Name |
Publication Date |
Details |
AARAM | Joseph | . | Thur | 2 | Feb | 1854 | Agricultural Honours: Joseph AARAM apprenticed to grandfather of present Mr PEARSON of Chilwell on 18th September 1786, and has consequently served three generations of family for sixty-seven years. The old man is still comparatively hearty, and does his day’s work better than many a man fifty years his junior. |
ADAMSON | John | . | Thur | 6 | Oct | 1853 | Newark County Court: John ADAMSON of Beeston passed first examination in Insolvency proceedings |
ALDRIDGE | Susannah | . | Thur | 8 | Jul | 1852 | Died at Beeston on 3rd instant, wife of Mr Thomas ALDRIDGE, draper, Nottingham |
ALLWOOD | Lavinia | . | Thur | 6 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 2nd inst, Mr Henry TOMLINSON of Stapleford, to Miss Lavinia ALLWOOD of Beeston |
ARNOLD | Simeon | . | Thur | 24 | Aug | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 22nd inst, aged 66, Mr Simeon ARNOLD |
ASHER | Henry | . | Thur | 14 | Jun | 1849 | Charged with violently assaulting Maria TALBOT; remanded until Saturday |
ASHER | William | . | Thur | 12 | Feb | 1852 | Charged by his brother Henry ASHER with assaulting him at Beeston on Friday night last |
ATTENBURROW | Matthew | . | Thur | 1 | Jan | 1852 | Breach of Peace on Saturday night, at Greyhound Inn |
BAGGULEY | John | . | Thur | 24 | Feb | 1853 | Fatal accident at Beeston, a gravel bank at pit 9 feet high gave way on 22nd inst, crushed, survived, lock-jaw, died Thurs |
BAKER | Thomas | . | Thur | 20 | Jun | 1850 | Charged by George JOHNSON with assaulting him on 15th inst at Beeston |
BALDOCK | William | . | Thur | 5 | Jun | 1851 | County Court : formerly of Hockley Notts, now Beeston, tallow chandler, applied for discharge; granted |
BALL (see BULL) | Samuel | . | Tues | 30 | Sep | 1852 | Charged with stabbing George BURTON on Tuesday at Commercial Inn, Beeston, witness William BRADSHAW |
BARBAGE | William | . | Thur | 24 | May | 1849 | Of Beeston, charged with stealing fifteen rails at Chilwell, property of William GEORGE of Beeston |
BARKER | Robert | . | Thur | 13 | Oct | 1853 | Died at Beeston on 6th inst, Robert Barker, farmer and maltster, aged 45 years |
BARKER | William | . | Tues | 30 | Aug | 1855 | Landlord of Durham Ox, with his son John BARKER and William KERREY, assaulted John KEYWORTH; dismissed |
BARNES | William | . | Thur | 5 | Nov | 1851 | Aged 25, Mormon minister, drowned in River Trent while baptising female convert; due to leave for America on Saturday |
BARNES | William | . | Thur | 11 | Mar | 1852 | Discovery of Mormon Prophet, found floating about 600 yards below the place he drowned, body much decomposed |
BARNES | William | . | Thur | 18 | Mar | 1852 | Inquest: drowned opposite Clifton Grove, son of John BARNES of Beeston, higgler, 25, unmarried, tailor. Member of Latter Day Saints, baptised Elizabeth JACKSON; Samuel FOX of Beeston, silk thrower, tried to save him |
BATER | Besty | . | Thur | 30 | Nov | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 25th inst, aged 33, Mrs Betsy BATER |
BECK | George | . | Thur | 7 | Aug | 1851 | Executions in Nottingham: 1832, Feb 1: George BECK, 20, George HEARSON, 22, and John ARMSTRONG, 26, in front of the County Gaol, for setting fire to Mr Lowe’s mill at Beeston during riots in October 1831 |
BEESLEY | Mary Matilda | . | Thur | 25 | Oct | 1855 | Died at Beeston on 16th instant, aged 4 years, Mary Matilda, daughter of Mr Wm. BEESLEY |
BELFIELD | Henry | . | Thur | 24 | Aug | 1854 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 19th inst; to keep the peace and pay expenses |
BELFIELD | Henry | . | Thur | 23 | Nov | 1854 | Monday last, carting soil to his allotment at Monkey Field, horse threw him down and cart over his body, in precarious state |
BELFIELD | Henry | . | Thur | 12 | Apr | 1855 | Penalty £2 15s 6d, riding in a cart without reins to horse at Beeston on 4th inst; found drunk and asleep in cart |
BELFIELD | Henry | . | Thur | 16 | Aug | 1855 | Insolvent Debtors Court: Henry BELFIELD, Chapel St, Beeston, baker & flour-seller, adjourned until 4th Sept |
BELFIELD | Henry | . | Thur | 6 | Sep | 1855 | Insolvency Court: Henry BELLFIELD, baker, Beeston, no opposition, final order granted |
BEXON | Henry | . | Thur | 20 | Nov | 1851 | Drunk and disorderlies - Breach of peace at Beeston on 17th instant, penalty of 17s |
BIGGS | Henry | . | Thur | 2 | Dec | 1852 | Committed breach of peace at Beeston on 21st ult by swearing, shouting and making a great noise; expenses 7s 6d |
BLASDALE | Catharine | . | Thur | 25 | Oct | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 19th, aged 28, Catharine, wife of Mr Samuel BLASDALE |
BLUNDSTONE | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 14 | Dec | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 13th inst, aged 63, Elizabeth, wife of Mr Joseph BLUNDSTONE |
BLUNDSTONE | John | . | Thur | 7 | Nov | 1850 | At Clifton near Bristol, died Friday last aged 25, son of Mr BLUNDSTON, maltster, of Beeston near Nottingham |
BLUNSTONE | Jas. | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Election of Guardians for Basford Union: Beeston, Jas BLUNSTONE |
BOLES | Robert | . | Thur | 23 | Aug | 1855 | Robert BOLES, John BRAMLEY, Elizabeth BRAMLEY (wife) charged with breach of peace on 11th inst at Beeston |
BOND | Ann | . | Thur | 6 | Feb | 1851 | Wife of Edward BOND of Beeston, Gent, died 4th instant |
BOND | Ann | . | Thur | 13 | Feb | 1851 | At Beeston, on 4th instant, Mrs Ann BOND, aged 66 |
BOND | Edward | . | Thur | 23 | Oct | 1851 | At Beeston, on 17th instant, in the 76th year of his age, Edward BOND, Gent., universally respected |
BOSTOCK | Jerry | . | Thur | 6 | Jul | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church (on 3rd inst ?) Mr Jerry BOSTOCK to Miss Elizabeth LOMAS, both of Beeston |
BOSWORTH | John | . | Thur | 17 | Oct | 1850 | Age 35, labourer, Union Street Beeston, violent assault on Ellen POTTER of ill-fame in her home Kingston Court in Notts |
BOSWORTH | John | . | Thur | 2 | Sep | 1852 | Drunk and disorderly and disturbing the peace at Beeston on Saturday last; convicted, sureties for good behaviour |
BOSWORTH | Joseph | . | Thur | 18 | Oct | 1849 | A farmer; assaulted Wm VAUX the policeman stationed at Beeston on 15th inst; convicted, fined 30s |
BOTTOMER | Edward | . | Thur | 6 | Dec | 1849 | Charged by P.C. Vaux with being drunk and disorderly in the street at Beeston at one o’clock on Tuesday morning |
BOWLER | Samuel | . | Thur | 23 | Aug | 1849 | Of Chilwell, burglariously breaking into house of Mrs Elizabeth CROSS at Beeston (witness dtr Melicent Frettingham) |
BOWLER | Samuel | . | Thur | 14 | Mar | 1850 | Spring Assizes. On list of prisoners committed for trial in the county |
BOWLES | Henry | . | Thur | 23 | Jun | 1853 | Assaulting his father on 15th inst at Beeston; committed to hard labour for three weeks |
BRADSHAW | James | . | Thur | 22 | Mar | 1849 | Charged by Isaac GREASLEY with damaging a tree belonging to him |
BRADSHAW | William | . | Thur | 12 | Feb | 1852 | Inquest by Coroner Swann at Boat Inn, deceased aged 21, paralytic stroke and fit in the dyke, “accidentally drowned” |
BRAMLEY | John | . | Thur | 23 | Oct | 1851 | Publican at Beeston, charged with mixing ale with grains of paradise on 5th September; slur on excise officers; fined £75 |
BRECKNOCK | Hannah | . | Thur | 11 | Jan | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 7th inst, aged 30, Mrs Hannah BRECKNOCK |
BRIDGETT | Ann | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1855 | Married woman, charged with stealing purse with 8s 4d from shop of Wm ROBERTS; committed for trial at Sessions |
BROWN | Jonathan | . | Thur | 5 | Feb | 1852 | Breach of Contract: charged with absenting himself from his masters F.B. GILL & Co at Beeston on 3rd ult |
BROWN | Samuel | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | On Sunday last married at Beeston Church to Miss Ann GOODE |
BROWN | Thomas | . | Thur | 26 | Feb | 1852 | Of Beeston. Married at St Nicholas’s Church, Nottingham, to Miss Francis KIRKHAM of Nottingham |
BROWN | William | . | Thur | 11 | Nov | 1852 | Died at Beeston on 1st inst, aged 50, head gardener to Alfred LOWE Esq of High Fields, much respected, deeply lamented |
BROWNE | Frederick | . | Thur | 19 | Jul | 1855 | Uttered counterfeit coin at Beeston on 9th instant; committed for trial at the Assizes |
BROWNE | Frederick | . | Thur | 26 | Jul | 1855 | Crown Court: Alias Frederick Lee BROWNE, pleaded guilty to uttering coin to Ann PALETHORPE; 2 yrs House of Corr. |
BUCKNALL | Theophilus | . | Thur | 26 | Sep | 1850 | Aged 73, died moving a machine in his house on previous Saturday, inquest at White Lion in Beeston “sudden natural death” |
BULL (see BALL) | Samuel | . | Thur | 10 | Mar | 1853 | Crown Court, twisthand, 21, cutting & wounding good friend George Burton; imprisoned 12 months with hard labour |
BURTON | Stephen | . | Thur | 15 | Feb | 1855 | Married 12th, Baptist Chapel, Castle Donington, Stephen BURTON of Beeston to Miss Elizabeth CHAMBERS, Castle.Don |
BUSBY | John | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Young man, grocer, of Huntingdonshire, charged with stealing six calves at Beeston, property of Thomas ELLIOTT farmer |
BUSBY | John | . | Wed | 29 | Jun | 1854 | Sessions: Aged 18, grocers assistant, stealing six calves value £30 on 6th June; six calendar months imprisonment hard labour |
BUTLER | Matthew | . | Thur | 9 | Dec | 1852 | An aged man charged with cutting tops off a cwt of turnips, property of Edward WALKER of Beeston, on 4th, prison 14 days |
BUTT | Ann | . | Thur | 9 | Jan | 1851 | Inquest : aged 53, unmarried, lived alone, died Saturday about 8.30pm; Coroner Swann, White Lion Inn, “natural death &c” |
BUTTER | James | . | Thur | 11 | Jul | 1850 | Appointed D.M. of the Philanthropic Lodge, Beeston by Brother PEARSON and Brother WHEATLEY Order of Oddfellows |
CARNELL | Arthur | . | Thur | 15 | Nov | 1855 | On 6th inst at Beeston assaulted p.c. SHAW, who had defendant’s brother in custody; penalty 30s plus costs |
CARNELL | Henry | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Four youths breaching the peace at Beeston on 12th inst: Henry CARNELL, John HAZZLEDINE, Geo HEARD, Geo SMITH |
CARTWRIGHT | John | . | Thur | 17 | Jul | 1851 | Charged with Wm PEET, both of Chilwell, for being drunk and molesting persons in the open street at Beeston on Thursday |
CHAMBERS | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 28 | Jun | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 19th inst, aged 73, Mrs Elizabeth CHAMBERS |
CHATER | Henry | . | Thur | 10 | Apr | 1851 | Breach of Peace at Beeston on Sunday, with Silas BROWN, Michael WALKER, Walter REDGATE, Alfred KING, John WARSOP, Henry HARPER, John WESTBY, Robert WARREN, Thomas WILSON, John GREGSON, Thomas SAXBY, George HALLIWELL, Michael WALKER, William WARSOP, Thomas WILSON – fined 13s 9d |
CHERRY | Hannah | . | Mon | 31 | Aug | 1854 | Horrible death at farm of Mr William RADFORD, fell from a stack and womb penetrated 18” by thatch peg, death immediate |
CHERRY | Hannah | . | Thur | 7 | Sep | 1854 | Body exhumed for second inquest at request of Mr ORTON surgeon; “killed by accidentally falling from stack of straw” |
CLARKE | George | . | Thur | 6 | Jul | 1854 | Charged with trespassing in pursuit of game at Beeston on 19th ult; dismissed on payment of expenses 9s |
CLARKE | Thomas | . | Thur | 3 | May | 1855 | Two men named SPACEY and WRIGHT wilfully damaged trees at Beeston, his property; payed damage and costs 16s 6d |
CLEMENTS | George | . | Thur | 23 | Jun | 1853 | Breach of Peace at Beeston previous Saturday night; fined, defaulted, committed to prison |
CLIFFORD | Mary | . | Thur | 11 | May | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 9th instant, Mrs Mary CLIFFORD, aged 68 |
CLIFFORD | William | . | Thur | 12 | Jan | 1854 | Inquest at Beeston on Tuesday over child two months old belonging to William CLIFFORD, found dead Monday morning |
COLLINGTREE | Benjamin | . | Mon | 31 | May | 1855 | Also George SCATTERGOOD, Letitia SCOTTERN, William PEET, George WRAGG, James MILLER, not weighing bread |
COLTMAN | John | . | Thur | 8 | Feb | 1855 | Inquest on 3rd inst at Beeston on John COLTMAN, aged 45, chimney-sweep, fell down and expired while loading waggon |
COOK | Joseph | . | Thur | 4 | Nov | 1852 | 12 years old, stealing turnips from a field belonging to Capt LEZARD; fined 11s, defaulted, 3 weeks in house of correction |
CORBETT | John | . | Thur | 11 | Dec | 1851 | Died at Beeston on 8th inst, Elizabeth, relict of Mr Josiah CORBETT, aged 72 years |
COSTER | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 2 | May | 1850 | Committed to next Sessions for stealing a shawl 15s, apron 6d, boots 3d at Beeston from Sarah JOHNSON widow on 29 Jan |
COSTER | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 4 | Jul | 1850 | Midsummer Sessions. Aged 21, silk piecer, pleaded Not Guilty to stealing from Hannah JOHNSON. Guilty. 2 months impr. |
COX | George | . | Thur | 10 | May | 1849 | Charged with breach of peace and public disturbance at Beeston with John HOLDEN |
COX | George | . | Thur | 9 | Mar | 1854 | Epiphany Sessions: aged 30, shoemaker, stealing 4s 2d from the person of John SIBBURT at Beeston 8th Jan; 6 wks hard lbr |
COXON | Joseph | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 13th inst, aged 18, Mr Joseph COXON |
CRESS | John | . | Thur | 21 | Feb | 1850 | Charged with stealing two pocket-handkerchiefs, property of his cousin Edward CRESS; committed to Quarter Sessions |
CROSS | Edward | . | Thur | 4 | Jul | 1850 | Midsummer Sessions; aged 23, labourer, and James BEARDSLEY, 25, stockinger, tried with Joseph CROSS; 6 weeks prison |
CROSS | John | . | Thur | 14 | Mar | 1850 | Adjourned Sessions. Stealing brass tap 14 days imprisonment with hard labor; neckerchief and handkerchief 14 days hard lbr |
CROSS | Joseph | . | Thur | 4 | Jul | 1850 | Midsummer Sessions. Aged 17. Stealing a fowl, stealing 6 fowl on 9 June from Alfred FELLOWS, transportation 7 years ** |
DABELL | Thomas | . | Thur | 16 | Aug | 1855 | Insolvent Debtors Court: of Beeston, coal-dealer, adjourned until 4th September |
DABELL | Thomas | . | Thur | 25 | Oct | 1855 | Insolvency Court: Thomas DABELL, of Beeston, timber merchant; 13th November named for his final order |
DABELL | Thomas | . | Thur | 15 | Nov | 1855 | Insolvency Court: Thomas DABELL, Beeston, higgler; opposed by shopkeeper COXON and a person named BIGNALL; adj |
DABELL | Thomas | . | Thur | 13 | Dec | 1855 | Insolvency Court: Coal higgler; this insolvent came up from prison; no opposition to discharge, liberated accordingly |
DABLE | John | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Charged with having a faulty coal-weighing machine attached to his cart; fined 50s or two months’ imprisonment |
DABLE | Thomas | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Charged with having a faulty coal-weighing machine in his possession; fined £5 or two months’ imprisonment |
DABREY | Thomas | . | Thur | 9 | Sep | 1852 | Charged with Henry TOMLINSON with fighting and creating a disturbance on Sunday at Beeston |
DANELL | Thomas | . | Thur | 6 | Sep | 1855 | Insolvency Court: Thomas DANELL, timber merchant, Beeston; adjourned to 23rd October |
DAVELL | John | . | Thur | 12 | Apr | 1855 | Indecent assault upon a little girl of about twelve years of age at Beeston on 1st inst; remanded until Saturday |
DAVILL | John | . | Thur | 19 | Apr | 1855 | Committed for trial at Sessions for feloniously assaulting Jane LEE aged 13 years at Beeston on 1st instant |
DAVIS | George | . | Thur | 29 | Mar | 1855 | Remanded until Saturday on a charge of having stolen a coal skep at Beeston |
DAVIS | George | . | Thur | 5 | Apr | 1855 | Dealer in sand, stealing an iron skep property of Mr BARKER of Beeston; discharged |
DAVIS | John | . | Thur | 4 | Dec | 1851 | Charged by Basford Union with neglecting to maintain his wife and child who became chargeable to parish of Beeston |
DAVIS | John | . | Thur | 4 | Dec | 1851 | Charged with assaulting his wife Mary DAVIS in August last at Beeston and threatening her life |
DAVIS | Thomas | . | Thur | 12 | Dec | 1850 | Welsh youth, threatened to kill p.c. Vaux on 6 December at Beeston in his house with a knife |
DAWSON | William | . | Thur | 14 | Jun | 1855 | Insolvency Court: William DAWSON, omnibus proprietor, Beeston, adjourned examination |
DEAN | Ann | . | Thur | 13 | Oct | 1853 | Robberies from the person: Mrs Ann DEAN of Beeston had her pocket lightened of about 20s while in the butter market |
DEAN | Miss | . | Thur | 8 | Apr | 1852 | Daughter of Mr DEAN, White Lion, Beeston; married Mr FLEWITT, plumber & glazier, at St Mary’s Notts, Tuesday |
DEAVIL | Thomas | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1855 | Breach of Peace on 3rd inst at Beeston, shouting and swearing from his bedroom window at 2am; fined for surety and costs |
DEAVILL | John | . | Thur | 5 | Jul | 1855 | Sessions: The Grand Jury ignored the Bill against John DEAVILL charged with assaulting Jane LEE with intent at Beeston |
DICKINSON | Joseph | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1849 | Landlord of “Jolly Angler” at Beeston, charged with keeping his house open on Sunday morning, dismissed, wife cautioned |
DIX | Edward | . | Thur | 6 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on the 4th, Mr Edward DIX to Miss Emma MARKHAM, both of Beeston |
DODD | Amos | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 16th inst, Mr Amos DODD to Miss Zillah JERAM, both of Beeston |
DORE | Joseph | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Innkeeper, Beeston. Breach of peace in using provoking language towards p.c. Vaux in the street |
DOUBLEDAY | John | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | Accused with Edward SMITH of illegally taking roach and dace in Nottingham Canal; one month House of Correction |
DRABILL | Thomas | . | Thur | 17 | Feb | 1853 | Obstructing the highway at Beeston on 4th inst by leaving his cart on turnpike road causing serious accident; fined 25s |
DUCKENFIELD | James | . | Thur | 17 | Feb | 1853 | Riding a cart without reins to his horse at Beeston on 7th inst, ordered to pay 18s including costs |
DUCLOS | Henry | . | Thur | 2 | Feb | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 20th ult, in his twentieth year, Henry, son of Mr G. DUCLOS |
EATON | Ann | . | Thur | 30 | Jan | 1851 | Of Beeston, married William FULWOOD of Warsop on Wednesday last at Beeston |
EDDERLEY | James | . | Thur | 13 | May | 1852 | Publican of Beeston, breach of licence by having house open for sale of beer at illegal time, convicted 50s plus costs |
ELLIOTT | Henry | . | Thur | 23 | Jun | 1853 | Breach of Peace at Beeston previous Saturday night; fined, defaulted, committed to prison |
ELLIOTT | Thomas | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Beeston Church 17th inst, Thomas ELLIOTT lace manuf. Beeston, to Madame Appolleni le Serf Gonard, St Maud’s Paris |
ELLIOTT | Thomas | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Full report of wedding festivities above; at 10 o’clock hundreds lined the streets to watch the carriages bedecked with flowers |
FELKIN | R. Mr | . | Thur | 9 | Mar | 1854 | Narrow Escape at Beeston of man named BURTON employed by R. FELKIN when adjoining hosiery-room caught fire |
FIDO | James | . | Thur | 9 | Jun | 1853 | Charged with breaching the peace on 29th at Beeston in state of intoxication, first offence, fined 12s |
FISH | Joseph | . | Thur | 19 | Jun | 1851 | Joiner, married General Baptist Chapel, Beeston, to Elizabeth, dtr of W. FREER, framesmith, all of Arnold |
FLETCHER | James | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Committed to the Sessions for stealing a gown at Beeston, property of Mary TEBBUTT, his sister; pledged it |
FLETCHER | James | . | Wed | 29 | Jun | 1854 | Sessions: Aged 21, labourer, stealing gown value 3s 6d property of William TEBBUTT on 10 June; guilty; 1 month gaol |
FLETCHER | John | . | Thur | 31 | Jul | 1851 | Charged by p.c. Vaux with playing Cricket on the highway at Beeston on 17th inst; 13s and cautioned |
FOSTER | Edward | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Butcher of Beeston, charged with having a light half-pound weight in his possession; fined 50s |
FOSTER | Jane | . | Thur | 20 | Sep | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 15th, aged 26, Jane, the wife of Mr Edward FOSTER, Brown Lane |
FOSTER | John | . | Thur | 25 | Apr | 1850 | Of Platt St, Nottingham. Committed for trial at Sessions for stealing large wooden bowl from Isaac Jackson publican Beeston |
FOSTER | John | . | Thur | 4 | Jul | 1850 | Spring Assizes. Aged 22, labourer. One calendar month hard labour, one week solitary. |
FOSTER | Robert | . | Thur | 29 | Nov | 1849 | Robberies from the person – had his pocket picked of 30s in silver while in the market on Saturday afternoon last |
FOWLE | E | . | Thur | 21 | Jun | 1855 | Partnerships dissolved: W. LIMB and E. FOWLE, Beeston, Notts, machine owners |
FOX | Jane | . | Thur | 20 | Mar | 1851 | Deaths – At Beeston, on Friday last, aged 18 years, Miss Jane FOX |
FOX | John | . | Thur | 17 | Apr | 1851 | Assault at Beeston on Saturday 5th inst, by John PEAR, Frederick SPENCER and Joseph SPICK; Pear and Spick guilty |
FOX | W.H., Rev | . | Thur | 28 | Jun | 1855 | Ecclesiastical intelligence: Rev W.H. Fox, to Beeston C, Notts |
FRETTINGHAM | G. Mr | . | Thur | 24 | Jun | 1852 | Nottingham Arboretum Floral & Horticultural Exhibition: Third silver cup for roses to Mr G. FRETTINGHAM of Beeston |
FRETTINGHAM | Henry | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Nurseryman, Beeston. Charged Frederick MARTIN with fraud who attempted to obtain trees under false presences |
FROGGATT | Robert | . | Thur | 11 | Mar | 1852 | Of Beeston. Married at Campsall Church on 24th ult to Mary, youngest daughter of John WALLER of Norton nr Doncaster |
FROGGATT | Robert | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Grocer and druggist, Beeston, charged with having light weights in his possession; fined 15s |
GEORGE | John | . | Thur | 23 | Nov | 1854 | Died at Beeston on the 21st inst, aged 82, Mr John GEORGE, Union Street |
GIBBONS | William | . | Thur | 20 | Jul | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 17th inst, Mr William GIBBONS to Miss Elizabeth BARKER, both of Beeston |
GILL & WATSON | Messrs | . | Thur | 13 | Sep | 1849 | Gave a supper to more than 100 builders and workmen employed in restoration of Beeston Mill destroyed by fire in 1831 |
GILL | Mr & Mrs J.B. | . | Thur | 13 | Mar | 1851 | Of Beeston, pleased to become annual subscribers of two guineas each to the General Hospital |
GOODALL | Frances | . | Wed | 29 | Jun | 1854 | Died at Beeston on Monday last, aged 74, Miss Frances GOODALL |
GOODSON | Betty | . | Thur | 28 | Jun | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 21st inst, aged 93, Mrs Betty GOODSON |
GOODSON | Joseph | . | Thur | 7 | Apr | 1853 | Nottinghamshire Sessions, Petit Jury, Mr Joseph Goodson, Beeston (foreman) |
GOSS | Joseph | . | Thur | 14 | Feb | 1850 | Aged 17. Charged with stealing a brass tap, neckerchief and knife from his father Thomas GOSS; committed for trial |
GREASLEY | John James | . | Thur | 2 | Aug | 1849 | Of Beeston. At Gedling on Thurs last, married to Elizabeth KEY daughter of Thomas KEY, cordwainer |
GREASLEY | Mr & Mrs | . | Thur | 14 | Nov | 1850 | Of Beeston. Had their cart stolen at Carlton previous Wednesday whilst visiting relations, it was thrown into the pinfold |
GREASLEY | Rebecca | . | Thur | 19 | Aug | 1852 | Died of consumption at Beeston on 5th inst, aged 23; youngest daughter of Mr George GREASLEY |
GREASLEY | William | . | Thur | 15 | Feb | 1849 | Charged with damaging rails and hedge in garden of Thomas ELLIOTT |
GRIFFITHS | Frederick | . | Thur | 8 | Nov | 1849 | Revenue Officer, of Beeston; on 6th inst married Frances SIMPSON daughter of Mr Joseph SIMPSON of Old Lenton |
HARDY | Thomas | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 27th ult to Miss Jane HARTLEY |
HARDY | William | . | Thur | 23 | Aug | 1849 | Charged with threatening Police Constable Vaux on 12 instant with violent language at Beeston |
HARDY | William | . | Thur | 13 | Dec | 1849 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 1st inst, charged by police constable Vaux |
HARPER | Henry | . | Thur | 13 | Apr | 1854 | Breach of peace of three youths, Henry HARPER, Henry VENABLES, John WALKER, on 2nd inst at Beeston |
HARWOOD | John | . | Thur | 29 | Jan | 1852 | Of White Lion Square, Sneiton, died 21st inst, aged 56, brother of Richard HARWOOD of Beeston Ryelands |
HAWKES | M. Mr | . | Tues | 30 | Sep | 1852 | On 22nd instant, at Beeston, birth of a son |
HAZELDINE | . | . | Thur | 19 | Jul | 1855 | Fatal Railway Accident at Beeston, male child belonging to gamekeeper HAZELDINE killed Friday afternoon |
HAZZLEDINE | . | . | Thur | 6 | May | 1852 | A boy at Beeston, assaulted by a Mormon bishop named CARNEL, penalty 6d plus costs 15s |
HEATH | James | . | Thur | 30 | Jan | 1851 | Destitute and drunk : Possessed land in Beeston 3 years ago, went to America, spent all his money; to be sent to the Union |
HENSON | Eliza | . | Thur | 5 | Apr | 1849 | Daughter of John HENSON of Beeston, married Frederick WRIGHT of Hesslewood near Hull at Beeston on 3rd |
HENSON | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 3 | Apr | 1851 | Died on Saturday last, after painful illness, Miss Elizabeth HENSON, Villa Street, Beeston, aged 14 years |
HENSON | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 21 | Jul | 1853 | Died at Beeston on 17th inst, wife of John HENSON, aged 58 years, leaving a large family to lament their loss |
HENSON | Thomas | . | Thur | 22 | Aug | 1850 | Suicide by hanging, aged 72. Inquest at White Lion by C. Swann, despondent, illhealth, receiving relief, “temporary insanity” |
HERBERT | William | . | Thur | 5 | Aug | 1852 | Lace manufacturer, Pilcher Gate, gave his work-people at treat at the Boat, Beeston Rylands on Wednesday, dance & games |
HINDS | J, Mr | . | Thur | 22 | Dec | 1853 | On 14th inst, wife of Mr J. HINDS, hosier, Gravel Field Cottage, Beeston, of a son |
HOLLAND | Alfred | . | Thur | 25 | May | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 21st inst by Rev R.B. Stewart, to Miss Mary JENKINS, both of Beeston |
HOLLIS | Catherine | . | Thur | 10 | Aug | 1854 | Married at Stapleford on 10th inst, Mr Henry SHEPHERD of that place, to Miss Catherine HOLLIS, Beeston |
HOOTON | James | . | Thur | 20 | Oct | 1853 | Michaelmas Sess: 21, bricklayer, 22nd July last stole a hammer at Beeston, property of Solomon BOWDLER; 14 days impr. |
HOPKINSON | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 14 | Jun | 1855 | Died at Beeston on 31st ult, aged 29, Miss Elizabeth HOPKINSON |
HORSLEY | John | . | Thur | 19 | Jul | 1855 | Died at Beeston on 13th inst, aged 19, Mr John HORSLEY |
HUTCHINSON | Mary | . | Thur | 11 | May | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 8th instant, Mrs Mary HUTCHINSON, aged __5 (unclear - 45?) |
HUTCHINSON | Selina | . | Thur | 27 | Sep | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 20th inst, aged 25, Miss Selina HUTCHINSON |
HYNES | P.J. | . | Thur | 8 | Apr | 1852 | Partnerships dissolved: P.J. HYNES and B.F. POPHAM, surgeons, Beeston |
JACKSON | Isaac | . | Thur | 5 | Jun | 1851 | Kept his house open for sale of beer on Sunday last, at unlawful hours, fined 40s |
JACKSON | Stella | . | Thur | 1 | Nov | 1849 | Daughter of Wm JACKSON of Beeston, married James RETCHFORD of South-parade at St Peter’s Notts on 28th ult |
JAMES | John | . | Thur | 4 | Oct | 1855 | Youth in employ of Mr MOORE of Beeston, on 20th ult at that village assaulted Wells son of Mr SURPLICE; fined 16s |
JERROM | Richard | . | Thur | 3 | Oct | 1850 | Aged 3 yrs 3 months, died Monday morning of a fit; inquest Cor. Swann at Crown in Beeston on Saturday “natural causes” |
JOHNSON | Francis | . | Thur | 17 | Jul | 1851 | Prize fighter of Staunton, known as “Don of Ilkeston”, charged by p.c. Vaux for breach of peace at Beeston on 8th instant |
JOWETT | . | . | Thur | 25 | May | 1854 | Letter from a Private 1st Royal Fusilliers in Lord Raglan’s army at Camp Scutari 4 May 1854 to his relatives at Beeston |
JOWETT | ? Unsigned | . | Thur | 15 | Feb | 1855 | Letter from his camp at Sebastapol dated 25 January 1855 to father at Beeston |
JOWETT | ? Unsigned | . | Thur | 22 | Feb | 1855 | Letter from Balaklava dated 22 January 1855 to his brother and sister at Beeston |
JOWETT | ? Unsigned | . | Thur | 5 | Apr | 1855 | Letter from Balaklava dated 15th March 1855 to his brother at Beeston |
JOWETT | William, Corporal | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Of 7th Royal Fusilliers, letter to sister and friends at Beeston immediately after the battle at Alma, from Sebastapol 22 Sept |
KEETLEY | Thirza | . | Thur | 16 | May | 1850 | Aged 25, wife of Gervase KEETLEY, died at Beeston on Sunday last after a long and painful affliction |
KIRK | John | . | Thur | 1 | Sep | 1853 | Breach of Peace: Andrew AULEY, Wm KIRK, John WOODHOUSE, Sidney HOPKIN, George KIRBY, Wm BIDDULPH |
KIRKBY | Richard | . | Thur | 8 | Jun | 1854 | Breach of the Peace this morning at Beeston, ordered to find sureties and pay expenses |
KIRKLAND | Ann | . | Thur | 20 | Mar | 1851 | Deaths – At Beeston on 14th inst in 72nd year, Ann, wife of Mr H. KIRKLAND, lace manufacturer, Methodist Society 46 yrs |
KIRKLAND | Jane | . | Thur | 27 | May | 1852 | At Beeston, Tuesday, Jane, only dtr of Henry KIRLAND of Manor House, Beeston, to Charles H. CLARKE, solicitor, Notts |
KIRKLAND | Mr | . | Thur | 17 | Nov | 1853 | Died at the Manor House, Beeston, on 7th instant, Mr KIRKLAND, in his 71st year |
KIRKLAND | William | . | Thur | 17 | Oct | 1850 | Of Beeston. Married at parish church Beeston to Eliza youngest daughter of Robert JAMES Esq, of Park Street, Nottingham |
KNOWLES | Thomas | . | Thur | 23 | Jun | 1853 | Breach of Peace at Beeston previous Saturday night; fined, defaulted, committed to prison |
LAMBERT | Amos | . | Thur | 3 | Jan | 1850 | Aged 19, cutting and wounding Thomas RILEY on 24 December at Jackson’s public-house in Beeston. Committed for trial |
LAMBERT | Amos | . | Thur | 14 | Mar | 1850 | Spring Assizes. On list of prisoners committed for trial in the county |
LAMBERT | Amos | . | Thur | 21 | Mar | 1850 | Lent Assizes. Aged 18. Acquitted |
LAMBERT | Mary | . | Thur | 13 | Feb | 1851 | Of Beeston, married John BURTON of Ruddington, on Sunday last at Beeston |
LEE | William | . | Thur | 3 | May | 1849 | Labourer aged 20 of Beeston, accident while working a hay cutting machine resulting in amputation of 3 fingers |
LEES | Sarah | . | Thur | 4 | Jul | 1850 | Aged 69, widow; Sudden death at Beeston on Tuesday last, lodged with Mrs HOLLAND, inquest “natural causes” |
LEES | William | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 18th inst, Mr William LEES to Miss Ellen HARRIS, both of Beeston |
LEGGATT | William | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Charged with having three light weights in his possession; dealer in nails; fined 15s |
LESTER | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 15th inst, Mr Wm. KNIGHT of Loughborough, to Miss Elizabeth LESTER of Beeston |
LEVERS | Private | . | Thur | 22 | Nov | 1855 | Next invalid due to arrive home is Pte LEVERS who at duty’s call has left a leg in Sebastapol’s wide breeches |
LIMB | John | . | Thur | 10 | Mar | 1853 | Lace manufacturer. Married at General Baptist Chapel Beeston to Elizabeth youngest dtr of Samuel WOOD of Trent Lock |
LINEKER | Mr | . | Thur | 1 | Mar | 1855 | Rare waterfowl “Red Throated Wader” shot near Beeston; preserved by Mr LINEKER of Pierrepoint Street, Sneinton |
LOMAS | Thomas | . | Thur | 6 | May | 1852 | Ordered to pay damages and costs for destroying a fence on 27th ult, property of William HURST, at Beeston |
LOWE | . | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1849 | Thomas CLARKE aged 12 and three youths named STUBBINS, RIDER and TURNER assaulted by LOWE’s dog |
LOWE | Alfred, Esq | . | Thur | 6 | Mar | 1851 | Black cart mare stolen from High Fields House, Beeston, property of Alfred Lowe Esq, £5 reward offered |
LOWE | E.J. | . | Thur | 16 | Aug | 1849 | Of Villa, Beeston; letter to Editor dated 13 Aug 1849 commenting on the number of falling stars and meteors |
LOWE | E.J. | . | Thur | 8 | Nov | 1849 | 2nd inst, birth of a son at the Villa, Beeston |
LOWE | E.J. | . | Thur | 3 | Nov | 1853 | Extraordinary meteor reported in parish of Beeston on Friday in broad daylight by Mr W. FELKIN jun |
LOWE | Frederick | . | Thur | 31 | Jul | 1851 | Charged with Thomas BARKER for playing Cricket on the Highway at Beeston on 17th inst; 10s 6d each |
LOWE | Mary, Miss | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | Of Beeston; Married at Beeston Church on 27th ult to Titus BRYAN of Dalbury Lees |
LOWE | Matthew | . | Thur | 8 | Dec | 1853 | Old man 76 years of age, on 26th ult, used snare for taking game without a certificate at Beeston; fined 40s |
LOWE | William | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 23rd ult, Mr William LOWE |
MADDOCK | Thomas | . | Thur | 9 | Aug | 1855 | Labourer of Beeston, with Reuben DEVERILL lab of Chilwell, ordered to pay 11s for damaging grass of Saml ALLCOCK |
MADDOCK | Thomas | . | Thur | 23 | Aug | 1855 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 12th inst, to pay sureties, default, committed to prison |
MADDOCK | William & Robert | . | Thur | 22 | Feb | 1849 | Frequently annoying the inhabitants of Beeston by flying pigeons and pelting them when settled |
MAKIN | William | . | Thur | 22 | Feb | 1855 | Convicted to penalty of 25s for having on 10th inst at Beeston assaulted a young woman named Eliza SUMMERS |
MALLANEY | Michael | . | Thur | 28 | Dec | 1854 | Charged with having on 9th inst at Beeston assaulting Thomas WARD in a public-house quarrel, expenses 6s 6d |
MARKHAM | William | . | Thur | 5 | Jun | 1851 | Kept his house open for sale of beer on Sunday last, at unlawful hours, fined 40s |
MARRIOT | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 28 | Jun | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 21st inst, aged 19, Elizabeth MARRIOT |
MARTIN | Joseph | . | Thur | 19 | Feb | 1852 | Married by Rev J WOLLEY on Tuesday at Beeston, to Miss Mary Ann HARTFORD, both of Beeston |
MATHER | Ann | . | Thur | 26 | Aug | 1852 | Charged with using abusive language towards Mr PEARSON at Beeston on 17th ult |
MEE | Joseph | . | Thur | 20 | Sep | 1849 | Charged with assaulting Benjamin ARAM on 8th inst at Beeston |
MEE | Joseph | . | Thur | 6 | Dec | 1849 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 27th ult at half-past one o’clock in the morning, charged by Wm Vaux |
MELLORS | John | . | Tues | 30 | Mar | 1854 | Charged with breach of peace at Beeston with William WRIGHT at 1 o’clock Sunday morning by fighting |
MORRELL | George | . | Thur | 10 | Oct | 1850 | Inquest of son William aged 10 during gale on Monday at Nottingham blowing chimney and roof on him in Angel Row |
MORRIS | Alfred | . | Thur | 12 | Sep | 1850 | Charged by p.c. Vaux with committing a disturbance at Beeston on 18 Aug, ordered to pay expenses, defaulted, gaol |
MORRIS | Alfred | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 17th inst, Mr Alfred MORRIS to Miss Ann WRIGHT, both of Beeston |
MORRIS | Daniel | . | Thur | 30 | Nov | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 28th inst, Mr Daniel MORRIS to Miss Julia CROSS, both of Beeston |
MORRIS | Joseph | . | Thur | 27 | May | 1852 | Charged by p.c. Vaux with using threatening language at Beeston on 19th inst; paid expenses and to leave Vaux alone |
MURDEN | George | . | Thur | 16 | Nov | 1854 | Ordered to pay 15s for having on 4th inst at Beeston fired a pistol within forty yards of the highway |
NALL | James | . | Thur | 22 | Jun | 1854 | Charged by Elizabeth SURPLICE with having assaulted her in an indecent manner at Beeston on 15th inst. p.c. Vaux stated five other females had been assaulted in similar manner; fined £2, default, 2 months House of Correction |
NELSON | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Died at Beeston this (Thursday) morning, aged 28, Mrs Elizabeth NELSON |
NERO - the dog | . | . | Thur | 30 | Nov | 1854 | 14th inst, Nero the dog goes to meet the train every morning to get the first newspaper for his master from stationmaster |
NEWSTEAD | Thomas | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Married at Baptist Chapel, Beeston on 12th inst, Mr Thomas NEWSTEAD, to Miss Lydia CROSS, both of Beeston |
NIGHTON | Walter | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 16th inst, Walter NIGHTON of Beeston to Miss Ann RANDALL of Chilwell |
NIXON | James | . | Thur | 13 | Nov | 1851 | Died at Beeston on the 12th instant, James NIXON, Esq, in the 79th year of his age |
NUTT | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 4 | Nov | 1852 | Died at Beeston Ryelands on Thursday, 33, wife of Thomas Cornelius NUTT, Old Lenton, dtr of Richard HARWOOD |
NUTT | Maria | . | Thur | 16 | Jun | 1853 | Pocket picking in Nottingham, Monday last £1.4s.6d stolen from the person of Maria NUTT of Beeston in Market Place |
NUTT | Richard Cornelius | . | Thur | 10 | May | 1855 | Nottingham Insolvency Court: First examination, Richard Cornelius NUTT, of Beeston, butcher |
OLDHAM | Hannah | . | Thur | 22 | Mar | 1849 | Complaint against Edward SPRAY (FWK) and Samuel BARK (lacemaker) for indecent assault |
OLDHAM | James | . | Thur | 16 | Aug | 1849 | Charged with committing breach of peace at Beeston on 5th inst |
OLDHAM | John | . | Thur | 11 | Aug | 1853 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 12th June, surety to be of good behaviour |
OLDHAM | John | . | Thur | 20 | Apr | 1854 | Died at Beeston, aged 18, John, son of Mr Wm. OLDHAM (unclear if he died 20 April) |
OLDHAM | Joseph | . | Thur | 25 | Dec | 1851 | Died at Beeston on Sunday last, postmaster of that village, aged 67; well respected, Beeston carrier for upwards of 20 years |
OLDHAM | Robert | . | Thur | 3 | Apr | 1851 | Ordered to pay 12s 6d, for wilfully jumping upon and breaking a wooden rail in a fence at Beeston on 18th March |
OLDHAM | Robert | . | Thur | 15 | May | 1851 | Breach of Peace at Beeston on Saturday night with William GREASLEY and John MERRIMAN; fined 12s each |
OLDHAM | Thomas | . | Thur | 2 | Jan | 1851 | Charged with assaulting p.c. Vaux at Beeston on Sunday last with several others, only Oldham appeared in Court, fined |
OLDHAM | Thomas | . | Thur | 3 | Aug | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 28th ult, aged 62, Mr Thomas OLDHAM |
OLDRINI | J. T., Rev | . | Thur | 8 | Jun | 1854 | The Rev I.T. ALDRENE, of Breaston, Derbyshire, appointed to Vicarage at Beeston in place of Rev. J. WOLLEY |
OLDRINI | J.T. Rev | . | Thur | 22 | Jun | 1854 | Ecclesiastical Intelligence: Oldrini, Rev. J.T. to Beeston V, Notts |
OLDRINI | T.J. Rev | . | Thur | 2 | Nov | 1854 | At Beeston Vicarage on 1st inst, the lady of T.J. OLDRINI, of a son and heir |
PALETHORPE | Matthew | . | Thur | 20 | Mar | 1851 | Inquest Boat Inn Beeston – Aged 4 years, son of Matthew Palethorpe, boatman, Beeston Rylands, burnt to death Saturday last |
PARKER | Samuel | . | Thur | 22 | May | 1851 | Married at Beeston Church on Sunday last to Miss Elizabeth ELLIOTT, both of Beeston, by Rev J. Wolley |
PARNHAM | Superintendent | . | Thur | 27 | Feb | 1851 | Superintendent of police, met with serious mysterious accident near Beeston, taken to p.c. Vaux’s house, not expected to live |
PEACH | J | . | Thur | 26 | Sep | 1850 | Partnership dissolved : J. Peach and W. Kirkland, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, lace manufacturers |
PEACH | William | . | Thur | 24 | Apr | 1851 | William PEACH of Beeston married Miss Mary Ann NETTLESHIP of Sherwood on Sunday at Registrar’s Office Basford |
PEARSON | Charlotte | . | Thur | 20 | Jan | 1853 | Miss Charlotte PEARSON of Beeston married Registrar’s Office Basford on Wednesday to Henry WRIGHT of Heanor |
PEARSON | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 27 | Sep | 1855 | Married at St Mark’s Church Clerkenwell-London on 20th instant, by the Rev Francis McCarthy, Elizabeth, only surviving daughter of the late Mr John PEARSON of Beeston, Notts, to Mr Samuel GRACE of Ashby-de-la-Zouch |
PEARSON | John | . | Thur | 19 | Apr | 1849 | Elected as guardian Basford Board of Guardians for Beeston |
PEARSON | John | . | Fri | 19 | Nov | 1852 | Charged with William PILGRIM for permitting a pigsty to remain in Union Street, Beeston, to remove and pay expenses |
PEARSON | John | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Died at Beeston (Thursday) morning, aged 59, Mr John PEARSON |
PEARSON | Mary | . | Thur | 20 | Sep | 1855 | Died at Beeston on 14th inst, aged 53, Mary, relict of Mr John PEARSON, Union Street |
PEEL | Henry | . | Thur | 27 | Oct | 1853 | Committed breach of peace with George HULLATT on 16th inst at Beeston; both had previously been convicted |
PEEL | James | . | Thur | 6 | Apr | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 30th ult, Mr James PEEL to Miss Amelia Augusta ASLING, both of Beeston |
PERRAM | Edward | . | Thur | 15 | Aug | 1850 | Charged by Overseers of Basford Union for refusing to maintain his wife so she had been chargeable to parish of Beeston |
PORTER | James | . | Thur | 27 | May | 1852 | Charged by a man named GIBBONS for assaulting him near Beeston; £10 plus expenses and to keep the peace 12 months |
PORTER | James | . | Thur | 3 | Jun | 1852 | Erratum in last week’s report : guilty person given as PORTER and should be POTTER; mistake caused annoyance |
PORTER | James | . | Wed | 29 | Mar | 1855 | Stole a shovel from goods waggon at Beeston Railway Station on 22nd inst, admitted guilt, committed to trial at next Sessions |
POTTER | James | . | Thur | 5 | Apr | 1855 | Easter Sessions: 27 labourer, on 22nd ult at Beeston stole shovel property of Thomas HUDSON; one month hard labour |
POTTER | Samuel | . | Thur | 12 | Apr | 1849 | Married Miss Catherine SHREWSBURY on Monday, both of Beeston |
POYTON | Sarah | . | Thur | 2 | Aug | 1849 | Charged Joseph SMART with assaulting her at Beeston on 25th ult; convicted, ordered to pay 21s |
REES | Rev S.G. | . | Thur | 26 | Sep | 1850 | Birth of a daughter on 21st inst at Beeston |
REPTON | John | . | Thur | 30 | Jan | 1851 | Died at Beeston on Tuesday last aged 73 years |
RICHARDSON | William | . | Thur | 10 | May | 1855 | Shoemaker, aged 25, charged with using a gun for the purpose of taking game at Beeston on 12th January, £5 plus £3.12.9d |
RIGSBYE | George | . | Thur | 6 | Dec | 1849 | With James EARNSHAW, John GARRATT and John GREEN for stealing turnip tops from Mr CHEETHAM, gaoled |
ROBERTS | Edward | . | Thur | 22 | May | 1851 | Married Beeston Church 20th inst, Edward ROBERTS, draper, Beeston, to Anne, dtr of Thos ELLIOTT, lacemaker, Beeston |
ROBERTS | William | . | Thur | 6 | May | 1852 | Of Beeston. Married to Sarah, third daughter of Mr CULLEN of Parliament-street Notts, 4th inst, St Mary’s Notts |
ROBERTS | William | . | Thur | 9 | Aug | 1855 | Of Beeston, dealer in bread, convicted and fined 19s for having sold bread without weighing it |
ROBINSON | George | . | Thur | 11 | Oct | 1849 | Pig, about 10 stone weight, stolen from his yard at Beeston |
ROEBUCK | Henry | . | Thur | 2 | Aug | 1855 | Died at Beeston on 27th ultimo, in his 49th year, Mr Henry ROEBUCK |
SANDERS | Hannah | . | Thur | 17 | Feb | 1853 | Died at Beeston on 15th inst, daughter of late John SANDERS, Gent., aged 75 years |
SANDERS | Mr | . | Thur | 15 | Aug | 1850 | Of Beeston. Has a remarkable duck that began to lay 23 Feb until 23 July laying enormous number of more than 130 eggs |
SHIPMAN | Henry | . | Thur | 6 | Jan | 1853 | Caution to Tiplers – On 1st inst, 30 years old, living at Beeston, dislocated thumb at Leather Bottle Inn from drinking and fall |
SHREWSBURY | Mary Ann | . | Thur | 20 | Jul | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 18th inst, Mr James HUCKERBY, builder, of Nottg, to Mary Ann SHREWSBURY, Beeston |
SHREWSBURY | Thomas | . | Thur | 31 | Jul | 1851 | Charged with Wm SPRAY for committing breach of peace at Beeston on night of 17th inst, Shrewsbury 11s 6d, Spray prison |
SIDDAY | Jane | . | Thur | 30 | Jan | 1851 | Of Beeston, married William BARLOW of Alfreton on Friday last at Beeston |
SINGLETON | Charlotte | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1855 | Married at Beeston on 10th inst, Mr John CARTER of Staveley-Lancs, to Miss Charlotte SINGLETON of Beeston |
SINGLETON | Susannah | . | Thur | 14 | Oct | 1852 | Died at Beeston on Tuesday last, after a short illness, Mrs Susannah SINGLETON, aged 56 years |
SMITH | Robert | . | Thur | 9 | Aug | 1849 | Framework-knitter, charged with being drunk and disorderly at Beeston on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, fined 17s 6d |
SMITH | Robert | . | Thur | 1 | May | 1851 | Breach of Peace at Beeston on 17th April, fined 15s 6d |
SMITH | Robert | . | Thur | 6 | May | 1852 | Very bad character, breach of peace at Beeston on Monday last, penalty 11s 6d including costs |
SMITH | Robert | . | Thur | 11 | Aug | 1853 | Breach of Peace at Beeston on 24th ult, ordered to pay surety of good behaviour |
SMITH | Robert | . | Thur | 22 | Jun | 1854 | Charged with having on 15th inst at Beeston assaulting Isaac JACKSON; fined 1s and expenses £1 4s |
SMITH | William | . | Thur | 11 | Sep | 1851 | Breach of Peace and Assaulting a Constable at Beeston on 7th inst; default on fine of 14s 6d, committed to prison |
SMITH | William | . | Thur | 15 | Dec | 1853 | With Thomas SPRAY and Thomas MADDOCK, charged with breach of peace at Beeston on Sunday night |
SPENCER | Hannah | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1855 | Died at Beeston on the 7th inst, aged 65, Mrs Hannah SPENCER |
SPENCER | James | . | Thur | 2 | Mar | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on Sunday last to Miss Ann BAXTON |
SPENCER | John | . | Thur | 24 | May | 1849 | Breach of peace |
SPENCER | John | . | Thur | 24 | Aug | 1854 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 20th inst; future peaceable behaviour and expenses |
SPICK | Joseph | . | Thur | 19 | Apr | 1855 | Breach of peace on 9th inst at Beeston; expenses 25s 6d |
SPRAY | Edward | . | Thur | 13 | Oct | 1853 | Assaults: Edward SPRAY of Beeston charged with brutally ill-using his wife on 2nd inst while in a state of intoxication |
SPRAY | John | . | Thur | 26 | Apr | 1855 | With Walter SPRAY, committed breach of peace at Beeston on 22nd inst; £1 17s |
SPRAY | Thomas | . | Thur | 29 | Nov | 1855 | Breach of peace at Beeston on 19th inst with Joseph LEES, Samuel FOX, Thomas CROSS; FOX and CROSS fined |
SPRAY | William | . | Thur | 10 | May | 1849 | Of Beeston, charged with Isaac HOOLEY of Long Eaton for being drunk and assaulting Isaac JACKSON in his pub |
SPRAY | William | . | Thur | 23 | Jan | 1851 | With George MARSHALL and James SPRAY, breach of the peace at four a.m. 13th January; 14s each |
SPRAY | William | . | Thur | 8 | Apr | 1852 | Assaulted his wife at Beeston on 27th ult; surety £10 plus costs |
SPRAY | William | . | Thur | 14 | Dec | 1854 | Committed to prison for two months with hard labour for assaulting his wife at Beeston on 7th instant |
SQUIRES | Alexander | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Charged with having on 31st ult, at Beeston, ridden upon a waggon without reins to the horse – fined 20s and costs |
START | James | . | Thur | 8 | Apr | 1852 | Lacemaker employed by Mr JARRAM; assaulted by stone-throwing by Edward LAYCOCK and Edward CLARKE |
STATON | William | . | Thur | 28 | Oct | 1852 | William STATON of Beeston charged with stealing 5s at Three Cranes public house Kegworth property of J. Smith |
STENSON | George | . | Thur | 6 | Jul | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 3rd inst, Mr George STENSON to Miss Ann KNIGHT, both of Beeston |
STEPHENS | Joseph | . | Thur | 3 | May | 1855 | Assaulted police constable MAUX at Beeston on 21st ult; surety and expenses; default; one month prison |
STEPHENSON | John | . | Thur | 25 | Nov | 1852 | On 19th inst, aged 22, a porter of Beeston employed by Midland Railway Company had hand crushed between buffers |
STEVENS | Joseph | . | Thur | 23 | Jun | 1853 | Breach of Peace at Beeston on Thursday last; fined 12s 6d |
STEVENS | William | . | Thur | 23 | Aug | 1855 | FWK living at Beeston, drunk and disorderly in Queen Street on Saturday night, breach of peace, fined 3s |
STEVENSON | John | . | Thur | 10 | Feb | 1853 | At Sawley on 7th inst, John Stevenson of Beeston-Notts married Miss Selina MEADS of Sawley |
STONE | Thomas | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Died at Beeston on the 15th, aged 56, Mr Thomas STONE, coal dealer |
SURPLICE | Joyce Annie | . | Thur | 14 | Jun | 1849 | Daughter of S. SURPLICE Esq of Beeston, married at St Mary’s Nottingham to Kenneth MENZIES Esq on Thurs morning |
SWAIN | John | . | Mon | 31 | Aug | 1854 | Master of Beeston Railway Station, assaulted by Abraham SMITH of Loughborough on Monday last; convicted fined £5 |
SWANWICK | John | . | Thur | 29 | May | 1851 | Charged with having on 20th inst at Beeston using a gun for purpose of destroying game without certificate; fined 50s |
SYSTON | Francis | . | Thur | 1 | Aug | 1850 | Charged George PILLETT with assaulting him on 22nd ult; ordered to pay 15s or 1 month imprisonment |
SYSTON | Francis | . | Thur | 8 | Aug | 1850 | Eratum: Last week’s paper should read “Francis Systen was charged by George Pittett etc” |
TACEY | Ann | . | Thur | 6 | Sep | 1855 | Inquest on Thursday on body of Ann TACEY, aged 36, wife of labourer, ill with consumption, “dropsy of the chest” |
TACKABERY | J.D, Mr | . | Thur | 2 | Dec | 1852 | Married at Beeston on Wednesday week, master of school at Buxton, to Miss Jane KENDRICK |
TANDY | John Wand | . | Thur | 9 | Jul | 1851 | Inquest held Thurs last on John Wand TANDY and 8 years, and John SMITH aged 9 years, who drowned in a well. Samuel TANDY lacemaker of Villa Street identified bodies; “Accidentally drowned in Gravel Pit”, to be fenced in future |
TAYLOR | Mrs | . | Thur | 4 | Apr | 1850 | Died at Beeston on Monday last aged 74; servant to James NIXON Esq for 38 years |
TEBBUTT | Robert | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Grocer of Beeston, charged with having four light weights in his possession; fined 50s |
THORNHILL | Robert | . | Thur | 8 | Feb | 1855 | Charged by his son William THORNHILL with stealing bobbins and carriages for four machines at Beeston; dismissed |
THORNHILL | Sarah | . | Thur | 8 | Jun | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 5th inst,, Mr John GOLDER of Stapleford to Miss Sarah THORNHILL of Beeston |
THORNHILL | William | . | Thur | 6 | Jul | 1854 | Unsuccessful attempt at housebreaking in his home; housebreakers then broke into Mr PORTER’s, grocer, goods value £13 |
THORPE | Elizabeth, Mrs | . | Thur | 25 | Sep | 1851 | Died at Beeston on Thursday, aged 68 years |
THORPE | Thomas | . | Thur | 15 | May | 1851 | Died at Beeston on Monday last aged 72; several years porter at the gate of Messrs GILL and WATSON |
THUR | George | . | Thur | 24 | Feb | 1853 | In employ of Messrs FELKIN of Beeston, apprehended on charge of feloniously assaulting Eliza BELLAMY on 3rd Feb 1851 |
TOLLSON | John | . | Thur | 25 | Aug | 1853 | With Henry FLETCHER, lads, charged for stealing apples on 19th inst at Beeston property of Mrs Dean; 14 days Hse of Corr |
TOLSON | William | . | Thur | 14 | Jul | 1853 | Committed breach of peace at Beeston by fighting with John BUCKNALL |
TOMLINSON | Henry | . | Thur | 18 | Sep | 1851 | Alias MINTY, charged with breach of peace at Beeston on 7th inst, fined 15s 6d |
TOPLIS | Thomas | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 12th inst, Mr Thomas TOPLIS and Mrs Mary RICHARDSON, both of that place |
TOWLE | Thomas | . | Thur | 14 | Nov | 1850 | His house in Chapel Street, Beeston, broken into and £2.0s.5d stolen |
TOWLSON | William | . | Thur | 27 | Nov | 1851 | Breach of Peace with Edward SPRAY, Thomas SLACK, Enoch BODDIMORE, Amos LAMBERT, __ HAZELDINE 15th |
TOWLSON | William | . | Thur | 19 | Oct | 1854 | Sessions: age 38, FWK, stealing two pecks of onions the property of Matthew LOWE at Beeston, six weeks imprisonment |
TREECE | Thomas | . | Thur | 16 | Feb | 1854 | Trespassed by beating a field at Beeston belonging to Mr Thomas COX in pursuit of game on 7th inst; penalty 20s |
UPTON | Henry | . | Thur | 7 | Jun | 1855 | Boatman from Shardlow, charged with walking on railway line at Beeston while intoxicated; £2, default, 1 month prison |
VARNEY | . | . | Thur | 8 | Jun | 1854 | Charged by his wife at Beeston with leaving her without means of subsistence; ordered to maintain; she taken to relief |
VARNEY | Sidney | . | Thur | 3 | Aug | 1854 | For having on 25th ult, at Beeston, brutally assaulted his wife, committed to House of Correction for three months |
VICKERS | Mary | . | Thur | 12 | Apr | 1849 | Died at Beeston on 5th inst, in 28th year of her age, eldest daughter of William VICKERS of Nottingham |
WADSWORTH | Mr | . | Thur | 25 | Sep | 1851 | Thieves stole grey pony from the field of Mr Wadsworth, baker, at Beeston on the night of Monday last, no clues |
WALKER | Charles | . | Thur | 8 | Apr | 1852 | Aged 7, found destitute living in Beeston Meadows, son of boatman living at Beeston, strayed to Nottingham, taken to Union |
WALKER | Hannah | . | Thur | 16 | Mar | 1854 | Hannah WALKER, grocer, of Beeston, charged with having light weights in her possession; fined £2 |
WALKER | James | . | Thur | 10 | Aug | 1854 | With Thomas HODGKINSON and George SHELTON, on 31st ult, left service of F.B. GILL & Co; one month for latter two |
WALKER | John | . | Thur | 21 | Dec | 1854 | Committed to prison for fourteen days for leaving his family chargeable to the parish of Beeston |
WALKER | Jonathan | . | Thur | 6 | Sep | 1855 | Drunk and disorderly about 5am on 15th inst at Beeston; costs 13s 6d |
WALKER | Joseph | . | Thur | 26 | May | 1853 | Two men named HARVEY and MARTIN charged with wilfully damaging his fence at Beeston on 15th; fined 12s 1d each |
WALKER | Joseph | . | Thur | 15 | Feb | 1855 | On Friday at Beeston Joseph WALKER felled 63 sparrows destroying his stacks with first shot; used for sparrow dumplings |
WALKER | Noah | . | Thur | 19 | Apr | 1855 | With Joseph WALKER, committed breach of peace at Beeston on 8th inst; twelve months good conduct |
WALKER | Thomas | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Married at Baptist Chapel, Beeston, on 14th inst, Mr Thomas WALKER to Miss Elizabeth HUTCHINSON, both of Beeston |
WALKER | Thomas | . | Thur | 7 | Sep | 1854 | Died at Beeston on 2nd inst, aged 67, Mr Thomas WALKER |
WALKER | William | . | Thur | 26 | Feb | 1852 | Breach of peace in the parish on Sunday afternoon last, flying pigeons, shouting, swearing, with others, previous, fined £10 |
WALLIS | John | . | Thur | 18 | Sep | 1851 | With Henry ATTENBOROUGH of Papplewick both charged by p.c. Vaux with breach of peace at Beeston on 7th inst, 15s |
WAND | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 25 | May | 1854 | Died at Beeston on Saturday last, aged 23, Mrs Elizabeth WAND, Woolpack Lane |
WARD | Joseph Septimus | . | Thur | 15 | Apr | 1852 | Wife died on 8th inst, 49th year of her age, late of The Lodge, Beeston |
WATSON | Lieutenant | . | Thur | 22 | Nov | 1855 | Of the 88th; welcomed home by people of Beeston after musket-ball in right-elbow in attack at Redan |
WATSON | Mr jnr | . | Thur | 11 | Apr | 1850 | Of Beeston, injured when thrown by his runaway horse in Derby Road in Nottingham |
WEAVER | George | . | Thur | 11 | Aug | 1853 | Breach of Peace with Sarah ALLWOOD, Owen GIBSON, and William DARBY at Beeston on 13th ult; 5s each |
WEAVER | George | . | Thur | 11 | Aug | 1853 | Again accused by p.c. Vaux of a similar offence at Lenton, fighting on Saturday with Owen GIBSON; fined £1.2s.6d each |
WESTMORELAND | James | . | Thur | 20 | Mar | 1851 | Breach of peace at Beeston with John BOSWORTH, fined 14s and 11s respectively |
WESTMORELAND | John | . | Thur | 14 | Aug | 1851 | Charged with assaulting p.c. Vaux at Beeston on 10th inst, |
WHEATLEY | George | . | Thur | 27 | May | 1852 | Charged with throwing stones at Beeston with Henry SPRAY on Friday evening, dismissed, fined 5s 6d each |
WHITE | Hiram | . | Thur | 3 | Aug | 1854 | Apprehended by p.c. Vaux for having stolen 18s from the person of James NIGHTINGALE in a public-house at Beeston |
WHITE | John | . | Thur | 29 | Mar | 1849 | Complained against David BOTHAM, Walter GARNER and George WILCOCKSON for disorderlies |
WHITE | John | . | Thur | 15 | Jun | 1854 | Married at Beeston Church on 14th inst, Mr John WHITE to Miss Emma TRUSWELL, both of Beeston |
WIDDOWSON | William | . | Thur | 28 | Jul | 1853 | Breach of peace on 12th inst at Beeston; ordered to pay surety and expenses; default; committed to prison |
WIGHT | Irom | . | Thur | 4 | Mar | 1852 | With __ WIGHT, charged with assaulting a constable p.c. Vaux on Wednesday 25th inst at two o’clock in the morning, guilty |
WILBORE | Robert, Rev | . | Thur | 6 | May | 1852 | Died at Kilmarnock on 30th ult, late curate of Beeston |
WILKINSON | John | . | Thur | 30 | Jan | 1851 | Charged three lads : William PEARSON, John HIGGISON, Matthew HIGGISON for trespassing in his field, fined 11s each |
WILSON | Charles | . | Thur | 8 | May | 1851 | Convicted with George CAMPION and John DEARNE for obstructing Derby Turnpike near Beeston for race, fined 40s 11d |
WINFIELD | George | . | Thur | 21 | Nov | 1850 | Aged about 15, charged by p.c. Vaux with firing off squibs and rockets within 80 feet of the turnpike road, fined 12s |
WINFIELD | Richard | . | Thur | 7 | Nov | 1850 | Charge of absent himself from services of Messrs Gill & Co, silk-throwers, Beeston, 3 months gaol or return to work, agreed |
WING | Margaret | . | Thur | 12 | Jul | 1855 | Aged about 18, charged by companion named Elizabeth MILLER for assault on 6th inst at Beeston; both fined 5s divided |
WITHAM | Isaac | . | Thur | 16 | Aug | 1849 | Charged by his daughter Ann WITHAM with assault several times |
WOLLEY | Charles, Rev | . | Thur | 28 | Mar | 1850 | Third son of Rev John WOLLEY Vicar of Beeston, married Frances Lucy PARKER at St George’s Hanover-sq on 21st inst |
WOLLEY | Francis | . | Thur | 10 | Feb | 1853 | Died at Havannah 25th Dec last of yellow fever, on board steamship Trent, Francis, 18, 5th and youngest son of Rev Wolley |
WOLLEY | J. Rev | . | Thur | 4 | May | 1854 | Resignation after vicar of Beeston for 30 years, on 26th ult, due to infirmities incapacitating him for performing his duties |
WOLLEY | Susan | . | Thur | 15 | May | 1851 | Daughter of Rev John WOLLEY of Beeston, married to Rev Martin Henry RICKETTS of Droitwich, at Beeston 13th inst |
WOOD | Henry | . | Thur | 16 | Feb | 1854 | Insolvent Debtors Court: Henry Wood, grocer’s assistant, Beeston; declared entitled to his final order |
WOOD | James | . | Thur | 17 | Apr | 1851 | Basford Union election of guardians – John WOOD for Beeston, old guardian Mr PEARSON displaced |
WRIGHT | Charles, Esq | . | Thur | 20 | Sep | 1855 | Friday, 14th inst, Charles WRIGHT and Samuel WATSON, Esqrs, bagged 31 brace of birds and six hares in Beeston pastures |
WRIGHT | Elizabeth | . | Thur | 16 | Dec | 1852 | Inquest at Commercial Inn Beeston on child aged 3 illegitimate daughter of Eliza WRIGHT of Nineteen Row, died of fit |
WRIGHT | Francis | . | Thur | 5 | Jul | 1849 | On 2nd instant, framework-knitter of Beeston, aged 34 years; Died at General Hospital Nottingham |
WRIGHT | John | . | Thur | 27 | Jan | 1853 | FWK, charged with stealing quantity of swede turnips from a field, property of William RADFORD of Beeston |
WRIGHT | John | . | Thur | 3 | Mar | 1853 | FWK, 48, on 23 Jan, stole seven stone weight of turnips property William RADFORD of Beeston; one calendar month h/labr |
WRIGHT | Nathan | . | Thur | 6 | Dec | 1849 | Charged by P.C. Vaux with being drunk and disorderly in the street at Beeston at one o’clock on Tuesday morning |
WRIGHT | Thomas | . | Thur | 11 | Oct | 1849 | Charged with indecent assault on Ann WOODCOCK at Beeston on 7th inst, both servants of Mr WALKER |
WRIGHT | Thomas | . | Thur | 14 | Mar | 1850 | Spring Assizes. On list of prisoners committed for trial in the county |
WRIGHT | Thomas | . | Thur | 21 | Mar | 1850 | Lent Assizes. Age 35. Criminal assault on Ann WOODCOCK; Not Guilty but Judge said he should be transported 14 yrs |