Beeston References in Other Sources
- Beeston Bibliography - Over the years, there has been a fair number of books and pamphlets published about Beeston and the immediate area. Many of these
were privately published, often with a relatively small circulation, and many have become difficult to locate. This attempt at a definitive list of all that has been written about the Beeston
area is therefore inevitably incomplete but will be added to as new such sources are identified.
Newspapers from the past are increasingly becoming available for browsing on the Web and can provide a fascinating insight into historical events and ancestors' lives. The following
links provide access to references to Beeston-related events and people who have appeared in newspapers. This excellent collection of Beeston related references has been extracted
by Trish Symonds of New South Wales, Australia, a regular contributor to this site.
- Beeston in the Nottinghamshire Guardian - The first issue of The Nottinghamshire Guardian and Midland & Counties Advertiser appeared
on 1 May 1846 and it ceased publication in December 1969. This index, compiled from searches of those editions which are viewable on-line, is arranged by the surname of the main person
mentioned in each of the articles, in five-year sections. It covers the whole of the period that is now on-line, from May 1849 to the end of 1900 (with the exception of a few years which have
not been scanned for searching). This is a particularly fascinating collection of snippets which vividly add much detail to our knowledge of Beeston folk of that era - their happy and sad times
as well as their (many) transgressions. Excellent !
- Beeston in the News - another fascinating collection of Beeston-related newspaper articles, extracted from 19th century newspapers from around Britain, which
contain not only colourful detail but many names and dates which will be invaluable to local and family historians.
- Beeston in Australian Newspapers - many will be surprised to know that Beeston quite often received a mention in newspapers around the wider world. This
collection is of snippets from Australian newspapers.
- Beeston in New Zealand Newspapers - and these snippets from New Zealand newspapers may well give clues to Beeston folk who settled there
over the years.