Name |
Publication Date |
Details |
ABELL | Thomas | . | Fri | 18 | Feb | 1870 | Of Beeston; charged with Breach of Highway Act at Chilwell; horse and cart in street without driver more than 30 mins; 15s |
ALLEN | E.H. | . | Fri | 17 | Aug | 1866 | On 9th Aug, employees of MESSRS R ALLEN & SON, celebrated marriage of E.H. ALLEN on 2nd inst at Oxford with party |
ANDREWS | Cyrus | . | Fri | 23 | Jul | 1869 | Married at Beeston on 20th inst, Cyrus ANDREWS, Esq, of Alverton, to Emma Trueman only dtr of Rev J.C SAMMONS |
ARNOLD | Annie | . | Fri | 11 | Feb | 1870 | Died at Beeston on 4th inst, Annie, wife of the late Mr Charles ARNOLD, surgeon, Grantham, aged 53 |
ATKIN | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 15 | Mar | 1867 | Married on 24th ult at Paddington, Mr Richard FOOTTIT, of Bingham, to Miss Elizabeth ATKIN of Beeston |
BAKEWELL | Frederick | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1869 | Married at St Swithin’s, Lincoln, on 29th Sept, Frederick BAKEWELL Esq of Beeston-Notts to Elizabeth MOSS, Lincoln |
BARKER | Henry | . | Fri | 13 | Sep | 1867 | Died suddenly at Manchester on 6th inst, Mr Henry BARKER, formerly of Beeston, in his 62nd year |
BARKER | Jno | . | Fri | 26 | Aug | 1870 | Bootmaker employed by PEARSON, charged with indecent assault on Mary Ann BENTON of Beeston on 4th Aug; 50s fine |
BARKER | William | . | Fri | 18 | Sep | 1868 | Died on 13th inst, Mr William BARKER, of Beeston Meadow, Notts, in the 78th year of his age |
BARKS | Thomas | . | Fri | 16 | Jul | 1869 | Presentation of medal to Brother Thomas BARKS, Odd Fellows Beeston Lodge No 27, by Albion Order of Odd Fellows |
BARNES | Francis | . | Fri | 14 | Aug | 1868 | A boy, charged with stealing canary out of a cage, property of Joseph BROWN of Beeston; mother dead, father away; 10s 6d |
BAYLEY | Thomas | . | Fri | 11 | May | 1866 | Cattle Plague: With Ephraim PEMBLETON, moved a bull from Wollaton to Beeston on 3rd inst; moved in ignorance, 21s |
BEARDSLEY | Thomas | . | Fri | 6 | Sep | 1867 | Drunk and asleep at Beeston on 11th Aug; pleaded guilty; ordered to pay 7s 6d |
BEECH | John H. | . | Fri | 3 | Aug | 1866 | Wesleyan Appointments: John H BEECH, Wm FORD, John WESTLAKE, Beeston; John LEWIS, John H FAULL, Beeston |
BENNETT | George | . | Fri | 8 | Oct | 1869 | Stealing three splendid 'sticks' of celery from Mr Joseph GEE of Beeston intended to take the prize at a show; 40s or 1 mth |
BERRYMAN | Samuel | . | Fri | 31 | Dec | 1869 | Married on 25th Dec at St John’s Baptist Church Beeston, Mr Samuel BERRYMAN, lace-manufacturer, Beeston to Mrs Ann ALLCOCK, of Milford, Derbyshire |
BLYTHE | Mary | . | Fri | 8 | Mar | 1867 | Married at St John’s Beeston on 26th ult, Mr Walton LONSDALE, late of Gainsborough, to Miss Mary BLYTHE of Beeston |
BOSTOCK | John | . | Fri | 13 | Nov | 1868 | On 2nd inst at Beeston had fruit trees and vegetables wilfully damaged by James FISHER and John BOTTOMLEY witness boy named SNAPE; defendants employed at Mill where complainant was overlooker, damage in retaliation, caution |
BRECKNALL | James | . | Fri | 31 | Aug | 1866 | Licensing Day: Spirit licence applications: James BRECKNALL, Rufus SISSENS, Mary WRIGHT; all Beeston |
BRETNALL | James | . | Fri | 6 | Sep | 1867 | Brewster Sessions: Liquor Licences: James BRETNALL, Durham Ox, Beeston |
BRETNALL | Mr | . | Fri | 11 | Jun | 1869 | Victuallers Association: The following were admitted members : Mr BRETNALL, Durham Ox, Beeston |
BROOKS | Herbert | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1870 | Fined 10s 6d for being drunk at Beeston |
BROWN | Frances | . | Fri | 29 | Oct | 1869 | Inquest: Accidentally burnt to death in her home on Friday; daughter Elizabeth PEEL lived next door, found her in coal-hole |
BROWN | G.E. | . | Fri | 29 | Oct | 1869 | Bankrupts: G.E. BROWN, Beeston-Notts, draper |
BROWN | G.E. | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1869 | Bankrupts: G.E. BROWN, Beeston-Notts, draper; final examination; no opposition; obtained order of discharge |
BROWN | Henry | . | Fri | 5 | Jan | 1866 | Charged with leaving the service of Mr BARKER of Beeston on 27th Dec; ordered to go back to work and pay 10s 6d |
BROWN | James | . | Fri | 7 | Aug | 1868 | Inquest: At Commercial Inn at Beeston; found dead in bed on Thursday morning; "death from natural causes" |
BROWN | Thomas | . | Fri | 12 | Jul | 1867 | Shooting a tame pigeon belonging to Samuel JACKSON at Beeston on 3rd inst, worth 2s; fined 20s |
BURNHAM | Edward | . | Fri | 6 | May | 1870 | Charged with assaulting Wm MARTIN at Beeston on 29th April; witness Jos HODGKINSON and Hy HEMSLEY; 15s fine |
BURTON | Thomas | . | Fri | 21 | Feb | 1868 | MOORE & ROBINSON Bank ptnrs: Thos BURTON, Chas & Sarah CHEETHAM, Jas & Lydia FOTHERGILL, all Beeston |
BUTLER | Mr | . | Fri | 15 | Oct | 1869 | Surgeon, of Beeston. Attended Mrs Sarah WOODWARD, widow aged 63, who hanged herself at Wollaton on Wednesday |
CALLADINE | | . | Fri | 1 | Jan | 1869 | 8 youths named Wm KIRKLAND, CALLADINE, WALLACE, SELBY, Elijah LOVE, Samuel THORNHILL, SMITH and Samuel WALKER, assaulted Wm LOWE a watchman at Messrs WATSON’s mill at Beeston 2am 25th Dec |
CALLADINE | Edward | . | Fri | 1 | Jan | 1869 | Assaulted John BATES at Beeston on 25th Dec |
CASTLEDINE | William | . | Fri | 24 | Aug | 1866 | Assaulting married woman named OLDHAM in public-house on Sat last, striking her several times in the face; fined 16s |
CHEETHAM | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 5 | Mar | 1869 | Died at Beeston on 27th ult, Elizabeth, wife of Mr Charles CHEETHAM, in her 79th year |
CHEETHAM | Sarah | . | Fri | 2 | Mar | 1866 | Died on the 24th ult, at her residence, Beeston, Sarah CHEETHAM, aged 72 years |
CHEETHAM | Sarah | . | Fri | 2 | Mar | 1866 | Inquest: Painful sudden death; Sarah PARKES servant only witness; chest pains; "died of natural causes" |
CHOLERTON | James | . | Fri | 15 | Oct | 1869 | Married at Beeston Church on 15th inst, Mr James CHOLERTON of Beeston, to Miss Elizabeth EVANS, of Eliston-Staffs |
CLARKE | Miss | . | Fri | 29 | May | 1868 | Inquest at Manor House: died after fall from carriage Wed evening last, nut attaching wheel to shaft missing (f. J. CLARKE) |
CLIFFORD | Caral | . | Fri | 20 | Dec | 1867 | Inquest: wife of Joseph, separated; "Death from natural causes, accelerated by excessive drinking" |
CLIFFORD | John | . | Fri | 19 | Oct | 1866 | With George COX and Thomas CAREY, applied to Magistrates for non-payment of wages by Mr SLINN, builder; paid |
CLIFFORD | Joseph | . | Fri | 15 | Jul | 1870 | Charged with being drunk and furious driving at Beeston on 7th June, thereby endangering lives of passengers; 21s & 10s resp |
COCKREM | W.T. | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1869 | Village Concert at Beeston, director WT COCKREM choirmaster of St Paul’s Nottingham; long list of performers |
COLE | David | . | Fri | 12 | Oct | 1866 | Bankrupt: David COLE, publican, Beeston; first examination |
COLE | Sarah Ann | . | Fri | 5 | Nov | 1869 | Died on the 28th ult at her brother’s residence at Beeston, Sarah Ann COLE, aged 27 |
COOLING | Abraham | . | Fri | 5 | Oct | 1866 | Died on 30th ult at Beeston, Abraham COOLING, in the 88th year of his age; for 66 years gardener to John FELLOWS Esq |
COOLING | Abraham | . | Fri | 12 | Oct | 1866 | Long obituary: joined late John FELLOWS 1807; eldest son presently proprietor of White Ash Nursery Gardens near Derby |
COULTON | John | . | Fri | 13 | Apr | 1866 | Married on 1st inst, at Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Beeston, Mr John COULTON to Mrs Ellen GOODALL, both Basford |
COX | Henrietta | . | Fri | 18 | Mar | 1870 | Married at Beeston on 10th inst, Mr Frederic George WALKER of Chilwell, to Henrietta COX of Beeston |
CRISP | William | . | Fri | 5 | Oct | 1866 | Assaulted Rufus SISSONS, publican of Wheat Sheaf Inn at Beeston on Sat evening; witness John BONELLE; fined 20s |
COX | John | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1869 | John COX, elderly man, with boys John SHREWSBURY and John LEES stole straw property of John SUMNER; Sessions |
COX | John | . | Fri | 9 | Apr | 1869 | Aged 53 coal-higgler, John SHREWSBURY 15 lab, stealing 5 bottles and 56lbs straw from John SUMNER; Not Guilty |
CROSS | Henry | . | Fri | 19 | Mar | 1869 | Died at Beeston Pasture near Nottingham on the 6th inst |
DAVIES | Owen | . | Fri | 22 | Jul | 1870 | Wesleyan Conference, first draft of stations in Nottingham: Owen DAVIES and John H FAULL, both Beeston |
DAVIS | George | . | Fri | 6 | Jul | 1866 | With George FLINT, two youths, charged with wilfully damaging mowing grass property of Joseph LEES on 17th; fine 7s 6d |
DAWES | Ann | . | Fri | 13 | Sep | 1867 | Died on 4th inst at Oldfields-Staffs, relict of late Joseph DAWES, mother of Mrs FOTHERGILL of Beeston |
DAWS | Ann | . | Fri | 19 | Apr | 1867 | Died at the Oldfords-Staffs, Ann, 2nd dtr of late Mr Joseph DAW and only sister of Mrs FOTHERGILL of Beeston, aged 44 |
DEAN | Edward | . | Fri | 7 | Jan | 1870 | Aged 16, no trade, stealing 14s property of George KNIGHT at Lenton on 26th Nov, arrested by p.c. EYRE at Beeston; 6 mth |
DIX | Edward | . | Fri | 14 | Sep | 1866 | Died on 9th inst, Mr Edward DIX, at Clarence Tavern, Clarence-street, Leicester, formerly of Beeston, aged 38 |
DORE | Thomas | . | Fri | 3 | May | 1867 | Of the Rising Sun at Beeston charged with assaulting John TEBBUTT on 20th inst; Bench dismissed the case |
DORE | Thomas | . | Fri | 12 | Jun | 1867 | Charged with cruelty to horse at Stapleford on Sun 2nd June and being drunk - James SPRAY, Henry TOMLINSON , John HEWITT, John EATEN, William ARCHER, George ADCOCK, John HOLLINSWORTH drunk & disorderly |
DORE | Thomas | . | Fri | 17 | Jul | 1868 | With George ADCOCK, being drunk and riotous at Beeston public-house on 8th July; fined 21s each |
DORE | Thomas | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1869 | Notts Brewster Sessions: Beer-house keepers who did not obtain certificates to continue their business : Thomas DORE - Rising Sun, Beeston |
EAMES | George Arthur | . | Fri | 28 | Sep | 1866 | Died on 21st inst, George Arthur EAMES, at the residence of his uncle, Frederick MUSSON, Beeston |
ELLIOTT | Thomas | . | Fri | 8 | May | 1868 | Died on the 28th ult, at Vetheuil, France, Mr Thomas ELLIOTT, late of Beeston, Notts, aged 61 |
EMERSON | Mr | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Opening dinner provided for 30 people with sumptuous fare and entertainment, given by new landlord of Boat Inn Beeston |
EVERITT | Edwin | . | Fri | 5 | Jan | 1866 | Christmas Sessions: Grand Jury: Edwin EVERITT, agent; Wm RADFORD, farmer; both of Beeston |
FELKIN | Henry Martyn | . | Fri | 28 | Jun | 1867 | Married on 25th inst at Beeston by brother-in-law of the bride, Mr Henry Martyn FELKIN, of Chemnitz Saxony, youngest son of William FELKIN Esq of Nottingham, to Fanny eldest daughter of late George Mills WHITE of Nottingham |
FELLOWS | Henry | . | Fri | 21 | Oct | 1870 | Married at Otterburn on 13th inst, Mr Henry FELLOWS Esq, of Beeston-Notts, to Emily Hope JAMES of Otterburn (f.Thos) |
FELLOWS | John | . | Fri | 21 | Feb | 1868 | HART, FELLOWS &Co. Partnership consists of: John and George FELLOWS Banker Beeston; George LEVICK Bkr Nottg |
FISHER | C.J. | . | Fri | 5 | Mar | 1869 | Sessions: Grand Jury: Mr C.J. FISHER, Beeston; Mr J. SUMNER, Beeston |
FLETCHER | Sarah | . | Fri | 27 | Jul | 1866 | Assaulted Margaret CASSELDINE at Beeston on 17th July after slapping CASSELDINE’s daughter; case dismissed |
FLEWITT | Mr | . | Fri | 14 | Jan | 1870 | Annual Constitutional dinner on Tues at Mr FLEWITT’s White Lion Hotel in Beeston; speech by Mr F.C. SMITH, M.P. |
FORD | George Henry | . | Fri | 28 | Oct | 1870 | Born at Beeston on 27th Oct, the wife of George Henry FORD, Esq, Allahabad, East India, of a daughter |
FOSTER | Robert | . | Fri | 2 | Nov | 1866 | Of Beeston, Architect and Build. of new Wesleyan School Beeston cost £450; Foundation Stone laid Mon by Thos BAYLEY |
FREEMAN | Samuel | . | Fri | 3 | May | 1867 | Using threatening language to Thomas BARK of Beeston at Three Horse-Shoes public-house; costs and sureties for 12 mths |
GATELY | William | . | Fri | 7 | Dec | 1866 | Unlawfully wounding Bryan FARRELL at Beeston on 3rd inst; both Irishmen; fined £2.2s or six weeks hard labour |
GEE | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 8 | Nov | 1867 | Died on 20th Oct at home of brother-in-law Bromley-place, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel GEE, lacemaker, Beeston, aged 54 |
GOLLIN | Stephen | . | Fri | 23 | Sep | 1870 | Brought before Magistrates charged with rape of Hannah BROWN at Beeston on Saturday last; for trial at next Assizes |
HALL | George | . | Fri | 22 | Nov | 1867 | Fatal accident: Aged 73, works at gravel pit at Beeston, fell seven feet into yard; much injured by fall and died next day |
HALL | Thomas | . | Fri | 22 | Nov | 1867 | Thomas HALL of Radford visiting Sarah AKERS at Beeston, called out he was dying and did so before doctor arrived |
HARDY | William | . | Fri | 28 | Dec | 1866 | Drunk at Beeston on Tuesday morning; wife did not wish to live with him as he frequently annoyed her; fined 7s |
HARDY | H. | . | Fri | 12 | Sep | 1868 | Bankrupts: H. HARDY, Beeston Ryelands, Notts, late beerhouse keeper |
HARDY | Henry | . | Fri | 9 | Oct | 1868 | Bankrupts: First Examination: Henry HARDY, in lodgings at Beeston Rylands, licensed victualler |
HARDY | Henry | . | Fri | 30 | Oct | 1868 | Bankrupts: Passed final examination and received order of discharge |
HARDY | George | . | Fri | 26 | Jun | 1869 | Bankrupts: George HARDY, dealer in trotters, unopposed, received his order of discharge |
HARLEY | J. | . | Fri | 3 | Jan | 1868 | Quarter Sessions: Grand Jury: J. HARLEY wine merchant (foreman); T. BURTON, gentleman; both of Beeston |
HARTLEY | Thomas | . | Fri | 7 | Dec | 1866 | Burglary on Sunday night in his home on Cock’s Lane while family at Chapel; no clues to identify thieves |
HARVEY | John | . | Fri | 3 | Apr | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 24th ult, John HARVEY, eldest son of late John HARVEY, Chapel-bar Nottingham, aged 28 |
HARWOOD | William | . | Fri | 7 | Dec | 1866 | Died at Beeston on 5th inst, William HARWOOD, father of Mr R. HARWOOD of Radford, aged 74 years |
HENSHAW | John | . | Fri | 6 | Jul | 1866 | Excise Laws: Found with spirits in his possession when licensed to sell only beer; fined £12.10s and licence declared void |
HEPWORTH | William | . | Fri | 22 | Mar | 1867 | Bankruptcy Court: Mtg for choice of assignee; bankrupt described as manufacturer of chemicals and naptha Nottg & Beeston |
HOLDSWORTH | John | . | Fri | 22 | Jan | 1869 | Assaulted William LOWE at Beeston a few days ago and fined 15s |
HOLLAND | Charles Ashley | . | Fri | 25 | Dec | 1868 | Married Beeston 22nd inst, Charles Ashley HOLLAND Esq to Harriett Elizabeth dtr of Charles Nelson BROMLEY surgeon |
HOLLIS | Joseph | . | Fri | 17 | Aug | 1866 | Ag servant, absconded from master Mr Robert ANNIBAL of Beeston on 7th inst; lame excuse, pay 25s and return to master |
HOLLINSWORTH | John | . | Fri | 28 | Feb | 1868 | Fined 15s or in default 14 days imprisonment for drunk & disorderly at Beeston on 15th; only had 14s 6d (laughter) |
HUDSTON | Ann Rebeca | . | Fri | 23 | Mar | 1866 | Married on 20th inst at General Baptist Chapel Beeston, George Henry FORD Esq of Croydon-Surrey to Ann Rebeca, daughter of Mr Henry HUDSTON, Gothic House, Beeston. No cards. |
HUDSTON | Harry | . | Fri | 9 | Sep | 1870 | Died at Beeston on 2nd inst, Harry, son of Mr S. HUDSTON, bookseller, aged three months |
HUDSTON | James | . | Fri | 23 | Mar | 1866 | Died on 20th inst, aged 87, Mr James HUDSTON of Union-street, Beeston. The deceased had been a member and local preacher of the Methodist New Connexion about 66 years |
HUDSTON | James | . | Fri | 16 | Dec | 1870 | Died at Beeston on 11th inst, Mary, widow of the late James HUDSTON, in the 86th year of her age |
HUGHES | Thomas | . | Fri | 22 | Mar | 1867 | Unlawfully taking game on land in occupation of Mr W RADFORD at Beeston on 6th March; fined 16s |
JACKSON | Henry | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1869 | Notts Brewster Sessions: Applications for Spirit Licence Refused: Henry JACKSON, Malt Shovel, Beeston |
JACKSON | Thomas | . | Fri | 19 | Jun | 1868 | Stealing £10 belonging to John WALKER at Beeston on Monday while on visit from Derby; committed for Sessions |
JACKSON | Thomas | . | Fri | 28 | Jun | 1868 | Calendar of prisoners for Trial at Notts Quarter Sessions on 29 June: Aged 29, joiner; Stealing £10 at Beeston on 9th June |
JENKINS | Richard Wade | . | Fri | 20 | Mar | 1868 | Married at St Johns Beeston on 16th, Richard Wade JENKINS, Wevebedde Ceylon, to Lucie WILMOT of Chilwell (f.Saml) |
JOHNS | Harriet | . | Fri | 13 | Mar | 1868 | Married on 7th inst at St Johns Manchester, H.P. EDMONDSON Esq, Plymouth Grove House, to Harriet dtr of S. JOHNS Bst |
JOHNS | Samuel | . | Fri | 21 | May | 1869 | Bankrupts: Samuel JOHNS, formerly a beerhouse keeper, at Beeston; passed first examination; 22nd June for last examination |
JONES | Edward Turner | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1870 | Married at Christ Church Brixton on 8th inst, Edward Turner JONES of Beeston-Notts to Mary Ann KEIRBY (f. late Mr W.) |
KEIGHLEY | Arthur M. | . | Fri | 24 | May | 1867 | Stationmaster Beeston; publication of book of poems entitled 'The Emigrant and Other Poems with Short Essays on Seasons' |
KEIGHLEY | Arthur M. | . | Fri | 9 | Sep | 1870 | Brewster Sessions: New public-house licenses granted to: Arthur M. KEIGHLEY, Victoria Hotel, Beeston |
KIRK | William | . | Fri | 14 | Aug | 1868 | Married on 10th inst at Beeston, Mr William KIRK, of Nottingham, to Miss Matilda SHIPLEY |
KIRKBY | Samuel | . | Fri | 6 | Apr | 1866 | Presented with beautiful writing desk as rememberance of time as pupil teacher at Hucknall Torkard for five years |
KIRKLAND | Mr | . | Fri | 13 | Apr | 1866 | Election of Churchwardens: J. KIRKLAND; Mr W. WALKER as sidesman; Mr PARKER, Mr WILLIAMS, sidesman |
KIRKLAND | S., Mr | . | Fri | 4 | May | 1866 | Chilwell concert: Vocalists: Mr S KIRKLAND, Instrumental: Mr F KIRBY, Mr MAYFIELD; all of Beeston |
KIRKLAND | William | . | Fri | 20 | May | 1870 | Born at the Manor House, Beeston, on 15th inst, the wife of William KIRKLAND, of a son |
LEAVERS | Hazael | . | Fri | 4 | Oct | 1867 | Leaving wife and 2 children at Beeston on 23rd inst, chargeable to Basford Union; governor acted illegally not releasing them |
LEWIN | Matilda | . | Fri | 22 | Mar | 1867 | Died on 20th inst, Matilda, wife of Mr Jesse LEWIN and third dtr of the late Mr John BARNES of Beeston, aged 27 |
LIMB | E. Miss | . | Fri | 17 | Dec | 1869 | Died at Beeston on 12th inst, Miss E. LIMB, High-street, aged 25 |
LIMB | William, jun | . | Fri | 11 | Mar | 1870 | Married at Christ Church Newark on 1st inst, William LIMB jnr of Beeston, to Mary Catherine MILLINGTON of Newark |
LOWE | Edward | . | Fri | 29 | Nov | 1867 | Died at Beeston on 23rd inst, Edward LOWE, eldest son of Mr John LOWE, aged 24 |
LOWE | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 17 | Jun | 1870 | Assault of Delilah COX at Beeston on 7th inst; witnesses Mr T PEARSON; fined 40s |
MACLEOD | Dr | . | Fri | 15 | Mar | 1867 | Dr MacLeod in Chair, On 7th inst at Beeston, series of musical/reading entertainments; long list of names of performers |
MADDOX | Mary | . | Fri | 27 | Apr | 1866 | Charged by Sergeant DALBY with hawking at Beeston on 27th ult without a licence; penalty not pressed |
MARRIOTT | William | . | Fri | 4 | May | 1866 | Lace-manufacturer, Beeston; Witness at inquest on Sarah Elizabeth ROBERTS; said he was having factory built Mary-gate |
MARTEN | Thomas | . | Fri | 4 | Sep | 1868 | Boy aged 15, stabbed an older boy named Henry TOWLSON in ribs and hand after Sunday School; 40s or one month impris. |
MARTIN | Sarah | . | Fri | 29 | May | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 22nd inst, Sarah, wife of Mr R. MARTIN, insurance agent, in the 74th year of her age |
MASSEY | William | . | Fri | 31 | Aug | 1866 | Elderly man, indecently exposed himself at Beeston on Sun 13th inst in front of Hannah RILEY, he being drunk; 1 mth impris |
MAY | Henry | . | Fri | 14 | May | 1869 | At Lindsey petty sessions at Lincoln on Friday, Henry MAY, of Beeston-Notts, charged with stealing 6 beasts; to Sessions |
MEADS | Joseph | . | Fri | 12 | Apr | 1867 | Cattle Plague: Cattle dealer of Beeston, took cow to Market without licence (permit said slaughter-house); fined 20s and costs |
MILNER | | . | Fri | 18 | Dec | 1868 | Two men named MILNER remanded until Wednesday on a charge of uttering counterfeit coins at Beeston |
MITCHELL | Josiah | . | Fri | 9 | Mar | 1866 | Died at Basford on 28th ult, Josiah MITCHELL, framework knitter, late of Beeston in this county, aged 78 |
MORLEY | Julia | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1869 | Notts Brewster Sessions: Mrs Julia MORLEY of Beeston applied for beer certificate but Bench refused to sign one |
MORRELL | George | . | Fri | 1 | Apr | 1870 | Annual Vestry Mtg, Geo MORRELL presiding; others: PORTER, BURTON, FORSTER, PILGRIM, BERRYMAN, etc |
MORRIS | Henry | . | Fri | 18 | Nov | 1870 | Charged with stealing a wooden clothes post, property of William EVANS of Beeston on Tuesday last; 21 days imprisonment |
NEAPE | Thomas, the younger | . | Fri | 30 | Nov | 1866 | Bankruptcy Court: Former butcher and cattle dealer at Beeston; Debts £1,199.12s.6d; Assets nil; suspended 6 months |
NEEP | Thomas, jun | . | Fri | 27 | Jul | 1866 | Bankruptcy Court: First meeting; Thomas NEEP jun, butcher, Beeston; last examination fixed at 18th Sept |
NEEP | Thomas, the younger | . | Fri | 16 | Nov | 1866 | Bankruptcy Court: Butcher of Beeston, last examination; meeting adjourned for a fortnight for amendment of accounts |
OLDHAM | Samuel | . | Fri | 4 | May | 1866 | Shocking suicide: Samuel OLDHAM of Beeston, religious Methodist, low and desponding, hanged on bridge Trent station |
OLDKNOW | Alderman | . | Fri | 21 | Jan | 1870 | Mayor of Nottg: Mayor’s Ball: Invitations to Beeston : Messrs John and George FELLOWS; Mr Frank and Miss Jessie OLDKNOW, Alderman |
OLDRINI | T.J., Rev | . | Fri | 9 | Feb | 1866 | Born on 1st inst, Beeston Vicarage, the wife of the Rev T.J. OLDRINI, of a daughter |
OLDRINI | T.J., Rev | . | Fri | 20 | Sep | 1867 | Born on 17th inst at Beeston Vicarage, the wife of the Rev T.J. OLDRINI, of a son |
OLDRINI | Gerald John | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1869 | Died at Beeston Vicarage on 25th Sept, Gerald John OLDRINI, Esq, aged 72 |
OLDRINI | Gerald John | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1869 | Was Principal Door Keeper of the House of Lords, had the respect of all who had business with that Legislature |
ORTON | Doctor | . | Fri | 2 | Apr | 1869 | Honorary member of Lord Nelson Lodge, No 831, of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, Mr WHITEHALL Grand Master |
ORTON | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 2 | Nov | 1866 | Married at Beeston on 31st ult, Mr B.B. VENN of Nottingham to Elizabeth dtr of J. ORTON surgeon Manor House Beeston |
ORTON | J.S. | . | Fri | 11 | Nov | 1870 | Of Beeston Rectory; Letter to paper asking if anyone knows if water used to boil acorns is dangerous to give to cattle |
PARK | John | . | Fri | 27 | Apr | 1866 | Charged with being drunk and disorderly at Beeston on 7th inst; offence was admitted; fined 20s |
PARKER | George | . | Fri | 26 | Apr | 1867 | Bankrupts: To surrender in the county: George PARKER, Beeston, Colliery Owner, April 00 |
PARKER | George | . | Fri | 7 | Jun | 1867 | Bankrupts: Colliery Owner, Beeston, last examination and order of discharge; adjourned one week as balance sheet not filed |
PARKER | G. | . | Fri | 12 | Jul | 1867 | Bankrupts: Colliery plant valued £3,000 sold for £380 and assets amounted to only £10; adjourned for a fortnight |
PARKER | G. | . | Fri | 26 | Jul | 1867 | Bankrupts: Mr EVANS purchased the property to the detriment of the creditors; Mr EVANS must be taken before Registrar |
PARKER | G. | . | Fri | 26 | Jul | 1867 | Examination of witnesses: Richard EVANS; His Honour did not think court could interfere and could not make any order |
PEEL | Thomas | . | Fri | 11 | Dec | 1868 | Drunk and disorderly at Beeston and making a noise in his yard; fined 10s 6d |
PILGRIM | William | . | Fri | 8 | May | 1868 | Assaulted at Beeston on Sat night last by three men named BYWATER, ELLIOTT and LOWE; Elliott/Lowe fined 12s 6d |
PRATT | Albert Edmund | . | Fri | 4 | Oct | 1867 | Died at Beeston on 1st inst, Albert Edmund, infant son of Edmund PRATT of Beeston, aged 3 months |
PRICE | Elijah | . | Fri | 18 | Oct | 1867 | Died at Stafford on 10th inst, Mr Elijah Price, late of Beeston Ryelands |
RADFORD | John | . | Fri | 30 | Apr | 1869 | Driving a cab at Beeston on Tuesday when horse smashed front board of vehicle, breaking driver’s leg; conveyed to hospital |
RICHARDS | William | . | Fri | 15 | Jun | 1866 | Assaulted young woman (no name) at 11pm on 4th March, her husband came and defended her; £1.1s or in default go to gaol |
RICHARDSON | Hannah | . | Fri | 31 | Jan | 1867 | Masculine-looking woman; assaulted Samuel TOWLSON in his bed 22nd; lived with his father; ten previous; fined 42s/gaol |
RIGLEY | Henry | . | Fri | 19 | Jun | 1868 | Inquest: Greyhound Inn Beeston, on boy aged 5 years and 3 months, who died from scalding five weeks ago caused by a boy named WREN (now in custody) holding him near a grate at Mr WATSON’s silk mill; died Sat night |
RIGLEY | Joseph | . | Fri | 19 | Jul | 1867 | Assaulted Harriet BRETNALL landlady of Durham Ox at Beeston on 11th July striking her in the nose; fined £1.1s or 1 mth |
ROBERTS | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 25 | Mar | 1870 | Died at Beeston on 20th inst, Mrs Elizabeth ROBERTS, aged ___ (80?) |
ROBERTS | William | . | Fri | 19 | Nov | 1869 | Of Beeston, assaulted John HOLBROOKE cab proprietor Derby Road near County Hall on 9th inst; 20s or 14 days imprison. |
ROBERTS | William | . | Fri | 26 | Nov | 1869 | Of Beeston, gave evidence at trial of Sergeant HARROP of Notts County Constabulary using threatening language 12th Nov |
ROBINSON | William | . | Fri | 27 | Jul | 1866 | Embezzlement by employee of Mr HEATH at St Peters Square, including Mr COLLINGTON, grocer, of Beeston £15.7s.6d |
SALT | William | . | Fri | 11 | Feb | 1870 | Died at Beeston on 31st ult, Mr William SALT, aged 58 |
SANDAY | Samuel | . | Fri | 16 | Aug | 1867 | With Frederick and William CLARKE, all live at Beeston, damaged growing wheat of Mr HENSON Bramcote; 3s 6d each |
SAVAGE | George | . | Fri | 10 | May | 1867 | Died at Beeston on 1st inst, Mr George SAVAGE, formerly of Mansfield, aged 56 |
SHAW | Edward | . | Fri | 5 | Feb | 1869 | Edward SHAW and Harriet SHAW were charged with assault on Mary MEE at Beeston on 26th inst; fined 21s each |
SHELDON | William | . | Fri | 9 | Oct | 1868 | Married 7 months, up on charges of assaulting wife Sarah; had left her three times, bad conduct; fined 10s 6d |
SHELTON | John | . | Fri | 7 | Sep | 1866 | Assaulted wife on 1st inst; she claimed often threatened murder; he claimed she with another man; fined 20s |
SHELTON | John | . | Fri | 21 | Sep | 1866 | Of Beeston, just released from custody, imprisoned 14 days for beating wife, charged with tobacco in gaol; cautioned |
SHELTON | Samuel | . | Fri | 15 | May | 1868 | Three boys who robbed WALTON sisters at Beeston also robbed Samuel SHELTON shortly afterwards. George HOPEWELL 3mths imprisonment, Henry DERBYSHIRE 1month hard labour; John WILLIAMS 6 weeks hard lab. |
SHIPLEY | Arthur | . | Fri | 5 | Nov | 1869 | Died at Beeston Ryelands on 23rd November, Arthur, son of Mr G.W. SHIPLEY, aged three months |
SHREWSBURY | Fanny | . | Fri | 26 | Jan | 1866 | Died on the 23rd inst, Fanny, wife of Mr Jos. SHREWSBURY, Church-street, Beeston, aged 28 |
SILVESTER | James Frederick | . | Fri | 1 | Oct | 1869 | Died at Beeston on 24th Sept, James Frederick SILVESTER, aged one year |
SISSON | R | . | Fri | 26 | Oct | 1866 | Beerhouse Keeper Assn, New members: R. SISSON Prince of Wales; H. JACKSON Malt Shovel; A. WATSON Green Man; E. BURNHAM Royal Oak; all of Beeston |
SISSON | Rufus | . | Fri | | Sep | 1868 | Brewster Sessions: New applications for publicans’ licences: Rufus SISSON, Prince of Wales, Beeston, granted |
SMEDLEY | W. | . | Fri | 10 | Aug | 1866 | Aged 55, retired excise supervisor; fell while crossing rail lines, hit by train 9pm Tues; f-i-l Mr BARKER keeper of canal lock |
SMITH | George | . | Fri | 16 | Nov | 1866 | With William ALLEN, charged with drunkenness and fighting at Beeston on 3rd inst; ALLEN discharged, SMITH fined 15s |
SMITH | Mary | . | Fri | 19 | Jun | 1868 | Murder/Suicide at Beeston on Sunday Mary SMITH aged 36 and infant son Horace aged 1 month drowned in water cistern; hus. John SMITH, lacemaker; 8 children incl Wm, Mary Ann, Arthur; daughter of Joseph LEES, gardener, sister Jane CASE |
SMITH | Thomas | . | Fri | 24 | Sep | 1868 | With Joseph BELLABY, drunk and disorderly at Beeston; latter fined 21s the former fined 10s 6d |
SMITH | Thomas | . | Fri | 26 | Feb | 1869 | Sessions: Thomas SMITH, 19, FWK, obtaining by false pretences from Hannah HUDSON at Beeston 30 postage stamps |
SMITH | Thomas | . | Fri | 5 | Mar | 1869 | Sessions: 26th Dec and 2nd Jan obtained 60 postage stamps property of Thomas HUDSON with intent to defraud; 2 mths h.lab |
SMITH | Walter | . | Fri | 11 | Jun | 1869 | Robbery at Beeston: Walter SMITH of Hucknall charged with stealing waistcoat property of Matthew LIMB; cautioned |
SMITLEY | Mr | . | Fri | 9 | Jul | 1869 | New portrait of Sir Robert CLIFTON, MP, drawn on Stone by Mr SMITLEY, Beeston; "best representation of late husband" |
SPRAY | Henry | . | Fri | 18 | May | 1866 | Inquest: Shocking death: aged 62, FWK, extreme dizziness and fall; verdict: "death by natural causes" |
SPRAY | Hiram | . | Fri | 31 | May | 1867 | With Edward SPRAY and Robert CLIFTON, obstructing footpath at Beeston on 19th inst; Bench considered doubt, dismissed |
SPRAY | Sarah | . | Fri | 4 | Feb | 1870 | On 30th ult at 15 Kirke White Street, Meadows, Nottingham, Sarah, relict of Wm SPRAY late of Beeston, aged 61 |
STAPLES | John | . | Fri | 3 | May | 1867 | Married at St John’s Church Beeston on the 1st inst, Mr John STAPLES to Miss Mary Ann THOMAS |
STAPLES | W. | . | Fri | 6 | Nov | 1868 | Bankrupts: W. STAPLES, Beeston, Notts, late farm bailiff |
STAPLES | W. | . | Fri | 25 | Dec | 1868 | Bankrupts: W. STAPLES, Beeston, out of business; Bankrupt passed first examination, next meeting 26th January 1869 |
STAPLES | W. | . | Fri | 29 | Jan | 1868 | Bankrupts: W. STAPLES, Beeston, out of business; Meeting for last examination and discharge; no opposition; granted |
STEVENSON | Mr | . | Fri | 21 | Jan | 1870 | President of Beeston Ryelands Cabbage Growers’ Association; Vice-President Mr B. COLLINGTON |
SUFFRAGAN | Bishop | . | Fri | 25 | Feb | 1870 | Dedicatory service of six new bells in Beeston Parish Church on Shrove Tuesday; Bish SUFFRAGAN & CJ WILLOUGHBY |
SUFFRAGAN | Bishop | . | Fri | 4 | Mar | 1870 | The Right Rev. the Bishop-Suffragan of Nottingham at Beeston on Tuesday to dedicate 6 new bells; long list of names |
SWINDLER | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 14 | Jan | 1870 | Died at Beeston on the 6th inst, Elizabeth SWINDLER, aged 45 years |
TALBOT | C.H. | . | Fri | 4 | Feb | 1870 | Attended Grand Masonic Ball in the Exchange-rooms on Thurs held by Mayor of Nottingham |
TANSLEY | Thomas | . | Fri | 14 | Jan | 1870 | Cabman, fined 21s for being at too great a distance from his horse at Beeston on the 21st ult |
TANDY | Samuel | . | Fri | 31 | Jan | 1868 | A boy who robbed another boy, Edward STONES aged 5 of Chilwell, of 1s at Beeston; discharged prisoner with a caution |
TAYLOR | John | . | Fri | 23 | Dec | 1870 | Summoned by Mrs BRECKNALL for assaulting her son, a little boy about eight years of age on 15th Dec; cautioned |
TAYLOR | Henry | . | Fri | | Sep | 1868 | Brewster Sessions: New applications for publicans’ licences: Henry TAYLOR, Victoria Hotel, Beeston, refused |
TAYLOR | Henry | . | Fri | 10 | Sep | 1869 | Notts Brewster Sessions: Applications for Spirit Licence Refused: Henry TAYLOR, Victoria Hotel, Beeston |
TAYLOR | Henry | . | Fri | 17 | Dec | 1869 | Bankrupts: Henry TAYLOR, Beeston-Notts, late beerhouse keeper |
TAYLOR | Henry | . | Fri | 24 | Dec | 1869 | Bankrupts: Henry TAYLOR, Beeston-Notts, late beerhouse keeper; passed first meeting; last examination 11th January |
TAYLOR | Henry | . | Fri | 1 | Apr | 1870 | Bankrupts: Henry TAYLOR of Victoria-cottage, Beeston, out of business; last examination, no opposition; order of discharge |
TEBBUTT | Robert | . | Fri | 26 | Jun | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 20th inst, Mr Robert TEBBUTT, grocer, aged 77 |
THORNHILL | Richard | . | Fri | 27 | Mar | 1868 | Lace factory fire at Richard THORNHILL at Beeston on Thurs week; property owned by Messrs BRADLEY uninsured £600 |
THORNHILL | Richard | . | Fri | 4 | Nov | 1870 | Basford Board of Guardians: Mr Richard THORNHILL was appointed collector of Poor Rates for the parish of Beeston |
THUMS | Emily | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 7th inst, daughter of William THUMS of High-street, aged 11 months |
THUMS | William | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 8th inst, High-road, aged 37 |
TOMLINSON | Henry | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1869 | Charged with assaulting wife at Beeston and knocking tooth out on Thurs last; 40s or two months imprisonment |
TOMLINSON | Mary | . | Fri | 26 | Nov | 1869 | Fatal Railway Accident at Beeston on Mon: Charwoman to Mr SHIPLEY, wife of J TOMLINSON, lab, Millstone-lane Nottm |
TOMLINSON | Mary | . | Fri | 17 | Dec | 1869 | Inquest: Died 22nd Nov; witness fellow-servant Mary Ann CRAMPTON; Thos BRADBURY guard; Jos CURSLEY driver, John PRINCE signal-porter at Station; 170 trains passed daily; Godfrey HEATHCOTE solicitor |
TOMLINSON | Samuel | . | Fri | 10 | Jul | 1868 | Little boy, 9 years old, charged with stealing £1.14s, property of his grandfather George ALLWOOD; remanded 1 week |
TOMLINSON | Samuel | . | Fri | 17 | Jul | 1868 | Robbed grandfather, coal-dealer at Beeston, incorrigible young vagabond; ordered to fortnight in gaol and 12 strokes |
TOWLE | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 18 | May | 1866 | Married at St Peters-Nottg, on 15th inst, Mr John SWINSCOE, of Morton, to Miss Elizabeth TOWLE, of Beeston |
TOWLSON | William | . | Fri | 1 | Jun | 1866 | Drunkenness at the White Lion, Beeston, on Thursday last, and assaulting p.c. LANGHAM; £1.7s.6d, defaulted, sent to gaol |
TROTMAN | Francis E. | . | Fri | 10 | May | 1867 | Married on 8th inst at Baptist Chapel Beeston, Francis E TROTMAN Baptist Minister Redruth-Cornwall to Elizabeth youngest daughter of Mr A. VENN, Sunnyside, Chilwell |
WALKER | Elizabeth | . | Fri | 29 | May | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 25th inst, Elizabeth, widow of the late Mr Thomas WALKER, Church-street, in 79th year of her age |
WALKER | John | . | Fri | 4 | Dec | 1868 | Trespassing in pursuit of game on land occupied by Thomas BAILEY at Beeston and assaulting Fredk SPRAY gamekeeper |
WALKER | John | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1869 | A tailor, a young man, drunk and disorderly at Beeston ; fined 10s 6d |
WALKER | Mr | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1869 | Establishment of Chamber of Agriculture for Notts, meeting last Saturday, Committee appointed incl. Mr WALKER, Beeston |
WALKER | Mr | . | Fri | 24 | Dec | 1869 | Chamber of Agriculture for Notts - Published List of Rules |
WALKER | William | . | Fri | 9 | Sep | 1870 | Brewster Sessions: Licences under Wine and Beerhouse Act granted to William WALKER, wine merchant, Beeston |
WALLETT | W.F. Mrs | . | Fri | 4 | Jan | 1867 | Born on the 1st inst, at Spring Villa, Beeston, Mrs W.F. WALLETT, of a son |
WALLETT | W.F. Mrs | . | Fri | 4 | Jun | 1869 | Born on Monday at Spring Villa, Beeston, Mrs W.F. WALLETT, of a daughter |
WALTON | Fanny | . | Fri | 15 | May | 1868 | With sister Elizabeth, shopkeepers at Beeston; robbed by three boys Geo HOPEWELL, Hy DERBYSHIRE, Jn WILLIAMS |
WARD | James Birch | . | Fri | 2 | Jul | 1869 | Inquest: Aged 27, clerk & book-keeper at Nottingham Manufacturing Company, drowned in Trent on Sat; 3 men swimming |
WATSON | J, Esq | . | Fri | 25 | Oct | 1867 | St Mary’s Lectern: Sarah, wife of John WATSON, Sarah his sister, George STRETTON Capt 88th Connaght Rangers his son |
WEBSTER | Hannah | . | Fri | 24 | Dec | 1869 | Died at Stonton Grove on 13th inst, Hannah, aged 41, widow of John WEBSTER of Beeston-Notts, dtr of J. STEVENS Esq |
WIGGLESWORTH | Henry | . | Fri | 10 | Dec | 1870 | Married at St John’s Baptist Church Beeston on 5th inst, Hy WIGGLESWORTH to Miss Hannah WILKINSON, both Bleasby |
WILMOT | John | . | Fri | 29 | Jan | 1869 | Sale of Beeston property of the late Mr John WILMOT, auctioned by Mr R. GRUNDY of Nottingham |
WITHAM | Caroline Elizabeth | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Died at Beeston on 13th inst, Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of Mr William WITHAM, Union-street, aged 45 |
WITHAM | Caroline | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Inquest: Feeble state of health followed by bilious attack from which she died half-past three Mon morning; "natural death" |
WITHAM | Joseph W. | . | Fri | 23 | Dec | 1870 | Died on 13th inst at his residence ’04, Park-street, Camden-Town London, deeply regretted, Mr Joseph W. WITHAM, eldest son of Mr Wm WITHAM, grocer and baker, Beeston, aged 50 |
WOOD | Ann | . | Fri | 15 | Mar | 1867 | Died at Beeston on the 10th inst, Ann, relict of the late Mr Samuel WOOD, of the Trent Lock, new Sawley, aged 76 |
WOOD | Anne | . | Fri | 20 | May | 1870 | Died at Beeston on the 15th inst, Anne, wife of Mr James WOOD, farmer, aged 61 |
WORTHINGTON | T. Mr | . | Fri | 17 | Apr | 1868 | Gala-appearance of "Star Diver" in Beeston Meadow in front of Clifton Hall, diving 113 feet from scaffolding plus tricks |
WREN | George Henry | . | Fri | 19 | Jun | 1868 | Causing death of Henry RIGLEY aged 5 through misadventure; remanded until Saturday pending Coroner’s inquiry |
WREN | George Henry | . | Fri | 28 | Jun | 1868 | Alleged manslaughter of child, case adjourned while depositions taken; liberated on bail |
WREN | George Henry | . | Fri | 28 | Jun | 1868 | Thurs afternoon enquiry held at Greyhound public-house Beeston; father of deceased asked his son who had been the cause and he said "Sulty" (meaning prisoner); Elizabeth RIDGLEY saw prisoner push brother over steam 13th May. Eliza DRINKWATER carried child home; Verdict: Manslaughter, committed to Assizes; £50 bail and two sureties £25 each |
WREN | George Henry | . | Fri | 24 | Jul | 1868 | If he had been 15 he would have been tried for manslaughter, under 14 considered ignorant of the act; discharged |