Beeston in New Zealand Newspapers
FOUND DEAD - Shortly before 6 o’clock on Saturday morning a man named Samuel MARSH, 60 years of age, was found dead in a room at the back of Mr
RUSSELL’s houses in Castle street. About 9 o’clock in the morning MARSH was seen through the open door of his room by two little girls named
Annie DAVIES and Mary HART. He was then kneeling at his bed in a praying attitude; and the girls, thinking he was engaged in devotional exercises,
took no notice and went on their way. On passing the house again in the evening they noticed that the man was still in the same position, so
the little girl HART went and told her mother, and a man named TAYLOR was informed of the fact. TAYLOR at once went into the room and found
that the man was quite dead. At the first glance, it would seem as if the deceased had poisoned himself; as there were two phials marked "
laudanum" both empty. On the table were a number of letters; in a note was the following:- "Please write of my death to Mrs FOWLER,
Rose Cottage, Beeston near Nottingham". (This is an abridged version of the article)
DEATH OF A FAMOUS BANDMASTER - Lieutenant Dan GODFREY, formerly bandmaster of the Grenadier Guards, died on Tuesday, June 30th, at Beeston, Notts.
Dan GODFREY belonged to a family specially distinguished in connection with military bands for nearly a century. Charles GODFREY, the founder
of this family, was born in 1790 at Kingston in Surrey. In 1813 he joined the Coldstream Guards as a bassoon player, and soon became bandmaster,
which position he retained with great success until his death in December 1863, after a service of 50 years. He was appointed Musician-in-Ordinary
to William IV, and was one of the Court of Assistants of the Royal Society of Musicians. As a composer of music - chiefly for military bands - Charles
GODFREY had a high reputation; and he prepared and issued "Jullien’s Journal", the first journal of military music published in this country.
The three sons of Charles GODFREY - Daniel, Adolphus Frederick, and Charles - were all renowned as bandmasters in the army. Daniel (whose death is now
announced) was the eldest, and was born at Westminster in 1831. He was appointed Bandmaster of the Grenadier Guards in 1856, and continued in that post
until his retirement about four years ago. When it was decided to give military rank to Bandmasters in the Army, he was gazetted as a lieutenant. Like
his father, Dan GODFREY was a very popular composer. His favourite original pieces were some of the waltzes that had an extreme vogue about thirty years
ago - "The Guards Waltz", "Hilda", and "Mabel", though they have now been displaced by more scientific compositions. He also
constructed many adaptations from the leading operas, specially arranged for military bands.
A remarkable instance of a dog’s sagacity and fidelity was related at the inquest at Beeston, near Nottingham, on William CROSS, aged 7, who drowned
in the Trent. CROSS fell into the river, and his two playmates tried in vain to rescue him. Then his little terrier sprang into the water, swam to him,
and seized him by the coat. The little animal struggled vigorously with his heavy burden, but his strength gave out, and he was obliged to release his
hold and swim to the bank.
SPEAKING TOUR IN NEW ZEALAND - INVITATION TO REV. FATHER HAYS - (from our own Correspondent) - LONDON, 30TH JUNE - The Rev Father HAYS of Beeston, Notts,
has received an invitation from the representatives of all the religious denominations in the Dominion to make a speaking tour in New Zealand in October and
November next. Father HAYS has twice travelled round the world preaching in every English-speaking country; and since the death of Father Bernard VAUGHAN
he is the only Roman Catholic priest in England who enjoys this distinction. His work for the conservation of the home and family life, for child welfare,
and for temperance received the highest commendation of Pope Pius X., who desired him to spread the good work everywhere. A notable feature of his work has
been that he has taken part in many movements for social welfare with leaders in the Church of England like Archbishop TEMPLE and the Bishops of London,
Manchester, Liverpool, Southwell, and Lincoln, and in the Nonconformist bodies with men like Dr CLIFFORD and Hugh Price HUGHES. Unfortunately, it is not
possible for Father HAYS to accede to the request, because he is under promises to take active part in important public work in many parts of England during
the next twelve months. Father HAYS’s lifework has been the conservation of the home and family life, the welfare of young children, and the cause of
temperance. He is the successor of Cardinal MANNING as leader in England of the Catholic Temperance Crusade, and is the only Roman Catholic priest in England
who has twice preached round the world. But the most remarkable feature of his work is the fact that for thirty years he has joined in and worked in complete
harmony (in all great social welfare movements) with leaders in the Church of England and the Nonconformist bodies. It is no doubt felt in New Zealand, as it
is felt in England, that a visit from a man of broad views who can unite all creeds to conserve home and family life, to promote child welfare and temperance,
would be of immense value to the State, and would produce good citizenship. "It is simply a matter of honour and principal", Father HAYS said. "I
must keep faith and fulfil these promises, even at great personal sacrifice. New Zealand is a great country, one of the most prosperous and progressive in our
overseas Dominions. Its people are so loyal and so devoted to this dear old land of England which they always designate "home". I have the most pleasant
and grateful recollections of my last speaking tour around the world, which included New Zealand, where both the Prime Minister (Mr SEDDON) and Sir Joseph WARD
gave me a warm welcome, and where the leading members of all creeds united in the welfare for the rising generation and for the conservation of the Christian home
and family life and for temperance. But I cannot go. There is too much work in these home countries."
Mr W.H. WRIGHT, A.R.C.A., who has been appointed to the position of Art Instructor (sculpture and modelling branch) at Elam School of Art, Auckland, received his
first general training in art at the Nottingham School of Art, where he obtained the gold medal and other awards for sculpture in the national competition. He
then went to the Royal College of Art, South Kensington, and obtained the college diploma for sculpture and the travelling scholarship of the college. Since
leaving the college he has been wholly engaged in sculpture work, and has exhibited several times at the Royal Academy. His work has also been bought by the
Corporation of Glasgow for their permanent collection. Mr WRIGHT, who lives at Beeston, Nottinghamshire, is 39 years of age. It is probable that he will travel
to New Zealand by the Authentic, but his passage is not yet booked.
MARRIAGES - STEWART-HASSELL - On the 29th June, 1927, at St Mark’s Church, Wellington, Frank Lionel, elder son of Mr and Mrs H. STEWART, Otaki, to Constance Muriel
Knight, daughter of Mr and Mrs A.N. HASSELL, Beeston, Notts, England.
"BENDIGO" - A FAMOUS PRIZEFIGHTER - During the recent visit of the Good Templars to Nottingham (England) a number of the delegates visited the grave of
"Bendigo" - the famous prizefighter who became an evangelist and temperance worker - in Bath Street Cemetery, and held a short service at the graveside.
"Bendigo" (writes a contributor to the "Newcastle Weekly Chronicle") was William THOMPSON, who was born at Nottingham on 11th October 1811, and
died at Beeston on 23rd August 1880. He was one of three sons at a birth, and these sons popularly became known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. From early youth,
"Bendigo" was a formidable pugilist, and fought some of the notable men of his time. He was 5ft ¾in, and his fighting weight was 11st 12lb. He was clever
with his hands, possessed much judgment, and his battles with men taller and heavier than himself showed coolness and self-restrain. In 1835 he called himself
"Abednego of Notts", and from that date he was spoken of in the sporting Press as "Bendigo", and it is generally stated that the well-known city
in Australia was called "Bendigo" after him. He came under the influence of Father MATTHEW and Richard WEAVER and gave up the ring for the platform and the
pulpit. He became an active member of the Ebenezer Lodge of Good Templars at Nottingham, and excelled himself in his efforts to persuade people to join the movement.
Many interesting stories of his work could be related. It is stated that when he once preached in a Birmingham chapel that a group of former prize-fighters, whom he
had beaten in the ring, annoyed him and tried to break up his service. Unable to stand it any longer, he gave out a well-known hymn, then bolted from the pulpit, and
"floored" his tormentors, with blows "right and left, straight, hard and true", after which the pugilists sat in the front row, as meek as lambs,
while the service proceeded.
Newspaper images are available at the National Library of New Zealand : PapersPast site
Extracts kindly compiled by Trish Symonds of New South Wales, Australia - Format is Copyright David H Hallam © 2011
Use for personal and non-commercial purposes permitted. Use for commercial purposes or re-publishing is explicitly prohibited.