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Nottinghamshire Guardian (& Midland Advertiser) - Beeston Related Articles
1 January 1871 to 31 December 1875
(Except the newspapers for 1872, which are missing from the database)

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Arranged by surname of the main person mentioned in the article. Use Ctrl+F to search for other surnames of interest
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The following contemporary abbreviations, not often used today, appear widely in the articles :
inst. (instant) = this month ult. (ultimo) = last month prox. (proximo) = next month

Name   Publication Date  
ABELLThomas.Fri18Dec1874Butcher of Beeston, charged with leaving horse and cart in care of another person who neglected them; dismissed
ADCOCKJonathan.Fri10Apr1874Labourer, charged with assaulting his wife Elizabeth at Beeston, beating her very severely; 2 months imprisonment
ANDREWSEmma Trueman.Fri14May1875Died on 31st inst, Emma Trueman, 27, wife of Cyril ANDREWS Esq of Alverston, only dtr of late Rev SAMMONS
AUSTINJohn.Fri13Aug1875John AUSTIN and his wife charged with assaulting James BURNHAM at Beeston on Wed night; £1 1s each
BALLJonathan.Fri13Oct1871Drunk and disorderly at Beeston on 24th ult; previous conviction; ordered to pay 21s
BALLARDAlfred.Fri13Nov1874Charged with stealing turnips on 15th inst, property of Mr SHEPHERD of Beeston; fine of 21s imposed
BALLARDArthur.Fri20Mar1874With John BARKER, charged with stealing a boy’s dinner property of Joseph HEWITT at Beeston; 14 and 7 days
BARKERAnn.Fri3Jan1872Died on 26th inst at home of her daughter Fallowfield nr Manchester, Ann, relict of William BARKER of Beeston
BARKERWilliam Edward.Fri6Oct1871A little boy, 5 years old, drowned at Beeston Rylands on Sat last; son of lock-keeper; (aunt Mrs BROOKS)
BARKERWilliam Edward.Fri27Oct1871Inquest: Body found previous day nr Wilford Bridge by Mr FRECKNALL; boy named TAGG saw him fall in
BLASDALEFanny.Fri1Aug1873Died at Beeston on 21st inst, Fanny, beloved daughter of Charles BLASDALE, grocer, aged 14, deeply lamented
BLOODWORTHHarriet.Fri24Apr1874Died at Wheat-sheaf, Birmingham, Hannah, wife of Edward BLOODWORTH, dtr of William MARKHAM, Beeston
BOTTAMORESidney.Fri21Jul1871Assaulted Mr Wm RAWLE, publican, at Beeston on Wednesday morning last; fined 42s
BRADLEYT.J..Fri22Oct1875Sessions: Grand Jury: T.J. BRADLEY, fellmonger; J. ARMITAGE, seed merchant; G. BUSH, grocer; all Beeston
BROOKSSamuel.Fri3Jul1874Sessions: Edward JENKINS, 20, and Elizabeth CASEY alias KAYE alias THORNTON indicted for stealing brooch value 10s and silk dress value £4 property of Samuel BROOKS of Beeston on 20th May; CASEY 2 mths imp
BROOKSSelina.Fri29May1874Lodgers Henry JENKINSON and Elizabeth PACEY with baby stole silk dress and other articles; sent to Sessions
BUTLERJames.Fri3Feb1871Surgeon, of Beeston; gave evidence at inquest of Mrs BISHOP wife of Thomas BISHOP Esq of Bramcote
BYWATEREdward.Fri11Apr1873Wife Assault: Edw. BYWATER a fitter charged with assaulting wife at Beeston after argument re money; fined 42s
CAMELLHenry.Fri9Jan1874Sessions: Age 35, lacemaker, stole brooch 15 March 1872 property Jos WRIGHT, previous conv; 12 mths imp h/lbr
CAMMWilliam.Fri19Sep1873Mechanic from Beeston; Charged with drunkenness at Midland station; ordered to pay 10s
CAREYR.F..Fri5Dec1873Terrible Railway Accident at Syston on Friday: List of Injured: Mr R.F. CAREY, jun, Beeston-Notts, lace-manuf.
CARNELLHenry.Fri2Jan1874Aged 35, lacemaker, charged with stealing brooch, value 4s 6d, property of Joseph WRIGHT, Beeston, 15 Mar 1872
CHARLTONWilliam.Fri26Nov1875Divorce Suit, CHARLTON v. CHARLTON and AMOS; petition by husband for wife’s adultery; married 18 Sept 1861 at St Mary’s Nottm, to Annie MORLEY, lacemender, daughter of Joseph MORLEY; lived at Beeston with his wife; one child
CHEETHAMCharles.Fri1Sep1871Married at Bingham on 29th Aug, Mr Charles CHEETHAM of Beeston to Sarah Ellen dtr of Wm TOMKINSON Bing
CHOLERTONBenjamin.Fri20Oct1871Died at Beeston on 10th inst, Mr Benjamin CHOLERTON, gardener, in his 76th year
CLARKEFrederick.Fri16May1873Stole two prayerbooks from Beeston Church, property of his master William PILGRIM framesmith; Sold them to man named Henry WARRINER; asked for mercy but this had been shown in the past; 6 wks gaol/hard labour
CLARKEJohn.Fri23Jan1874Riding without reins at Beeston on 12th Jan; Capt HOLDEN stated waggon was on wrong side of highway; fined 21s
COOKEJohn.Fri30Jun1871Assaulted Thomas POLLARD at Beeston on 15th June after complainant discharged from employment; fined 15s
COXMr.Fri21Jul1871Of Cricketers’ Arms, Beeston; Admitted as new member of Nottingham Beerhouse Keepers’ Association
COXThomas.Fri19May1871Died at residence of son-in-law W. TYERS 48 Litchurch-st Derby on 9th inst, Thomas COX, Beeston-Notts, 91st year
COXONJames.Fri2Jun1871James COXON of Beeston charged with indecent assault on Mary Jane DANN, aged 12, at Chilwell; £5 or two mths
DAFTHannah.Fri24Apr1874Died on 18th inst at Beeston, Hannah, relict of William DAFT, late of Thrumpton, aged 86 years
DAVIESThomas.Fri1May1874Married at Parish Church Newark on 26th inst, Mr Thos DAVIES of Beeston to Anne Maria dtr of George HARSTON
DRINGSamuel.Fri30Jun1871Allowing a ferocious dog to be at large in Beeston on 27th May, biting a boy and p.c. DALBY; destroyed; fined 25s
EMMERSONMr.Fri14Jul1871Licensed Victuallers’ Association – Following new members admitted: Mr EMMERSON, of the Boat Inn, Beeston
EMMERSONMr.Fri21Jul1871Of Boat Inn, Beeston; Admitted as new member of Nottingham Beerhouse Keepers’ Association
FARRINGTON ?William.Fri21Sep1871Trespassing on the railway line at Beeston on 28th inst; William BUXTON driver saw man lying across line; fine 42s
FELLOWSHenry.Fri11Aug1871Born No 6 Pembridge-Place, Bayswater, London, on 8th August, wife of Henry FELLOWS Esq of Beeston-Notts, son
FISHERCharles James.Fri27Mar1874Died on 19th inst at his residence, Villa-street, Beeston, suddenly, Mr Charles James FISHER, aged 68 years
FISHERHannah Ellen.Fri3Jul1874Died at Beeston on 29th ult, Hannah Ellen, the widow of the late Charles James FISHER
FOSTERRobert.Fri27Jun1873Violent assault on Henry HUDSON stock-broker at Beeston on 13th May; dispute over land; to trial at next Assizes
FOTHERGILLJames.Fri7Apr1871Died on 31 March at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Jas FOTHERGILL, of The Willows, Beeston, Notts, aged 67 (57?)
FOXEugene.Fri11Aug1871Died at Bulwell on 4th inst, Eugene, infant son of Mr John FOX, Inland Revenue Officer, Beeston, aged two months
FREEMANJames.Fri15Oct1875Intimidation Case of Lacemakers at Lenton: James FREEMAN, lacemaker, Beeston, employed by Messrs SYLVESTER & BRIDGETT; 7th Sept left with other workers and saw crowd shouting at Houndsgate-Nottm; saw BRADLEY, CALLADINE, Mrs HUMPHRIES, Jane WEST, COOPER and James DEAN.
FRETTINGHAMWilliam.Fri25Sep1874William FRETTINGHAM and Henry PLACKETT charged with stealing apples/plums/damsons etc from Henry FRETTINGHAM at Beeston, his uncle; FRETTINGHAM fined 15s and PLACKETT discharged
GLOVERWilliam.Fri13Jan1871Charged with refusing to quite the public-house kept by Mr SISSON at Beeston – fined one guinea
GLOVERWilliam.Fri13Jan1871Charged with assaulting a landlord at Beeston – fined an extra guinea
GOLLINStephen.Fri17Mar1871Assizes: Stephen GOLLIN, 22, plumber; rape of Hannah BROWN domestic servant aged 26 on 17th September last. The doctor who examined prosecutrix was not in Court so Jury could not find the man guilty of rape
GUNNLouisa.Fri1Dec1871Alias THOMPSON; middle-aged woman charged with stealing sheet belonging to elderly man John OLDHAM
HALFORDGeorge.Fri15Dec1871Inquest: Employed by Richard CRANCH solicitor at farm at Beeston, had fall previous Thurs damage to brain/spine
HALLIrene.Fri20Aug1875Of Beeston; Charged with keeping ferocious dog on her premises, attacked Elizabeth CARR; fined 15s and destroyed
HALLAMEliza.Fri14May1875On the 8th inst, Eliza, beloved wife of William Tompson HALLAM, of Vine Cottage, Beeston, in 44th year of her age
HALLAMJohn.Fri22Aug1873John HALLAM, John HODGKINSON and Edward CLIFFORD, 3 lads, throwing stones on highway at Beeston; 5s
HALLAMWilliam Thompson.Fri21Mar1875Draper’s assistant from Beeston, charged with being drunk at Bulwell on Monday last and driving furiously; fined 42s
HAMMONDWilliam.Fri10Nov1871Died at Shuttleworth near Manchester on 14th October, Mr William HAMMOND, formerly of Beeston, aged 83
HARDYGeorge.Fri19Jun1874Cowkeeper at Beeston, assaulted and house wilfully damaged by Thos FOREST, Harriett LEES, Amy LEES, and Mary Ann NAILOR on Monday last; they took possession of lower part of his house and broke windows, smashed woodwork, stoned him; claimed he was beating wife and came to help; case dismissed
HARPERArthur.Fri27Nov1874A lad, charged with wilful damage to property belonging to Mr FLEWITT of Beeston on 16th inst; 14 days imprison.
HAZELDINEGeorge.Fri3Jan1874Heanor Cemetery Board: Appointment of Superintendent: Applications – George HAZELDINE, Beeston Ryelands
HEMSLEYThomas.Fri21Nov1871Forgiving wife: Lace-agent assaulted wife at Beeston; she considered it fault on both sides; to pay three guineas
HEWITTGeorge.Fri16Oct1874Three youths, A. TAFT, W. TURNER and J. ATKIN, fired small canon in Beeston wounding George HEWITT
HEWITTGeorge.Fri19Feb1875While passing through Market-street in Beeston on 10th Oct last, heard the discharge of a firearm and struck in thigh; three lads named John ATKIN, William TURNER and Arthur DAFT fired home-made cannon; fined half a guinea
HILLAnnie.Fri1Aug1873Annie HILL and Jane HOLLINGSWORTH assaulted at Beeston by two young men named COTTER and SCOTT
HITCHINHenry.Fri28May1875Two respectable young men, Henry HITCHIN and Samuel Dunn LOVETT defrauding Midland Rail with no ticket
HOLLANDC.A..Fri3Feb1871Born on 18th Jan, at Elm Cottage Beeston, Notts, the wife of C.A. HOLLAND, of a son
HOLLANDCharles Ernest.Fri8Sep1871Died at Beeston on the 3rd inst, Charles Ernest, infant son of Mr C.A. HOLLAND, aged 7 months
HOLLINGSWORTHJohn.Fri1Aug1873Assaulted wife Louisa at Beeston; both drunk and he pushed her down; wife tried to withdraw charges; fined 25s
HOLLINGSWORTHLouisa.Fri3Oct1873Middle-aged woman, charged with drunkenness at Beeston on 30th July; fined 21s or fourteen days in prison
HOOPERJohn.Fri1May1874Foolish trick: John HOOPER and Charles WEBB charged with stealing basked from Mr KEIGHLEY, Victoria Hotel
HUDSONSamuel.Fri8May1874Using abusive language to Mary Ann SHREWSBURY at Beeston; to keep the peace and pay expenses
JACKSONMr.Fri22Sep1871Beerhouse Keepers’ Association: Elected new member – Mr JACKSON, Malt Shovel, Beeston
JACKSONSamuel.Fri29Oct1875Samuel JACKSON, Beeston, and Benjamin BROWN, Bramcote, drunk at Beeston on 16th inst; 25s and 12s 6d respec.
JEPSONJames.Fri24Mar1871Of Beeston; Charged with cruelty to horse, ill-treating it by using it in an unfit state; adjourned, lad’s master to attend
JOHNSONWilliam.Fri12Sep1873Died at Beeston on 6th inst, Mr William JOHNSON, gentleman, aged 75 years
KIRKBYF..Fri27Jan1871United Methodist Free Church Concert Mansfield assisted by Mr F. KIRKBY organist of Parish Church at Beeston
KIRKHAMGeorge.Fri28May1875Using a ferret to catch rabbits on Mr FELLOWS land; fined £1 1s
LEEWilliam.Fri11Sep1874Wm LEE charged for the sixth time with being drunk at Beeston; fined 15s; William DAFT drunk on same occasion
LEESMr W..Fri29Sep1871Three Horse Shoes Public-House at Beeston, purchased by Mr W. LEES for £490 on 26th inst
LEWISJohn.Fri24Nov1871Letter of appreciation to MESSRS WATSON & SON signed by John LEWIS, Henry CHAPMAN and William NAYLOR, on behalf of nearly one thousand employees for lowering working day to nine hours
LOWEEdward J..Fri9Jul1875Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers: New Members admitted on Wed at meeting in School of Art, Shakespeare St: Edward J. LOWE, gentleman, Highfield House, Beeston, Notts
MALLARSR..Fri5Nov1875Beeston Society of Change Ringers: R. MALLARS, treble; W. CLIFFORD, second; S. MALLARS; third; J. SPRAY, fourth; P. BURTON, fifth; S. WILLIAMS, tenor; conducted by W. CLIFFORD
MANTLEJohn Hardy.Fri29Aug1873Lacemaker; Wilfully damaged growing crops and pigeons property of Mr WATCHORN at Beeston; 21s each charge
MARKHAMMary.Fri13Feb1874Died on 5th ult at Commercial Inn, Beeston, Mary, widow of the late William MARKHAM, in her 67th year
MARKHAMRose.Fri26Mar1875Married at Beeston on 18th inst, Rosa, youngest dtr of late William MARKHAM, to Maurice BOOT, Old Lenton
MARKHAMWilliam.Fri23Jun1871Died at Commercial Inn, Beeston, on 11th instant, William MARKHAM, in his 65th year
MARRISWilliam J..Fri28Jul1871Wesleyan Conference at Manchester: Nottingham District: William J. MARRIS; and John H FAULL, supernumerary
MARSHALLElizabeth.Fri7Jul1871Stealing a black silk skirt, property of Miss Catherine BROMLEY of Beeston; witness Mrs DRAPER; to Sessions
MARSHALLElizabeth.Fri14Jul1871Stealing curtains, books and linen, property of Mr James ROE, lace-manufacturer, Beeston; committed to Assizes
MARSHALLElizabeth.Fri21Jul1871Assizes: Married, 22, charwoman; stealing silk skirt property Catherine BROMLEY on 5th June; further, other articles property James ROW; further, calico jacket property of Martha Ann WARD on 7th July; all at Beeston – Jury found prisoner guilty, and his Lordship sentenced her to 12 calendar months imprison with hard labour
MARSHALLWilliam.Fri21Jul1871With John NIX, indecently assaulted Harriet BARNABY at Beeston; beat her young man severely; fined £2.2s each
MARTINJames.Fri11Dec1874Charged with kicking Hy HAZLEDINE in the mouth on 5th inst at Beeston, severely injuring him; fined one guinea
MARTINSamuel.Fri29Sep1871Embezzlement by apprentice of 30s, respectable young man, family well known in Beeston; 3 months imp.
MILESFanny.Fri16Apr1875Employed as general servant by Sarah GABBOTT at Beeston; Emma VESSEY her half-sister; concealed birth of baby boy by hiding it under bed; Dr ORTON testified it had been suffocated; had a child before
MILWARDWilliam.Fri27Oct1871An old miserable-looking man, charged with stabbing Edward BYWATER at Beeston on Tues; trial at Sessions
MORLEYThomas.Fri7Apr1871Drunk and disorderly in the street at Beeston; to pay 21s or one month in gaol
MOSLEYWilliam.Fri3Oct1873Of 15 Burton-street Nottingham; bought The Crown Inn at Beeston at auction on Wed from Mr WHITEHEAD £1,305
MURRAYJohn.Fri21Jul1871Being at Beeston Railway Station for unlawful purpose; an associate of thieves and pickpockets; three months’ gaol
NORTHCharlotte.Fri20Mar1874Landlady of Traveller’s Rest at Beeston, assaulted her cousin Mary Ann KILBURN; ordered to pay 10s 6d
NORTONFrank.Fri17Mar1871Local Patents: Frank NORTON of Beeston-Notts and John Storey DAVIES Lancs, “steam-boiler generator”
NUTTHannah.Fri28Apr1871Died at Beeston on 15th inst, Hannah, widow of the late Robert Cornelius NUTT, aged 73
ORTONFrederic.Fri10Feb1871Married at Beeston on 1st inst, Frederic ORTON, M.D. of Hornsey, to Clara, dtr of late G. WHITE of Nottingham
PAGEWilliam.Fri9Oct1874Labourer, of Beeston, charged with trespass, picking watercresses and damaging a bank in Highfield Park; fined 7s 6d
PAREAnn.Fri22Dec1871Died 19th inst, Ann, eldest dtr of Mr Henry PARE of Ilkeston Road, Nottingham, late of Beeston, aged 20
PARSONSWilliam.Fri1Sep1871Letter of apology for being unable to attend opening of the new Govt Bonded Warehouse for Nottingham
PEMBERTONMrs.Fri22Dec1871Concert at Beeston Schoolroom: performers inc Mrs PEMBERTON, Mr PEARSON, Messrs MILNER and TOCQUE, W.F. BROMLEY, J. ROGERS, S. KIRKBY, Miss MILNER; Mr F. BAKEWELL proposed toast of thanks
PERCYMiss M..Fri15Sep1871Of Beeston House; with Miss Ada PERCY, won the silvercross at St Andrew’s Golf Club; won gold two years ago
PERCYMr.Fri3Jan1873Mad dogs at large in County: Capt HOLDEN reported retriever of Mr PERCY at Beeston destroyed; all dogs confined
POLLARDJohn.Fri15May1874Lace manufacturer Beeston; unlawfully manufactured imitation of design registered by WOOD BROS & BLOOM
PORTERMr.Fri19May1871Bought messuage, house and garden occupied by Mr Richard THORNHILL in Villa-street, Beeston, for £530
POWLSAlfred.Fri18Sep1874Thomas BROWN of Beeston charged Alfred POWLS with stealing his dog; claimed dog followed him; dismissed
PRATTEdward.Fri22Aug1873Edward PRATT and Samuel TOWLE, two youths, throwing stones; proved by Sergeant DALBY; fined 10s 6d each
PRICEWilliam.Fri17Apr1874Drunk on highway at Beeston; claimed he had been attacked and staggering about; second time for same offence, 21s
PRICEWilliam Page.Fri7Aug1874Pleaded guilty to being drunk at Beeston on 21st May; before Bench on same charge recently; fined 25s
PRICEWilliam Page.Fri10Dec1875Refusing to quite a public-house at Beeston; William Kemp ASLIN, landlord; fined three guineas
RAWLEMr.Fri11Aug1871Licenced Victuallers Association: Admitted as member – Mr RAWLE, Three Horse Shoes Inn, Beeston
REVILLMartin.Fri10Nov1871Charged with travelling on the Midland Railway at Beeston without a ticket; fined 42s
RICHARDSWilliam Abraham.Fri14Nov1873Nottingham School Board List of Nominations : Wm.A. RICHARDS, Beeston-Notts, & Weekday Cross, Solicitor
RICHARDSWilliam Abraham.Fri18Sep1874Born on 9th inst at Beeston, the wife of William Abraham RICHARDS of a daughter
ROBERTSWilliam.Fri19Mar1875Grocer, Formerly of Beeston, sued Samuel WOOD for £26 18s for goods sold and delivered; verdict for £9 0s 1d
ROGERSMr.Fri19May1871Bought six messuages including grocer shop in Church-street, Beeston, for £310
SCOTTERNThomas.Fri5May1871The Boat Inn at Beeston Ryelands bought by Thos SCOTTERN for £800 yesterday; adj property by Saml HOLLAND
SALTSarah.Fri7Jul1871Inquest at Star Inn: Sarah SALT, 57, found drowned in ditch near Beeston on Friday night, found by Hy HAZELDINE very despondent receiving notice to quite her home; Dr BUTLER feared her going insane
SAMMONSJohn Coulson, Rev.Fri12Jun1874Died at Beeston on 3rd inst, Rev John Coulson SAMMONS, M.A., Vicar of Cotham, aged 56 years
SEGRAVEThomas.Fri23Jan1874Charged with drunkenness at Beeston on 9th Jan; fined 21s having been taken up before
SHELDONThomas.Fri19Nov1875Death of Waterloo veteran, Thomas SHELDON, aged 82 years, at Arnold, native of Beeston near Nottingham; at early age of 16 he enlisted into the Royal regiment of Artillery on 16th August 1811, and being unfit for service was discharged 13th October 1840, having faithfully served his country for twenty-nine years and one hundred and five days; commendation from his Colonel; two horses killed under him; last words “Come Lord Jesus, come quickly”
SHELTONEmma.Fri17Jan1873William THOMPSON alias “Bendigo” charged with wilful damage and threatening language to Emma SHELTON at Beeston; she lived next door to “Bendy” who constantly threw refuse in her house and to cut her eyes out
SHIPLEYWilliam.Fri17Feb1871Nottm Beerhouse Keepers Assn: Hon. Members admitted were William SHIPLEY, of Beeston, hop merchant
SHREWSBURYJoseph.Fri13Jan1871Died at Beeston on 11th inst, Mr Joseph SHREWSBURY, Church-street, Beeston, in his 39th year
SILMANThomas.Fri2May1873Marine store dealer residing at Beeston appeared at Shire Hall in Nottingham for purchasing 18lbs of lead; under the Old Metals Act minimum is 120lbs; Sarah BROWNLOW sold the lead to him; tailor by trade and was ignorant of the Act; Bench dealt kindly and fined 21s and a warning
SPRAYFrederick.Fri15Sep1871With Frederick SPRAY, father and son, assaulted Thomas BEARDSLEY on 31st ult, great deal of violence used; 7s 6d
SPRAYWalter.Fri20Jun1873Charged with Jno LEE for drunkenness at Beeston and causing affray; LEE fined 21s and SPRAY fined 30s
STARTGeorge.Fri23Jan1874Charged with drunkenness at Beeston on 9th Jan; Sgt DOLLING proved case; fined 12s 6d
STONEGeorge.Fri25Dec1874On the 18th inst, Mr George STONE, Grey Hound Inn, Beeston, aged 55 years; respected by all who knew him
STONEMrs.Fri12Feb1875Licensed Victuallers Association: New member of the Society: Mrs STONE, Greyhound, Beeston
SUTTONWilliam Bourne.Fri8Aug1873Wilfully damaged several pieces of glass at Beeston property of Mr P. WOOD; admitted guilt; ordered to pay £5
THORNHILLCharles.Fri10Jul1874Assaulted Joseph PARSON at Beeston on 27th June without provocation; six previous convictions; fined two guineas
THORNHILLJames Arthur.Fri12Feb1875Aged 22, son of respected family in Beeston; Embezzled £500 from employer Mr MILNES, wine and spirit merchant at Low Pavement, he had been the confidential clerk there for years; father worked for Mr KIRKLAND; six months’
THORNTONFemale.Fri12May1871__ __ THORNTON, a very respectable-looking female, stealing silver watch from George MORRIS joiner Beeston - she was his next-door neighbour, witnesses Harriet MORRIS, Mary BLOAR; sent to Sessions
TUNICLIFFEMary.Fri24Jul1874Breach of Promise: Damages for £500 against Beeston grocer John DOAR
WAKEFIELDMary.Fri9May1873Married at Beeston on 30th ult, Joseph Lant CARPENTER of Edgbaston to Mary, eld dtr of late Saml WAKEFIELD
WALKERJohn.Fri30Aug1875Aged 42, unmarried, brewer at The Greyhound; Drowned on Friday last while wading in water at Beeston Ryelands with two companions; witnesses: mother Sarah; George Thomas STONE (Greyhound Inn kept by his mother); John OLDHAM; went to look at the floodwaters with STONE and OLDHAM; “accident drown”
WALKERWilliam.Fri31Jan1873Inquest: Platelayer on railway, aged 54, died suddenly on Mon morning while working on railway, “Natural causes”
WALKERWilliam.Fri2Apr1875Aged 21, framework knitter, charged with stealing horse rug value 4s, property of Henry BELFIELD, Beeston
WALKERWilliam.Fri9Apr1875Sessions: While drunk stealing horserug property of Henry BELFIELD on 13th Mar at Beeston; not guilty, discharged
WARTONSamuel.Fri2Jun1871Wilfully damaging grass at Beeston on 21st inst, property of Mr LOWE Esq. Admitted charge, fined 10s
WATERSMay Ann.Fri28Aug1874Died on 25th ult at Elm-villas, Beeston station, May Ann WATERS, wife of T. WATERS, aged 43 years
WATTSAnn.Fri3Dec1875Aged 37, found in her house in Beeston with throat badly cut; attempted to take own life with razor; in hospital
WATTSJoseph.Fri6Aug1875A middle-aged man, assaulted a little girl named Emma OLDHAM at Beeston, striking her with a whip; fined 50s
WELLSPhilip.Fri16Oct1874Fined 12s 6d for drunkenness at Beeston
WHITEHEADJoseph.Fri2Jul1875Joseph and Mary WHITEHEAD of Beeston charged with assaulting Henry SPIFFORD their neighbour
WHITEHEADMr.Fri2Jul1875Cedar House, with five acres of land, at Beeston, sold for £4,500, by Mr WHITEHEAD at Exchange Mart on Monday
WILLOUGHBYIsaac.Fri6Oct1871Died at Beeston on 1st inst, Mr Isaac WILLOUGHBY, aged 81; more than 40 years park keeper at Wollaton
WITHAMWilliam.Fri24Nov1871Died at Beeston on 13th inst, Mr William WITHAM, aged 75
WOODJames.Fri29Aug1873Of Beeston; turnips damaged by Wm LAMBERT, Jn TOMLINSON, Hy and Francis HAZELDINE; fined 3s each
WRIGHTEdward.Fri10Nov1871Charged with travelling on the Midland Railway at Beeston without a ticket at Beeston on 30th ult, defacing ticket; 42s
WRIGHTJoseph.Fri26Sep1873Brewster Sessions: Licence suspended: Joseph WRIGHT, The Rose, Beeston
WRIGHTMr.Fri21Jul1871Of Rose Inn, Beeston; Admitted as new member of Nottingham Beerhouse Keepers’ Association

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This index kindly compiled by Trish Symonds of New South Wales, Australia
Format is Copyright David H Hallam © 2011.
Use for personal and non-commercial purposes permitted. Use for commercial purposes or re-publishing is explicitly prohibited.