The Origins of the Placenames and Fieldnames of Beeston - by Ivan Morrell
Beeston Deeds - Nottingham University Manuscript Department [NUDMSC] Ref. No. Bn 1-164
Beeston Leases and Wills - Nottinghamshire Archives Ref. No DDRL 16/1/1-25
Beeston Enclosure Map 1809 - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No. EA 36/2/1
Beeston Enclosure Award 1809 - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No EA 36/4
Beeston, Then and Now - Robert Mellor
Beeston Terriers - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No. DR 1/3/2/1/14/1-16
Beeston Indentures - Nottinghamshire Archives Ref. No.DD/CH 3/7-8, DD / CH / 6/6, DD / CH / 22/23
Britains Wildlife, Plants and Flowers - Readers Digest
1841 Census for Beeston. - transcribed by S.C. Wallwork
1851 and 1861 Census for Beeston - transcribed by S.C.Wallwork and G. Davidson
1845 Chilwell Tithe Map and Award - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No. AT 27/1a & 1b
Combined Enclosure Map and Award 1809/49 - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No.EA 36/1/2
Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary - J.R.Clark Hall
Deeds relating to Beeston - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No.DD/BW 135/1-13, DD.CH 1/1-2, DD.CH 1/10-11
Dictionary of Archaic Words - Halliwell
Drury Deeds - NUDMSC Ref No Dr D 111 /1-8, Dr D 112/1-5, Dr D 113/1-39, Dr D 114/1-14
Early Roads and Footpaths in Beeston, Nottinghamshire - Geoffrey Drinkwater and Stephen Wallwork in "The Nottinghamshire Historian" No 69 - Autumn/Winter 2002
History of the Parish and Priory of Lenton - Godfrey
In Search of Historic Beeston - Margaret E. Cooper
Land Conveyance of 1732, Sarah Constable to John Moore and James Wood - Notts. Archive Ref. No DD RL 16/1/1
Mapping Pre-enclosure Beeston Geoffrey Drinkwater and Stephen Wallwork in "The Nottinghamshire Historian" No 78 - Spring/Summer 2007
Middleton Collection - NUDMSC Ref. No. Mi 2/49/ 1-26, Mi 2/50/ 1-47, Mi D
Middleton Estate Plan 1863 - NUDMSC Ref. No. Mi P 6
Middleton Estate Survey 1863 - NUDMSC Ref. No. Mi 2s 3-4
Nottinghamshire County Council Sites and Monuments Record
1885 and 1901 Ordnance Survey Maps of Beeston
Oxford Dictionary of English Placenames - A.D. Mills
Oxford English Dictionary 1993 Ed Leslie Brown
Oxford Names Companion
1817 Plan of the Lenton and Beeston estates of James Green, Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No.BE 2 S
18th Century Plan of the River Trent between Cavendish Bridge and Gainsborough showing proposed routes for canals - Nottinghamshire Archives Ref. No. CQDU/DP/1/W5
Priory Demesne to University Campus - Frank Barnes
Rentals for the Streys Beeston Estate - Nottinghamshire Archives Ref. No. DD CH 25/8-9
DD CH 27/1-15
The Beeston Story - Margaret Cooper
The Landscape of Placenames - Margaret Gelling and Ann Cole
Wadsworth Collection - NUDMSC Ref. No. W1, W3, W8/1, W11
Will of Nicholas Strey 1604 - Nottinghamshire Archive Ref. No DD CH 25/13 & DD CH 25-1
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