, Notts.
Sunday, 26 July 1874, Lloyd’s Weekly-London No 1653 -
BREACH OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE - At the Notts assizes on Saturday, before Mr Baron AMPHLETT, a breach of promise case - TUNICLIFFE v. DOAR - was tried. Plaintiff is a milliner living with her parents at Leicester. Defendant is a grocer in a small way of business at Beeston near Nottingham. (A long story of their courtship followed.). A letter was received by the plaintiff in which he stated he had married another young lady. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, damages 50/-.
Saturday, 17 October 1874, Bristol Mercury No 4410 -
EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF SHOOTING - At the Nottingham Shire-hall on Wednesday, three boys named Arthur TAFT, John ATKIN, and William TURNER, the oldest of whom was not 12 years old, were brought up in custody charged with unlawfully wounding. The prisoners lived at Beeston near Nottingham and on the night of the 10th inst., were playing with some gunpowder one of them had bought, together with a piece of iron piping which, when loaded, was discharged from a touch hole about the middle, which the constable described as a “home-made cannon”. The result was the screw was forced out at the same instant as the charge went in the opposite direction, and a man who was passing by was injured seriously in the thigh. The man in question, George HEWITT, a labourer, continues in a dangerous condition. Under the circumstances, the bench remanded the prisoners in order that it might be seen whether the affair would be attended with fatal consequences.
Monday, 16 November 1874, Pall Mall Gazette No 3042 -
BIRTHS : BRADLEY, Mrs F.J., a son, at Beeston, Notts, November 7.
Wednesday, 23 February 1876, Derby Mercury No 8411 -
Person of whom the Company or Partnership consists -
Name, Residence, Occupation -
BARTON, Thomas - Beeston Notts - cottager
CHEETHAM, Charles - Beeston Notts - farmer
Wednesday, 23 February 1876, Derby Mercury No 8411 -
PARE, Frederick - Beeston Notts - lace manufacturer
Monday, 21 May 1877, Liverpool Mercury No 9156 -
Mr HUDSTON, postmaster at Beeston, Nottingham, was crossing the Midland Railway at the station on Saturday when, being confused by trains coming in opposite directions, he did not move, and immediately the express train for London knocked him down and killed him.
Tuesday, 11 September 1877, Daily News London No 9794 -
MARRIAGE : PEARSON-ROGERS - On September 8th, at White’s Hill Church, by the Rev. A.C.C. AUSTIE : Henry John PEARSON of Chilwell House, Chilwell Notts, to Laura Kate, only daughter of the late S.S. ROGERS, Esq., of Beeston Notts.
Saturday, 11 May 1878, Manchester Times No 1065 -
MARRIAGE : WALKER-BROWN - On the 2nd inst., at Zion chapel, Stretford-road, by the Rev. E. SIMON : Samuel WALKER of Beeston Notts, eldest son of John WALKER of that city, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Frederick BROWN of Brook House, Stretford-road.
Wednesday, 11 February 1880, Pall Mall Gazette No 4671 -
BIRTHS - PEARSON : Mrs Henry J., Elm Cottage, Beeston, Notts, a daughter. February 6.
Sunday, 25 April 1880, The Era-London No 2170 -
Wm F. WALLETT, the oldest Entertainer, now before the public (his Fifty-fifth year). Actor, Lecturer, Jester and Statuest, for Theatres, Halls, Rinks, Aquaria or Fetes. Elegant and Novel Posters. Splendid Wardrobe. Opinions of the Press at Home and Abroad. Permanent Address, The Cottage, Beeston, Notts. Terms and dates on application. KEITH’S CIRCUS, HUDDERSFIELD, APRIL 26th, for SIX NIGHTS ONLY.
Wednesday, 25 August 1880, Derby Mercury No 8642 -
DEATH of "Bendigo". BENDIGO, the once celebrated pugilist and winner of eight prize fights in one year, died on Monday evening at Beeston, Notts, aged 69. Death was occasioned by a fracture of the ribs, which penetrated the lungs, the injury having been received seven weeks ago. Of late years, deceased had been a preacher, and was well known as a leader of Revivalist services. As a fighter he was only once beaten - namely, by Ben CAUNT.
Wednesday, 6 April 1881, Derby Mercury No 8673 -
TO WINE MERCHANTS, BREWERS’ AGENTS, &c. MESSRS FAULKNER, HOBBS and CO., the Beeston Brewery near Nottingham, are desirable of appointing an AGENT for the SALE of their ALES in Derby and neighbourhood. The Ales are of high character and can be relied on for uniformity and soundness. Reliable persons with a connection amongst Publicans will be liberally dealt with. Applications to be sent to Mr EVERITT, The Brewery, Beeston, Notts.
Tuesday, 17 May 1881, Birmingham Daily Post No 7134 -
MIDLAND COUNTIES BICYCLE AND ATHLETIC SPORTS - The second sports of the season were held on the new recreation ground, Butts, Coventry, on Saturday, in the presence of about 2,000 spectators. The following were the principal events - One Mile Bicycle Handicap - 1st prize, handsome black marble clock value £6.6s; 2nd prize, six-bottle cruet value €2.2s; 3rd prize, silver watch guard value €1.1s. First heat: won by A.T. DOBSON, A.B.C., Beeston, Notts, 55 yards, 1st.
Wednesday, 8 June 1881, Derby Mercury No 8682 -
TO BE SOLD - For sale by private contract. Two or Four substantially-built Houses, centre of Beeston, Notts, with passage entrances, hard and soft water in the scullery, all well tenanted, good investment, gross rental £62.8s - Apply: C. STARE, Beeston.
Saturday, 19 November 1881, Manchester Times No 1245 -
DEATHS - PARSONS : On the 13th inst, at his residence, Beeston, Notts, William PARSONS, aged 72 years.
Thursday, 8 December 1881, Bristol Mercury No 10474 -
Correspondence to The Editor of the Mercury & Post from R. PORTER of Montpellier-Cottage, Beeston, Notts, re Proposed Channel Observatory (there followed a very long newspaper item).
Saturday, 17 June 1882, North Wales Chronicle No 2850 -
Account of the Longest Day’s Ride on a Tricycle - by a member of the Speedwell Bicycle Club. Mr MARRIOTT rode a "Humber" tricycle, made by HUMBER AND CO, Beeston-Notts, weighing 60lbs, on a journey of 180 miles in 23 hours from Derby to Holyhead. (Full story in paper)
Saturday, 1 July 1882, Liverpool Mercury No 10756 -
PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED - William DANSON and William OWEN, trading as DANSON AND OWEN, Beeston, Notts, bobbin turners and pill box manufacturers : W. DANSON retired.
Wednesday, 17 January 1883, Liverpool Mercury No 10925 -
William BARKER, Middle-street East, Beeston, Notts, farmer and milk setter.
Thomas WATERS, formerly of Elm Villas, Station-road, Beeston, Notts, and now of 73 Arkwright-street, Nottingham, commission agent.
Monday, 26 February 1883, Bristol Mercury No 10853 - (see following story) -
At Beeston near Nottingham, on Saturday night, a young man called WADDINGTON attempted to murder his sister and a man named Samuel ASKAM, with whom she was cohabiting, by shooting them with a revolver. ASKAM is believed to be mortally wounded, but it is thought the woman may recover. The would-be murderer is in custody.
Monday, 26 February 1883, Glasgow Herald No 49 - (see story above) -
ATTEMPTED DOUBLE MURDER NEAR NOTTINGHAM - Considerable excitement prevailed at Nottingham yesterday in consequence of what will undoubtedly prove to be a terrible tragedy. A man, named Samuel ASKARD, has been living at Beeston near Nottingham with a woman called Matilda WAPPLINGTON, who is believed to be married. On Saturday night, James JOHNSON, who is a brother of the woman, and who recently returned from Australia, took a cab from Nottingham and directed the driver to go to the address of ASKARD. The driver, whose name is UNWIN, noticed on the way that JOHNSON had a loaded revolver. Suspecting mischief, the cabman, immediately after setting his fare down, directed the attention of a police-inspector to the affair, and in company with a constable the inspector proceeded to the house. When nearing it they heard shots fired, and on entering the house ASKARD was found wounded in the left lung, the woman WAPPINGTON lying close to him shot in the thigh. A third person in the house had also been shot at, but escaped. JOHNSTONE, who was found in a bedroom, was at once arrested. ASKARD is in a desperate condition, and has made a disposition. Thousands of people visited the scene yesterday.
Follow-up to the above: James JOHNSON (32) draughtsman, was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment for the unlawful wounding of Samuel Burton HASKARD and his sister Matilda WAPLINGTON. Full story in the Hull Packet No 5140 dated Friday, 20 April 1883.
Wednesday, 22 August 1883, Derby Mercury No 8797 -
A man named Charles STORY, 34 years of age, in the employment of the Midland Railway Company, while engaged in shunting at Beeston near Nottingham on Friday morning, was knocked down and run over by some waggons. He was conveyed to the Nottingham hospital in a very mangled condition, and died soon after his admission.
Saturday, 8 September 1883, London Gazette No 7858 -
BANKRUPTS - LIQUIDATIONS BY ARRANGEMENT - Joseph RENWICK and George Henry RENWICK, both residing at St John’s Grove, Beeston, Notts, and carrying on the business of boot and shoe manufacturers, in copartnership as RENWICK AND SON, at Rigley’s Yard, Long Row, and Grey Friar Gate, both Nottingham, and at Beeston aforesaid, and at Sandiacre Derbyshire; also the separate estate of Joseph RENWICK and George Henry RENWICK.
Tuesday, 30 September 1884, Leeds Mercury No 14502 -
DONCASTER - Yesterday at Doncaster Borough Police-court, Sarah Ellen FREEMAN, a well-dressed young lady, sought to obtain an order against John Simms EATON of Beeston near Nottingham, for the maintenance of his illegitimate child. They were engaged to marry, when he seduced her and she went with him to Liverpool where the marriage was to take place. They lived together as man and wife, without marrying, and from there went to the Isle of Man. A child was born, but defendant deferred marriage on various pretexts. He then married another lady, and informed the complainant by letter. The Mayor said a more heartless case was probably never heard in that court, and the magistrates had decided to make an order for the payment of 6s per week for sixteen years, with all the costs the law would allow, including advocate’s fees.
Wednesday, 26 November 1884, Birmingham Daily Post No 8239 -
ADJUDICATIONS from the London Gazette : William QUINCEY, Chilwell Road, Beeston near Nottingham, joiner.
Saturday, 20 December 1884 , Manchester Times No 1406 -
DEATHS - EKING : On the 10th inst., at The Pines, Beeston, Notts, Frank Cecil, son of William George EKING, solicitor, in the 20th year of his age.
Saturday, 18 July 1885, Liverpool Mercury No 11707 -
MARRIAGE - PAGE-OAKEY : July 15th, at St John’s Church, Beeston : Henry, second son of Mr Henry PAGE of H.M. Customs, Liverpool, to Mary Emma, daughter of Mr William OAKEY of Beeston near Nottingham.
Monday, 10 August 1885, Liverpool Mercury No 11726 -
At Nottingham on Saturday, Ernest A. BURNHAM, aged eleven years, was charged with having caused the death of Herbert HANKIN by throwing a stone at him at Beeston near Nottingham on Tuesday last. The boys had been playing cricket, when a quarrel arose, in the course of which, it was alleged, BURNHAM threw a stone, which missing the man at whom it was aimed, hit HANKIN on the head, and so injured him that death resulted a few minutes later. The prisoner was committed to take his trial at the assizes, but was released on bail.
Wednesday, 11 November 1885, Bristol Mercury -
BANKRUPTS - FIRST MEETING - William BARNES, High Street, Beeston, Notts, painter and plumber. Public examination November 17, Nottingham Court.
Friday, 30 April 1886, Belfast Newsletter No 22107 -
NARROW ESCAPES - Great excitement was caused in the neighbourhood of Nottingham today by a fire, which resulted in the destruction of the Anglo-Scotian
Mills, belonging to Messrs WILLIAMSON (sic - this should be, of course, WILKINSON) and Co. at Beeston, five miles from Nottingham. The premises
covered a large extent of ground, the front measuring 300 feet, with wings 120 and 80 feet in length. The fire was discovered about 2.30 this morning on
the third floor. Owing to the inflammable nature of the stores of silk and other laces, the flames literally leaped from floor to floor until they shot
through the roof. The efforts of the fire brigades were unable to save the building, but the inmates of twelve adjacent cottages escaped before the walls
of the factory fell upon their dwellings. The estimate of the damage is a quarter of a million. Part of the premises was occupied as a local newspaper
office. The origin of the fire is unknown.
By later telegraph : The disaster is unparalleled in magnitude in the district. The damage cannot fall short of a quarter of a million, and unfortunately
is not so largely covered by insurance as at first supposed. The falling walls destroyed no fewer than twelve houses, including a beerhouse. In several
instances the inmates escaped with only life, all property being lost. The contents of the factory were so inflammable that the efforts of the fire brigade
was useless. The building is now a perfect wreck. The engines are still playing. The disaster is ruinous to Beeston. (Photographs of the ruined
factory and its surroundings can be seen by clicking HERE.)
Saturday, 12 February 1887, Manchester Times No 1544 -
MARRIAGE - EDWARDS-AINSWORTH : On the 8th inst., at the Parish Church, Beeston, Notts, by the Rev. E.J. EDWARDS M.A., brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the vicar, the Rev. R.D. HARRIS M.A., : Robert EDWARDS M.I.C.E., Deal, to Elizabeth AINSWORTH, Spring Villa, Beeston.
Saturday, 28 January 1888, Leeds Mercury No 15541 -
MARRIAGE : SPROTT-ARMITAGE - On the 24th inst., at Pendleton, Manchester, by Rev. J.W. KIDDLE, assisted by the Rev. J. Bernard SNELL, M.A. B.Sc., : W.J. SPROTT, M.D. Beeston-Notts and Dromore-county Down, to Helen Corina, younger daughter of Benjamin ARMITAGE, Esq., of Chomley, Pendleton.
Saturday, 25 August 1888, Bristol Mercury No 12570 -
BANKRUPTS - Charles STARR, trading at High Road and Stoney Street, Beeston, Notts, builder.
Wednesday, October 17, 1888, Birmingham Daily Post No 9457 -
BANKRUPTS - Alfred CLIFFORD, trading as CLIFFORD BROTHERS, Wollaton Road, Beeston, Notts, lace manufacturers.
Friday, 8 February 1889, Ipswich Journal No 9169 -
MARRIAGE - BROOKS-MONTEITH : 5th inst., at St Matthew’s, Ipswich, by the Rev. Francis HASLEWOOD, M.A. : George S. BROOKS, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, to Mildred Edith, eldest daughter of Henry Campin MONTIETH, Ipswich.
Monday, 25 March 1889, Birmingham Daily Post no 9513 -
ROBBED OF £500. Early on Saturday morning Messrs HUMBER AND CO, bicycle works at Beeston near Nottingham was entered during the night and ransacked. Two valuable mastiffs were found poisoned. Thieves secured their principal prize of £500 in cash. Police have no clues.
Sunday, 26 May 1889, Lloyd’s Weekly-London No 2427 -
BANKRUPTS - W. TAGG, Beeston, Notts, carter.
Friday, 10 October 1890, Manchester Times No 1732 -
DEATHS - CHAPMAN : On 1st October at Nottingham, Ann, the beloved wife of Thomas CHAPMAN, late of Lenton and Beeston Notts, aged 75 years.
Wednesday, 13 May 1891, Pall Mall Gazette No 8157 -
A NOTTINGHAM MANUFACTORY TRANSFERRED TO AMERICA - Mr Frank WILKINSON, of Beeston near Nottingham, has purchased an extensive factory in Hartford, Connecticut. It is driven by water power, and was formerly owned by the Hartford Silk Company. Mr WILKINSON has paid 120,000 dollars for the factory, which is to be used for the manufacture of plush goods and shawls.
Friday, 4 September 1891, Daily News-London No 14171 -
Mr Sydney WILLIAMS, formerly of WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, publishers, died at Blackbrook, near Bickley, on Tuesday. "The Academy": of which he was for three years the publisher, says liberal studies in theology, philosophy and Orientalism have lost in Mr WILLIAMS a devoted supporter. He was born at Beeston, Notts, in 1817, and educated at Hamburg. As a publisher he brought out translations of the most important works of advanced German theology, in thirty volumes. Later, he was entrusted by the HIBBERT Trustees with the publication of the works written under their patronage, including the valuable series of HIBBERT lectures. He also published most of the works of Miss Frances Power COBBE. In philosophy he was Mr Herbert SPENCER’S publisher, and he also published the quarterly psychological journal “Mind”. His partnership with Mr Frederick NORGATE at 14 Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, terminated in 18964, when Mr NORGATE opened a house of his own in Bedford-street; and Mr WILLIAMS carried on the business alone at the old address. A branch office was opened in Edinburgh in 1855.
Saturday, 7 February 1892, Ipswich Journal No 9329 -
DEATHS : BROOKS - 21st February, at Lilac Grove, Beeston, Notts, after a brief illness, George Samuel BROOKS, aged 28 years.
Tuesday, 15 March 1892, Aberdeen Weekly Journal No 11580 -
DEATH OF WALLETT, THE QUEEN’S JESTER - Died Sunday at Beeston, Notts, aged 86. The deceased, who was known for sixty years as one of the most versatile performers in the circus ring, earned his title through appearing before Her Majesty and the Prince Consort at Windsor in 1844.
Saturday, 30 April 1892, The Era-London No 1892 -
THE WALLETT FUND - Mr W.F. WALLETT, well and widely known as "The Queen’s Jester", recently died at his cottage residence, Beeston, Notts, in the eighty sixth year of his age, leaving his widow in circumstances which render it very desirable that some provision should be made for her in her declining years. A committee has been formed to raise subscriptions for the double purpose of (1) placing a monument over the grave of the deceased, and (2) providing a sum of money for the benefit of his widow. Owing to his advanced age and consequent infirmities, the late Mr WALLETT had for several years’ been unable to derive anything like an adequate income from the exercise of those remarkable abilities which, in the earlier part of his career, made him famous and admired as “the Shakespearean Clown”. Hence his straitened circumstances for some time prior to his death, and the position in which the widow is now left.
Chairman : Rev. R.D. DAVIES, M.A., Vicar, Beeston. (More details in newspaper article)
Saturday, 24 September 1892, Leeds Mercury No 16995 -
The recent great fire at Beeston near Nottingham, by which property valued at £90,000 was destroyed, originated in a workman who, against orders, was using a candle in the factory at midnight. The naked light caught some cotton dust on a string near his machine and the man, instead of using the water kept in buckets always kept at hand for such emergencies, lost his head and ran out of the building, to summon the fire-engines.
Monday, 28 August 1893, Birmingham Daily Post No 10979 -
Samuel COVILL, aged thirty eight, a married man with a large family, committed suicide at Beeston near Nottingham, by gashing his throat horribly with a small penknife. He had lately complained of pains in his head, and had threatened suicide.
Wednesday, 14 November 1894, Derby Mercury No 9384 -
BRAVERY REWARDED - The plucky act of Thomas OGDEN, of Matlock Bath, in plunging into the river Derwent, in his clothes, in August last, and saving the life of Mr MARSON of Beeston, Notts, has been recognised by the Royal Humane Society, and a merit certificate on vellum has been received, suitably inscribed.
Wednesday, 3 November 1897, Derby Mercury No 9539 -
The following are the names and regimental numbers of the non-commissioned officers and men of the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment killed and wounded in the Battle of Dargai on October 20 -
4448 - Private Alfred JILDER, Beeston, Notts - Wounded, degree not stated
Casualties during firing into camp at Kharappa on October 23 -
3400 - Private Edward WESTERMAN, 43 Regent-street, Beeston, Notts - Slightly wounded
Saturday, 11 December 1897, Liverpool Mercury No 15585 -
SHOCKING RAILWAY ACCIDENT - Just before one o’clock yesterday morning, the driver of the goods train on the Midland Railway noticed the bodies of two men
on the line near Beeston. He gave information, and officials proceeded to the place, and found that Allan George FLETCHER, aged 35, lace manufacturer,
and John Henry CHAPMAN, aged 31, warehouseman, had been run over and killed, FLETCHER being shockingly mutilated. The men left a smoking concert at Beeston
at eleven o’clock. (A recently discovered photograph of Fletcher and some notes on the background of these two unfortunate men can be seen by clicking
Extracts kindly compiled by Trish Symonds of New South Wales, Australia
Format is Copyright David H Hallam © 2010
Use for personal and non-commercial purposes permitted. Use for commercial purposes or re-publishing is explicitly prohibited.