Name |
Publication Date |
Details |
ARCHER | John | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1887 | Discharged soldier of Beeston, stealing a sewing machine from house of Richard WHITTAKER; six weeks hard labor |
ASHTON | William | . | Fri | 26 | Feb | 1886 | Young man but old offender, charged with being drunk and disorderly at Beeston; forty-third appearance; 3 week gaol |
ASTILL | G.H. | . | Fri | 26 | Oct | 1889 | Births: On 20th inst at Beeston, wife of G.H. ASTILL, of a daughter |
ATKIN | Arthur | . | Fri | 14 | Jan | 1887 | Inquest: Killed by passenger train; Jeremiah JOHNSON platelayer of Beeston, witness to the death |
ATKIN | Lewis | . | Fri | 6 | Jul | 1889 | Sessions: Curious case: Lewis ATKINS (26) and John TUCKWOOD (19) labourers, stole hat value 1s 11d, property of Isaac NEALE at Beeston on 22nd April, ATKIN indicted for stealing coat property of Samuel TAYLOR value 2s 6d at same time and place; acquitted |
BARKS | Miss | . | Fri | 14 | Oct | 1889 | Young woman named BARKS aged about 27, living with mother at Beeston, missing since Tuesday, hat found at weir |
BARK | Annie | . | Fri | 2 | Nov | 1889 | Inquest at Ferry Boat Inn: Annie BARK, 26, Beeston, found in River Trent at Stoke Bardolph on Monday; William BARK, lacemaker of Beeston identified body as his daughter; Levi SPRAY Beeston Rylands labourer did not know deceased but found hat on 8th inst; William CUPITT of Ferry Inn at Stoke Bardolph found body at Stoke Ferry; suicide or accident not known; open verdict returned |
BEWITT | William | . | Fri | 26 | Jan | 1889 | Died at Beeston, William BEWITT, aged 58 years |
BLACK | John | . | Fri | 26 | Feb | 1886 | Solicitor living at Beeston, practising in Nottingham, shot dead, while with his son, while visiting Mr Wm HOLBROOK a farmer at Normanton for the purpose of rabbit-shooting. Son, Mr Arthur Morley BLACK, solicitor’s clerk of Beeston, gave evidence, father was aged 43; gun went off while he was climbing a fence |
BLACK | John | . | Fri | 5 | Mar | 1886 | Funeral took place Thursday at General Cemetery Nottingham at half-past twelve; long list of mourners |
BONSER | Alfred | . | Fri | 31 | Aug | 1889 | Brewster Sessions: Application for beer-off licence refused of Alfred BONSER, Chilwell-road, Beeston |
BOTTOMER | Joseph | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | An old charge: Joseph BOTTOMER brought up for gambling on the road at Beeston in July 1879; did not answer summons at time; was out of country serving in 17th Regt of Infantry in India; Bench dismissed case |
BRADFORD | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 10 | Jun | 1887 | Died at St John’s-grove Beeston on 4th inst, Elizabeth, younger and dearly beloved daughter of Charles BRADFORD, in her 23rd year |
BROWNSWORD | A. Mrs | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1887 | Garden Party and sale of work to support Orphanage Homes at Beeston; long list of ladies in charge of stalls |
BUNNING | S.T. | . | Fri | 25 | May | 1889 | Disastrous fire at Beeston Brewery Company on Tues, damage over £1,500 insured, Mr S.T. BUNNING manager |
BUNNING | Samuel Richard | . | Fri | 27 | Jul | 1889 | Leicester County Court: Richard CARTER sued Samuel Richard BUNNING manager of Beeston Brewery Company |
BURROWS | Sarah | . | Fri | 17 | Sep | 1887 | Died on 10th ult, Sarah, beloved wife of Francis BURROWS, Lenton Fields Farm, Beeston, Notts |
BUSHELL | Benjamin | . | Fri | 15 | Apr | 1887 | Aged 54, hawker of Hyson Green, stole quantity of meat, property of Joseph William KELHAM, butcher, Beeston |
BUTLER | James, Dr | . | Fri | 25 | Feb | 1887 | Derbyshire Assizes: Witness, Dr James BUTLER, medical officer of health to the Sanitary Authorities of Long Eaton and Beeston; said he examined sewage farm with idea of Beeston adopting similar scheme |
CARTER | Frederick | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1887 | Aged 42, fish dealer, Beeston, maliciously wounding Isaac CHAPMAN at Beeston on 30th Oct last; and Isaac CHAPMAN, fitter, 23, charged with wounding Frederick CARTER at the same time and place; no case against CARTER; CHAPMAN sentenced to six weeks hard labour |
CASSELDINE | Thomas | . | Fri | 10 | Jun | 1887 | Charged with deserting from 4th Derbyshire Militia in training at Newark, pc HALL made arrest at Beeston; remanded |
CASTLEDINE | T. | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1887 | Labourer of Beeston, charged with deserting Newark Militia on 2nd May; fined £5 or 14 days imprisonment |
CHAPMAN | Isaac | . | Fri | 12 | Nov | 1886 | Of Radford; Charged with seriously wounding Frederick CARTER at Beeston on 30th ult during foot race; remanded |
CHAPMAN | Isaac | . | Fri | 19 | Nov | 1886 | Fitter, Nottingham; charged with unlawfully wounding Fredk CARTER, fishmonger, Beeston, kicking him; Sessions |
CLAYTON | J.J. | . | Fri | 5 | Jan | 1889 | J.J. CLAYTON , a youth whose family formerly resided at New Basford but moved to Beeston, was one of those who lost his life in the wreck of the Storm Queen in the Bay of Biscay; his family are stricken with deepest sorrow at the loss of a promising son |
CLIFFORD | Alfred | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1886 | Brewster Sessions: Application for licence granted for rebuilt premises adjoining Mr WILKINSON’s factory after fire |
COCKAYNE | Sarah | . | Fri | 7 | Sep | 1889 | Died on 29th ult at Cromwell House, Beeston, in her 73rd year, Sarah, wife of late Wm COCKAYNE of Nottingham |
COCKERILL | p.c. | . | Fri | 23 | Apr | 1886 | 14 teeth-marks on hand from bite of mad dog owned by John JOHNSON of Beeston; telegraph sent to Mr PASTEUR in Paris; reply received requesting he be sent immediately; Nottingham Watch Committee to send the police-constable accompanied by Doctor Herbert TAYLOR; boy bitten by same dog at Beeston also to be sent; Superintendent HALLAM applied for order for all dogs to be kept under control; sanctioned until 30 June |
COCKERILL | p.c. | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1886 | At request of the Borough Police Force, sent to Dr PASTEUR in Paris suffering hydrophobia after mad-dog bite accompanied by Dr Herbert Owen TAYLOR; also Peter BURTON of Nether-street in Beeston bitten on abdomen by same dog accompanied by Dr Claude TAYLOR; letter written by Dr Claude TAYLOR published in full; received by Dr Louis PASTEUR aged about 60 with warm and sympathetic heart; first two patients inoculated were COCKERILL and BURTON, to be repeated once a day for ten days |
COOPER | Frederick | . | Fri | 24 | Jun | 1887 | Labourer of Coalville-Leicestershire, alighting from moving train at Beeston; fined 20s; John MOORE, porter |
COOPER | William | . | Fri | 27 | May | 1887 | Licensed Victuallers: Charged and fined on evidence of Inspector STOREY with adulterating spirits – William COOPER, Beeston, £2.2s; Rose BOOT, Beeston, £5 |
COPE | Edward | . | Fri | 27 | May | 1887 | Died on 20th inst at his residence, Beeston, Edward COPE, aged 33 years |
COTTON | William | . | Fri | 29 | Jan | 1886 | Beeston Local Board sued Wm COTTON of Weekday-cross Nottg for £48.9s.8d for private street sewering in Windsor-street at Beeston |
DAVIS | Edward P. | . | Fri | 25 | Jun | 1886 | Births, On the 18th inst at Beeston, the wife of Edward P. DAVIS, of a son |
DAVIS | William | . | Fri | 21 | May | 1886 | Alarming Accident at Beeston: William DAVIS and Henry LAUNDER driving horse and cart belonging to Messrs Dabell and Hickton, mineral water manufacturers of Nottingham, on Saturday were swept into the canal by floodwater following severe storm on Thursday; both pulled to safety by Mr BURROWS, farmer; Mr G. MORRISON, provision merchant at Beeston, sent his waggon and driver (James AVERY) to assist; both were unconscious for some time; LAUNDER came round, but WILSON of Hunt-street Sneiton, a married man with four children, is not expected to recover |
DAYKIN | Samuel | . | Fri | 1 | Apr | 1887 | At present serving five years penal servitude in connection with late lace robberies at Beeston, sued Richard KIRK for £2.5s.10d, the value of lace curtains supplied to him; Mrs DAYKIN prosecutrix acting on own initiative; His Honour directed non-suit saying plaintiff must appear in person or get written authority from Home Office |
DELMAR | Miss | . | Fri | 20 | May | 1887 | Sister of landlord of White Lion Hotel at Beeston, awakened by smoke, brother ran downstairs and found fire in the smoke-bar from cigar left burning; fire brigade called, damage about £10 |
DENNIS | Joseph | . | Fri | 18 | Mar | 1887 | Sent to gaol for seven days for assaulting his wife, Mary Ann DENNIS, at Beeston, on 14th inst |
DIX | Amelia Crane | . | Fri | 15 | Apr | 1887 | Married at St Thomas’s Church on 7th inst, Walter HUGHES of Pelsall-Staffs, to Amelia Crane, youngest daughter of the late Edward DIX, of Beeston, Nottingham |
DOYLE | James | . | Fri | 26 | Nov | 1886 | Sentenced to one month hard labour for stealing parcel from platform at Beeston Railway property Messrs PRICE |
EASOM | Frederick | . | Fri | 14 | Dec | 1889 | Members of new Beeston School Board include Frederick EASOM, Joe ELLIS, Evan Edward JENKINS, James Henry Patterson JOHNSTONE, Abraham LACEY, Joseph Massey SALT, Frank WHITT, |
ELLIOTT | Thomas | . | Fri | 25 | May | 1889 | Died on 18th inst at 3 North-road, The Park, Annie, beloved wife of Edward ROBERTS, and second daughter of the late Thomas ELLIOTT of Beeston |
EMSLEY | John | . | Fri | 29 | Apr | 1887 | Traveller, Beeston; fined 20s for keeping a dog without a licence; p.c. TOPHAM proved case |
FELLOWS | George | . | Fri | 22 | Apr | 1887 | Births, at Beeston Fields on 13th inst, wife of George FELLOWS, Esq, of a son |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 28 | May | 1886 | Charged with housebreaking at Beeston on 24th inst; house of George EMMOND on High-road; remanded until Sat |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 4 | Jun | 1886 | Breaking into house of George EMMOND of William-street Beeston and stealing small articles value 10s; to trial |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 2 | Jul | 1886 | Aged 38, butcher, charged with stealing articles property of George EMMONDS; very bad character; four months imp |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 8 | Apr | 1887 | Breaking into house of Henry CARNELL at Beeston on 4th inst; also stealing coat property of William YOUNG, draper of Beeston; George PALING witness saw break-in; p.c. HILL apprehended prisoner wearing stolen coat, Mr YOUNG employed FORREST to clean harness and coat stolen from his stable; remanded one week |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 15 | Apr | 1887 | Thomas FORREST, alias BLONDIN, charged with breaking into house of Henry CARNELL, where he was a lodger, and using violence on Mrs CARNELL; before the Court on 30 previous occasions; committed for one month |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1887 | Alias BLONDIN, wilfully damaging garden produce belonging to Mr John WHITEHEAD of Beeston; remanded |
FORREST | Thomas | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1887 | Charged with damaging a number of plants property of Mr WHITEHEAD, Beeston; fined two guineas or one month |
FOSTER and PARKINSON | . | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1886 | Builders, Beeston; failed to send notice of completion of two houses to surveyor of Local Board; fined 20s |
FOTHERGILL | Sarah Jane | . | Fri | 22 | Apr | 1887 | Married on 19th inst at Christ Church, Lancaster-gate, John F. JACKSON, to Sarah Jane, youngest daughter of the late James FOTHERGILL, of Beeston, Notts |
GABB | William | . | Fri | 8 | Oct | 1886 | Assaulted wife at Beeston on Sunday, striking her twice; fined 21s |
GABB | William | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1887 | Letter-carrier, 35, obtaining money under false pretences with intent to defraud; nine months gaol |
GELL | William | . | Fri | 6 | May | 1887 | Fined 5s for allowing dog to be at large unmuzzled – William GELL, builder, Beeston |
GILES | William | . | Fri | 6 | May | 1887 | With Frederick GILES, William CORRELL and Frederick WRIGHT, boys, stone throwing on Queen’s Road, Beeston |
GLENN | John | . | Fri | 3 | Sep | 1886 | With Joseph HAZELDINE and Fred GILES, all of Beeston, damaging growing carrots and stealing from John BUDD |
GLOVER | William | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1886 | Inquest at Sneiton: Aged 52, elastic web maker; wife Agnes GLOVER of Windsor-street Beeston; daughter-in-law Elizabeth GLOVER of 11 Rock-terrace, Lower Eldon-street Sneiton; son Thomas GLOVER; Verdict: “That the deceased had been killed by a fall downstairs whilst in a state of intoxication” |
GOODWORTH | . | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1886 | Two men named GOODWORTH and LEES fined 10s 6d for fighting at Beeston |
GORE | Arthur | . | Fri | 31 | Aug | 1889 | Brewster Sessions: 14 High-road Beeston, application for beer and wine licence for refreshment house; refused |
GREASLEY | William | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1887 | With John HEWITT, both Beeston, stealing a pet rabbit property of Henry ROGERS; case dismissed |
GREEN | Arthur | . | Fri | 30 | Jul | 1886 | Drunk on highway at Beeston on 17th inst; proved by p.c. TOOTELL; fined 12s 6d |
GUILDER | Walter | . | Fri | 25 | Jun | 1886 | With Charles HAZELDINE, doing wilful damage to two fences belonging to Mr CLARK at Beeston; 10s each |
HAMPSON | James | . | Fri | 27 | Jul | 1889 | Assizes: Employee of Humber bicycle manufacturers, witness to accident; brother Thomas HAMPSON tramway conductor gave corroborative evidence, in case of Emmeline Elizabeth LIMB against Patrick and John COLLINS proprietors of steam roundabouts at Goose Fair on 5th October |
HAYES | John | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1886 | Charged with assaulting p.c. HOLT and Detective-Inspector BLAKE, and refusing to quit Beeston Railway Station; found drunk in third-class carriage with no ticket; fined 10s 6d for assault on BLAKE, 10s 6d for refusing to quit premises, and two months hard labour for assault on HOLT |
HAZELDINE | Sidney | . | Fri | 10 | Jun | 1887 | Charged with doing damage to mowing grass belonging to Mr A.W. JAMES at Beeston on 27th; adjourned |
HENSON | William Herbert | . | Fri | 16 | Jul | 1886 | Wm DANSON elderly man of Chilwell employed as night-watchman at Mr NEVILLE’s and father-in-law of defendant, to recover £100 for slander from William Herbert HENSON lace-manufacturer; family differences and wife living apart since October last; HENSON allegedly told David BLOOR that DANSON set fire to his mill; jury found for the defendant |
HOGG | Louisa | . | Fri | 27 | Apr | 1889 | Died on 18th inst, after long and painful illness, Louisa, beloved wife of Robert HOGG, St John’s-grove, aged 42 yrs |
HOLBROOK | Mr | . | Fri | 12 | Mar | 1886 | Residing with Mr FREER at 2 Laburnum-grove Beeston; action brought by Peter Valentine HOTTON, for £10 |
HORNER | Henry | . | Fri | 23 | Jul | 1886 | In pond of Mr WATSON of High-street Beeston stealing water-lilies with man named MURDON; gaol one month |
HUDSTON | Amy | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1886 | Inquest: Aged 14 months, dtr of Mrs M.A. HUDSTON of Regent-street; suffered stoppage in chest; “natural causes” |
HUDSTON | Amelia Elizabeth | . | Fri | 22 | Apr | 1887 | Married on 11th inst at St John’s Beeston, Charles PAXTON of Edinburgh, to Amelia Elizabeth, third daughter of Samuel HUDSTON, stationer |
HUMBER | Thomas | . | Fri | 30 | Mar | 1889 | Daring Robbery at Beeston : The works of Messrs HUMBER & Co, at Beeston, broken into and the whole of the money for Saturday’s wages for 350 men and boys stolen; watchman AVORY arrived 6.30am Saturday to find two dogs poisoned; Thos HUMBER general manager and Mr D.W. BASSETT manager, Sgt HALL, Supt HALLAM; £392 taken from safe; men were paid Saturday evening |
HUTCHINSON | Mr | . | Sat | 9 | Jul | 1887 | The Boat Inn, Beeston Rylands, sold to Mr HUTCHINSON, brewer, after brisk competition for £1,280; adjoining freehold land used as garden sold for 3s a yard |
IRVING | Elizabeth Susanna | . | Sat | 31 | Aug | 1889 | Died on 27th inst at Beeston, Notts, Elizabeth Susanna, wife of the Rev Dr IRVING of Wellington College, fifth daughter of Edmund PERCY |
JOHNS | Ann | . | Fri | 23 | Jul | 1886 | Died on 20th inst at Waterloo-promenade, Ann, wife of Samuel JOHNS, formerly of Beeston, aged 58 years |
JOHNSON | John | . | Fri | 23 | Apr | 1886 | Of Nether-st, Beeston, owner of mad dog with rabies, which bit p.c. COCKERILL and boy named Peter BURTON |
JONES | Frederick | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | Married at Beeston on 4th inst, Frederick JONES to Henrietta (Hetty) BURROWS fourth dtr of Francis BURROWS |
JONES | Mary Elizabeth Turner | . | Fri | 22 | Apr | 1887 | Married on 14th inst at St John the Divine, Kennington, Charles, second son of Robert KNIGHT, Esq, of Clapham, to Mary Elizabeth Turner, only daughter of Edward Turner JONES, of Beeston, Notts |
LARGE | Albert Edward | . | Fri | 3 | Jun | 1887 | Of Chesterfield, travelling without ticket, William COLEMAN ticket-collector at Beeston witness; 40s or 7 days |
LEATHERLAND | J.T. | . | Fri | 3 | Dec | 1886 | Aged 36, employed by Mr BURROWS at Beeston Fields, had hand amputated while engaged in using steam chopper |
LEE | William | . | Fri | 20 | May | 1887 | Inquest: Labourer, aged 57, lived at Beeston, died in tree on farm of Mr Henry SIMPSON, High Fields, Beeston on Tuesday afternoon; Sarah Ann LEE daughter identified body, had complained of pain in left side for years and in head since Christmas; Thomas SHREWSBURY labourer in employ of Mr SIMPSON and residing at City-road in Beeston was lopping tree with deceased on Monday at 10am, deceased up the tree 22 ft from ground and fell to lower branch quite dead, with help of man named John WHEATLEY they lowered him to the ground, not injured in any way; Verdict: “Natural causes” |
LEWES | George | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1886 | Inquest: Lacemaker but lately cleaned clocks and watches, middle-aged man found dead in his bed at Beeston; Frederick SPENCER grandson, lacemaker, said he often complained of chest pains; Verdict: “heart disease” |
LOAKES | Joshua | . | Sat | 12 | Oct | 1889 | Suicide: Inquest into death of Joshua LOAKES, aged 59, clay-pipe maker, living with son at Regent-street, Beeston; hanging in attic; Joshua LOKES jnr machine-fitter, lived with son 14 weeks, had not worked for twelve months, grandson aged seven found deceased; Mary Ann LOAKES wife of Joshua jnr; Verdict: “Suicide while in unsound state of mind” |
LOWE | George | . | Fri | 6 | Aug | 1886 | Serious case from Beeston: George LOWE lacemaker Beeston; George COX lacemaker Beeston; and John MORLEY labourer Chilwell; charged with indecently assaulting Sarah BROOKS at Beeston on Monday 2nd inst; MORLEY also charged with assaulting p.c. HOLT. A youth named Samuel BOTTOMER 19 years of age a thrasher, charged with committing a more serious assault on Louisa SAVAGE at the same time. Prisoners remanded until Saturday. |
LOWE | George | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | At Shire Hall Nottg on Sat, George LOWE, George COX and John MORLEY charged with indecently assaulting Sarah BROOKS at Beeston on 2nd, and Samuel BOTTOMER charged with felonious assault on Louisa SAVAGE at midnight on same date; MORLEY also for assaulting p.c. HOLT; women from Nottingham but staying with friends named THORNHILL in William-street; men followed the women home from public-house, threw THORNHILL and wife out of their house and assaulted BROOKS; SAVAGE ran outside and was assaulted by BOTTOMER; THORNHILL went for police and p.c. HOLT and HALL attended when HOLT assaulted by MORLEY; prisoners committed for trial at next Quarter Sessions |
LUNTLEY | James | . | Fri | 11 | Mar | 1887 | Died at Beeston on 4th inst, James LUNTLEY, artist, aged 63 years |
LUNTLEY | James | . | Fri | 11 | Mar | 1887 | Obituary: After short illness, local artist who achieved distinction as portrait and animal painter, died at his residence Station-villas at Beeston at 9am on Friday morning; was present at football match at Chilwell on Saturday last where his three sons took part and sickened on Monday; aged 60, born London 9th December 1826, settled in Beeston 28 years ago; leaves a widow and nine children : four sons and five daughters; funeral took place at Beeston New Cemetery on Monday; long list of names attending funeral and/or sending wreaths |
MALTBY | Frank William | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1886 | Inquest: Aged six years, found drowned in canal; father William MALTBY iron-turner; William WILDE witness |
MAYFIELD | Annie Elizabeth | . | Fri | 11 | Jun | 1886 | Inquest: Daughter of the late William MAYFIELD piano tuner of Beeston, run over while carrying baby brother on Thursday night by John KAY of 16 Kermit-street Nottingham when driving a potato barrow along Chilwell-road; crushed internally; “Accidental death” |
McKEOWN | Matilda | . | Sat | 2 | Nov | 1889 | Died on 22nd ult at home of son-in-law Rev H. EVANS, Beeston-Notts, Matilda, widow of the late David McKEOWN, M.D. Ballyclare, County Antrim |
MEAD | Arthur | . | Fri | 1 | Apr | 1887 | Stealing a shirt from backyard at Beeston, property of Thos ELLIOTT, arrested wearing same; to prison for 7 days |
MEDHURST | Sarah Ann | . | Fri | 27 | Aug | 1886 | Died at Beeston on 19th inst, Sarah Ann, wife of Walter MEDHURST, aged 32 years |
MILLS | Edward | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | Death of the head master of the Board School at Beeston; boating on the Trent on Monday week with Miss BURTON to whom he was engaged (banns read), took chill, and died of inflammation of the lungs on Monday evening; highly esteemed, at the school six years |
MILLS | James Edward | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | Died at Beeston on 9th inst, James Edward MILLS, aged 28 years |
MILLS | James Edward | . | Fri | 20 | Aug | 1886 | School Board conveyed sympathy to family; Mr DICKINSON appointed to job temporarily; £130 p.a. for successor |
MORLEY | John | . | Fri | 28 | Jan | 1887 | Labourer of Beeston, charged with being drunk and disorderly on Middle-street, Beeston, on 15th inst; fined 15s |
MORLEY | John | . | Fri | 29 | May | 1887 | Of Chilwell, charged with assaulting p.c. TOPHAM at Beeston on Sunday last; case dismissed |
MYCROFT | J. | . | Sat | 28 | Sep | 1889 | Partnerships Dissolved: J. MYCROFT AND COMPANY, Swiss Mills, Beeston, Notts, lace manufacturers |
MUSTER | Edward | . | Sat | 6 | Jul | 1889 | Boy aged 10, of 11 Gladstone-street Beeston, admitted to hospital with broken thigh after attempting to catch horses |
NEAP | Charles | . | Fri | 22 | Apr | 1887 | Joiner, of Beeston; Charged with allowing dog to be at large unmuzzled |
NEEP | Gordon | . | Sat | 20 | Aug | 1887 | Assaulted Thomas HASLAM, county court bailiff, at Beeston on 4th August; Rachel SPRAY charged with rescuing goods at same time and place; HASLAM and another officer went to Regent-street Beeston to levy goods of James HUDSTON, crowd collected and defendant struck HASLAM and female took away several articles of furniture; fined one guinea each or seven days in default |
NEED | Edgar | . | Fri | 20 | Aug | 1886 | With Thomas TEBBUTT, of Lowdham; discharging stones with catapult on highway at Beeston on 15th; fined 10s 6d |
NEETS | T.J. | . | Fri | 24 | Dec | 1886 | Query: Why is oldest part of Beeston known as “The City”, and what is origin of “Frog Hall” at Beeston |
NUTT | Thomas Harwood | . | Fri | 9 | Jul | 1886 | On 18th May 1886 at Silverton N.S.W. Australia, Thomas Harwood NUTT, late of Beeston, aged 42 years |
PALMER | Samuel | . | Fri | 1 | May | 1886 | Inquest at White Lion Inn at Beeston on Samuel PALMER aged 73: George TOWLE coal-merchant of Beeston said deceased was wife’s father who lived alone in cottage on Brown-lane, worked for witness as labourer and paid 12s a week doing odd jobs; witness found deceased in his cottage hanging by rope from banisters and razor covered in blood on the mat; p.c. BISHOP cut body down; Verdict: “Suicide in unsound state of mind” |
PEARSON | Charles | . | Fri | 27 | Aug | 1886 | Licensing Sessions: Licences Refused – Charles PEARSON and William HALLAM, both of Beeston |
PEARSON | Henry | . | Fri | 3 | Sep | 1886 | Iron-founder of Beeston, sued by John REYNOLDS for £10 for breach of son’s apprentice indentures |
PERKINS | Thomas | . | Fri | 22 | Oct | 1886 | Landlord of the Malt Shovel at Beeston, charged with being drunk on own premises; ordered to pay 23s 6d |
PERKINS | Thomas | . | Fri | 25 | Mar | 1887 | Beerhouse keeper, charged with being drunk and disorderly at Beeston on 11th inst; p.c.’s HOLT, TOOTELL and TOPHAM said he was creating great uproar in the street, was taken home; later went past his house and heard him quarrelling with wife and servant, he then went out calling to his neighbours while knocking on their doors and shutters; fined 30s |
PERRONS | Samuel | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1886 | Fined 5s for allowing a dog to be at large in Beeston on 22nd inst, which bit p.c. HOLT in the leg |
PILKINGTON | Mary Ann | . | Fri | 19 | Mar | 1886 | Obtaining a parcel containing four hats under false pretences from Beeston Railway Station on 17 July last; remanded |
PILKINGTON | Mary Ann | . | Fri | 26 | Mar | 1886 | Obtaining four hats on 17 July by false pretences, property of Mrs Ashford WYSE of Chilwell Hall, Beeston, where Pilkington worked up until 17 July; apprehended living at Waterway-street Nottingham; committed for trial |
PILKINGTON | Mary Ann | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1886 | Quarter Sessions: Aged 24, servant, pleaded guilty; sentenced to two months’ imprisonment for theft value £5.4s |
POLLARD | John | . | Fri | 24 | Jun | 1887 | Saturday morning, John POLLARD lace-manufacturer with wife and son seriously injured in dog cart accident when rushing for train at Beeston; removed to their residence Cromwell House and Dr SPROTT sent for |
POTTER | Morris | . | Fri | 4 | Jun | 1886 | Fined 5s for allowing his dog to be at large in Beeston |
RILEY | John | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1886 | Of the Bath-street Board School at Nottg, selected from 190 applicants to replace J.E. MILLS following his death |
ROBERTS | Sarah | . | Sat | 13 | Aug | 1887 | Died on 6th inst at residence of her sister, Miss CULLEN, 9 Park-valley, Nottingham, after a long and painful affliction, Sarah, the beloved wife of William ROBERTS, Acacia House, Beeston |
ROBERTS | William | . | Fri | 2 | Apr | 1886 | Basford Union: Nominations for election: Mr William ROBERTS, Mr George WILKINSON; both of Beeston |
ROBERTS | William | . | Fri | 16 | Apr | 1886 | Basford Guardian Elections for Beeston: Wm ROBERTS, 401 votes; Geo WILKINSON, 398 votes; majority of three |
ROBERTS | William | . | Fri | 21 | Jan | 1887 | Landlord of Boat Inn, summoned for allowing illegal betting on licensed premises; p.c. HOULT stated case; James WHITTLE, Arthur WHITTLE, George GILL, gave evidence for the defence; defendant fined £10 |
ROBINSON | John | . | Sat | 31 | Aug | 1889 | Brewster Sessions: John ROBINSON, Chilwell-road, Beeston, applied for beer-off licence; opposed by Mr DAFT |
ROBINSON | William | . | Fri | 4 | Jun | 1886 | Prosecuted by Beeston Local Board for posting a bill on a prohibited hoarding; fined 10s |
ROGERS | S. | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1886 | Quarter Sessions: Grand Jury: Mr S. ROGERS, Beeston |
SANGONS | Joseph | . | Fri | 27 | Aug | 1886 | A tailor of Uttoxeter, assaulted William FOSTER stationmaster, and p.c. BISHOP, at Beeston on 21st; 21s or 21 days |
SAVAGE | Rev, Dr | . | Fri | 8 | Apr | 1887 | The Rev. Dr, SAVAGE curate of Beeston, has received notice from the vicar, Rev R.D. HARRIES, to give up the curacy because of his refusal to officiate in an unconsecrated cemetery |
SCOTT | Eliza | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1887 | Thomas and George SMITH, gipsies, stole pony and cart property of Mrs Eliza SCOTT of Beeston on 3rd; dismissed |
SHAW | W. | . | Fri | 29 | Oct | 1886 | Mr W. SHAW, clerk, awarded medal from Royal Humane Society for saving Elizabeth GIBBONS, Mary ATTWELL and Mary HORNER, on Sept 18th, when their boat capsized on the Trent at Beeston, having exhausted himself to dive in to save them |
SHELTON | Thomas | . | Fri | 10 | Jun | 1887 | Licensed Victuallers Association: New Members: Mr Thomas SHELTON, Beeston |
SHEPPARD | Charles | . | Fri | 4 | Jun | 1886 | Board of Guardians: Lad named Charles SHEPPARD aged 13, inmate of Beeston Orphanage, to be sent to Canada |
SHEPPERLEY | Edith | . | Fri | 28 | Jan | 1887 | Married by licence on 19th inst, Ernest Walter BYATT of Bridgford, to Edith, youngest daughter of Tyrrell Montgomery SHEPERLEY, of Beeston |
SINGLETON | Solomon | . | Fri | 8 | Jan | 1886 | Sessions: Solomon SINGLETON 23, framework knitter, and Alfred ELLIOTT (admitted to bail 24 Nov 1885) 24, labourer, indicted for indecently assaulting Mary Ann ALLEN at Beeston on 23rd Nov; she was married to Henry NORMAN a man aged between 50 and 60 the previous day; Jury found them guilty of common assault only and ordered to pay £5 each |
SLACK | Samuel | . | Fri | 8 | Apr | 1887 | Of Beeston, charged Andrew YOUNG of Nottingham with assaulting him on 21st March; counter-claim by YOUNG for assault by SLACK; YOUNG fined 40s, SLACK dismissed |
SLATER | James | . | Fri | 21 | May | 1886 | With Edward GRUNDY, two youths of Beeston, charged with being drunk at Beeston on 16th inst; fined 12s 6d each |
SLATER | Sarah Jane | . | Fri | 29 | Oct | 1886 | Servant in employ of Mrs Ada WEBSTER of Beeston, charged with stealing linen from her master; fined 21s |
SMEDLEY | Frank | . | Fri | 11 | Mar | 1887 | With William WOOLLEY, two youths, charged with gambling on highway at Beeston; p.c. BISHOP proved; 5s each |
START | William Thomas | . | Sat | 9 | Jul | 1887 | Bankrupts: First Meeting of Creditors: William Thomas START, lace-manufacturer residing at St John’s Grove, Beeston, formerly trading at POLLARD’s factory; liabilities £236.51s.6d, assets £47.7s.6d; failure attributed to bad trade, competition, sale of lace machine debtor was working; adjudged bankrupt; no resolution passed |
STAYNER | Florence | . | Sat | 14 | Sep | 1889 | Children’s Hour Page: List of riddles submitted by Florence STAYNER, aged 9, of Beeston, Notts |
SWIFT | Agnes Sarah | . | Fri | 13 | Aug | 1886 | Died at Beeston on 4th inst, Agnes Sarah SWIFT, late of Linby, aged 78 years |
SWIFT | Benjamin | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1886 | Charged with being drunk and refusing to quit Greyhound public-house at Beeston and assaulting George STONE |
TAGG | W. | . | Sat | 25 | May | 1889 | Bankrupts: W. TAGG, Beeston Rylands, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, carter and coal merchant |
TAYLOR | George | . | Fri | 24 | Dec | 1886 | With Henry DEVERIL (Chilwell) and Herbert TAFT (Long Eaton), charged with game trespass at Lockington; 30s |
TAYLOR | Joseph | . | Fri | 5 | Mar | 1886 | With Henry DEVERIL, found on highway at Beeston with ferret, live rabbit, nets and spade; fined 15s |
TEBUTT | John | . | Fri | 25 | Mar | 1887 | Inquest at Prince of Wales Inn: Aged 3 months, parents Mary and John TEBUTT; Verdict: “Accidentally suffocated” |
THOMPSON | Frederick | . | Fri | 12 | Mar | 1886 | Frederick THOMPSON fitter, William CUTTS moulder, James SPARROW moulder, Arthur THORPE, Fred THORPE labourer, George GILES labourer, George PARKER labourer, Albert EVERLEY labourer, Herbert HARDY, Harry TOULSON, and Robert WEEKS labourer, youths, all of Beeston, summoned under Midland Railway bye-laws for trespassing on 14th Feb; George BROUGH gave evidence to seeing defendants on platform behaving in disorderly manner; the two THORPES, PARKER, EVERSLEY, TOULSON and GIBSON fined 7s 6d, the others 2s 6d |
THORNHILL | William | . | Sat | 10 | Sep | 1887 | Married on 1st inst at St John the Baptist Church Beeston, William THORNHILL senior to Rosa BOOT |
TOWLE | Reuben | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1886 | Obstructing footpath at Beeston, fined 10s 6d |
TOWLSON | Hannah | . | Fri | 2 | Apr | 1886 | Drunk and disorderly at Beeston on 19th inst; case proved by p.c. TOOTALL; fined 12s 6d or seven days imprison. |
TURLAND | Frederick | . | Fri | 12 | Nov | 1886 | Of Chilwell-road, Beeston; fined 20s for not having his child vaccinated for small-pox |
TURTON | Benjamin | . | Fri | 18 | Feb | 1887 | Stealing 30 gooseberry bushes, property of Mr FRETTINGHAM of Beeston Nurseries; fined £4 or 11 days gaol |
TYERS | Frank | . | Fri | 3 | Jun | 1887 | Assaulting police and refusing to quit the Boat Inn at Beeston Rylands on 30th inst; pc HALL & TOPHAM, and landlord William ROBERTS corroborated; very serious offence, one month each charge |
WADSWORTH | John | . | Fri | 18 | Feb | 1887 | Assizes: John WADSWORTH, grocer and pork butcher of Beeston, brought a claim against John POLLARD, lace manufacturer of Beeston, for £1,000 claim for personal injuries sustained by assault committed by the defendant POLLARD, with SPENCER, HELMSLEY and BIRKBY, outside Commercial Inn on Wollaton-road; Jury found a verdict for the Defendant |
WALKER | Edward | . | Fri | 3 | Jun | 1887 | With John CHAMBERS, both colliers of Bramcote, fined 12s.6d and 15s respectively for drunkenness at Beeston |
WALKER | T.F. | . | Fri | 23 | Jul | 1886 | Births: On 14th inst at New-lane Beeston, the wife of T.F. WALKER, solicitor, of a daughter |
WARD | George Dawson | . | Sat | 10 | Sep | 1887 | Births: On 2nd inst at Beeston, Notts, wife of George Dawson WARD, of a son |
WARD | George Dawson | . | Sat | 30 | Nov | 1889 | Births: On 21st inst at Beeston, Notts, wife of George Dawson WARD, of a son |
WATERMAN | Henry | . | Fri | 13 | May | 1887 | Drunk, disorderly, and assaulting police constable TOPHAM at Beeston on 4th inst; previous; 3 months imprisonment |
WATSON | John, J.P. | . | Sat | 23 | Mar | 1889 | Wreaths: Mrs F.G. RAWSON Beeston Mill School; Rev HARRES Beeston; Mrs GOODALL Clerks & Overseers |
WATSON | S. | . | Sat | 6 | Aug | 1887 | 13th Annual Beeston Show held in field on Wollaton-road belonging to Mr S. WATSON president of society |
WESTON | Eliza | . | Fri | 6 | May | 1887 | Married woman, unlawful possession of four couples of rabbits in basket; HALLAM hawker bought same; fined 21s |
WHEATLEY | W. | . | Fri | 12 | Mar | 1886 | Of the Three Horse Shoes Beeston, charged with permitting drunkenness on his premises on the 23rd ult; Joseph OLDKNOW and Alfred MARTIN charged with drunkenness on licensed premises and also with assaulting p.c. HALL; charge against WHEATLEY dismissed; OLDKNOW and MARTIN fined 21s each for assault and 10s 6d each for drunkenness |
WHILEST | Edward | . | Fri | 3 | Jun | 1887 | Nottingham tailor, disorderly, assaulting the police, and refusing to quit the Boat Inn at Beeston on 30th ult; pc CAVE said he was kicked and struck in face, William ORCHARD corroborated; fined 40s or 14 days for refusing to quit, one month imprisonment for assaulting pc CAVE |
WHITE | Mabel | . | Sat | 27 | Apr | 1889 | Died on 23rd inst at York-villa, Queen’s-road Beeston, Mabel, beloved child of Joseph and Ada WHITE, 6 yrs 8 mths |
WIDDOWSON | T. | . | Sat | 28 | Dec | 1889 | Bankrupts: T. WIDDOWSON, Barton-street, Beeston, commercial traveller – Dec 31st Nottingham, January 10th |
WILKINSON | George | . | Sat | 17 | Jan | 1889 | County Council Elections : Results of Poll : Beeston-Two Members : George WILKINSON, Clifton-street Beeston, farmer, 634; John Roger ANDERSON, Elm-villa, Queen’s-road Beeston, gentleman, 568; George FELLOWS, Beeston Fields, banker, 501; Alfred Hetley PEARSON, The Manse House, Chilwell, nurseryman, 404; John POLLARD, Cromwell House, Wollaston-road, Beeston, lace manufacturer, 187. |
WILKINSON | George | . | Sat | 16 | Feb | 1889 | Election Expenses : John Roger ANDERSON and George WILKINSON (joint) £30.9s.6d, Alfred Hetby PEARSON £27.7s.3d, George FELLOWS £24.11.8d, J POLLARD £24.19.2d |
WILKINSON | Messrs, & Co | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1886 | Factory of Messrs WILKINSON and Co known as Anglo Scotian Mills (original building owned by Mr FELKIN but extended over the years) destroyed in great fire at Beeston; damages of one quarter of a million pounds; one thousand persons now unemployed. Young man named William SLACK first to discover outbreak, for some reason locked in room at top every night. Cause not known, John MARSHALL night-watchman saw light in upper portion and raised alarm (name later changed to BURSTALL in the article); Beeston fire brigade under Capt TWIGG quickly on scene; p.c. KILBURN narrowly escaped falling debris. Mr B. PRICE proprietor of Beeston Times operating in rooms inside building lost £600 of machinery uninsured; houses on opposite side of Wollaton-road owned by man named ROBERTS destroyed also uninsured; off-licence owned by CLIFFORD insured; six adjoining cottages property of Mr WILKINSON destroyed. Mr WILKINSON believed to be insured but fully or partially is not known. |
WILLDE | Harriett Mary | . | Sat | 7 | Sep | 1889 | Inquest: Harriett Mary Willde, 16 months, daughter of Mary Elizabeth and John William WILLDE of Chilwell-road Beeston; found sitting in tub of water 18 inches deep, died shortly after; Joseph DEWEY, cottager, Beeston, grandfather of child, tub was used to hold grains and water was accumulated rainwater; may have died from injuries to back of head or suffocation; Verdict: Deceased died from injuries accidentally received by falling into the tub. |
WILMOT | Samuel | . | Fri | 28 | May | 1886 | Summoned for shooting stones from catapult at Beeston on 17th inst; fined 10s 6d |
WILSON | John | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1886 | Stealing three fowls, property of G.T. STONE of Greyhound Inn, Beeston; sent to prison for three months |
WRIGHT | Arthur J. | . | Fri | 23 | Jul | 1886 | Births: On 15th inst at Ivy-cottage Beeston, wife of Arthur J. WRIGHT, of a daughter |
WRIGHT | James | . | Fri | 17 | Sep | 1886 | Youth injured at POLLARD’s Factory on Thursday; right arm broken when caught in strap attached to pulley |
YOUNG | W. | . | Sat | 14 | Dec | 1889 | Bankrupts: W. YOUNG, High-road, Beeston, clothier – December 17th, Nottingham; January 10th |