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Faces From the Past -

Following the success and popularity of our school photograph page, we have now started to assemble photographs of groups of people from Beeston - church groups, societies, sports teams, outings, and the like - which can be accessed from the links given below. As is so often the case, many of those on the photographs - or even the group itself - are unidentified and some cannot be dated precisely. We would welcome any suggestions for these so that they can be properly recorded for posterity.

Click on any of the small images to display the full size picture and the names, dates and details of any that are identified. Recently added group photographs, and those with additional names or other information, are shown with red captions -

Church & Chapel Groups

Baptist Sunday School
Baptist Sunday School c1872

NC Sunday School
New Connexion Sunday School c1890

Valley Mission Bible Class
Valley Mission Bible Class 1903-5

NC Japanese Tableau
New Connexion Chapel Tableau c1912

Parish Church Tree
Parish Church Tree Planting c1920

Baptist Sunday School
Baptist Sunday School ?late 1920s

Parish Church Choir
Parish Church Choir 1927

Parish Church Choir
Parish Church Choir c1933

Parish Church Choir
Parish Church Choir c1935

Baptist Whit Walk
Whit Monday Walk c1934
Baptist Events
Baptist Outings & Groups c1930s

Baptist Sunday School
Baptist Sunday School ?1935

Methodist Women
Methodist Women's Meeting

Elim Church Members
Elim Church Groups 1940s

Methodist Panto
Methodist Pantomime c1948

Parish Church Choir
Parish Church Choir c1949

Parish Church Mens Group
Parish Church Men's Group, early 1950s

Parish Church Choir
Church Sunday School Play 1958

Sunday School Stage Crew
Church Sunday School Stagecrew c1958

Methodist Anniversary
Methodist_Anniversary 1958


Societies and Clubs

Mens Sunday Guild
Men's Sunday Guild

Music Society
Musical Society



BB Camp 1912
Boys Brigade Camp 1912

BB Band 1912
Boys Brigade Band 1912

BB Band 1913
Boys Brigade Band about 1913

Boys' Brigade 1913
Boys Brigade 1913

BB Gymnastics
Boys Brigade Gymnastics about 1923

BB Band 1925
Boys Brigade Band about 1925

Prize Band
Beeston Silver Prize Band

St Johns Ambulance
St Johns Ambulance 1930s

2nd Beeston Cubs c1932
2nd Beeston Cubs c1932
Skipping Troupe
Skipping Troupe

Ericsson Dramatics
Ericsson Dramatic Soc - c1937

2nd Beeston Cubs
2nd Beeston Cubs 1938

Boys Brigade Parade
Boys Brigade Parade 1938

2nd Beeston Cubs
2nd Beeston Cubs 1940s

1st Beeston Guides
1st Beeston Guides 1945

Sea Rangers
Beeston Sea Rangers 1940s/50s

Ericsson Panto
Ericsson Pantomime 1949

yha 1940s
YHA - Late 1940s

BB Handbell Team 1950
Boys Brigade Handbell Team 1950

BB 1950
Boys Brigade Activities 1950

BB Band 1951
Boys Brigade Band 1951

BB Band 1954
Boys Brigade Band 1954

Theatre Group
Theatre Group 1950s

Lenton Abbey Cubs
Lenton Abbey Cubs

Lenton Abbey Scouts
Lenton Abbey Scouts

Beeston Brownies
Beeston Brownies

10th Beeston cubs
10th Beeston Cubs

Young Players
Young Players c1958

BB Colour Party 1959
Boys Brigade Colour Party about 1959

BB Officers 1962
Boys Brigade Officers 1962

Old Time Dancing
Old Time Dancing Club 1966


Sports Teams

Athletics Club
Athletics Club c1900

Football Team
Football Team c1895-1900

Football Team
Football Team c1900

MNC Football Team
New Connexion Football Team c1905

Rangers FC
Beeston Rangers FC 1907

Rangers FC
Beeston Church FC 1907

Railway Football Team
Railway Football Team c1908

Boys Brigade Football Team
Boys Brigade Football Team 1910/11

Old Boys Cricket Team
Old Boys Cricket Team 1914

Beeston United FC
? Beeston United FC 1921/2

Old Boys Cricket Team
Old Boys Cricket Team 1920s

Old Boys Football Teams
Old Boys Football Team 1920s

Ericsson Winners 1927
Ericsson Trophy Winners 1927

Beeston Boiler Football
Beeston Boiler Football Team - 1927/8

Beeston Boiler Cricket
Beeston Boiler Cricket Team - c1925

Ericsson Tennis
Ericssons Tennis Club 1930s

Beeston Town Cricketers
Beeston Town Cricket Team - late 1940s

Ericssons Bowls
Ericssons Bowls 1940s

Cricketers Darts Team
Cricketers Darts Team

Boiler Co Bowls
Boiler Co Bowls 1950s & 1965

Lads Club Football
Lad's Club Football Team 1952/3

Ericsson Cricket
Ericssons Cricket Team 1950s

Cricket Team
Cricket Team 1950s

Old Boys Football
Old Boys Football Team 1953

Ericssons Hockey Team
Ericssons Hockey Team 1953

Ericssons Hockey Club
Ericssons Hockey Club c1955

Ericssons Crowe Cup
Ericssons Crowe Cup 1950

Ericssons Football
Ericssons Football 1960s

Beeston United FC
Beeston United FC c1964/5

Beeston Wanderers Football Team c1965

Alan Hill Match
Plessey Ladies Charity Football ?1966

Alan Hill Match
Plessey FC, Alan Hill Testimonial c1971/2

Plessey Ladies Hockey
Plessey Ladies Hockey c1973

Malt Shovel Football
Malt Shovel Football Team c1973/4


Outings & Social Events

Cricket Group
Cricket Group c1900

Conservative Group
Conservative Club Group c1900/05

Beeston Foundry Outing
Beeston Foundry Outing 1920s

Erisson's Outing
Ericsson's Outing 1926

Everlastic Outing
Everlastic Outing - 1936

Parade - ?1937

Barton Tour
Barton Tours

Beeston Touring Club
Beeston Touring Club

Beeston Carnival
Beeston Carnival

Ericssons Social
Ericssons Social Events 1940s

Mothers Club
Mother's Club

Ericssons Party
Ericssons Party

Fire Brigade Christmas
Fire Brigade Christmas

Nursery Christmas
Nursery Christmas Party

Fire Brigade Coronation
Fire Brigade Coronation Party

Pageant 1953

Cricketers Outing
Cricketers Outing

Woolworths Social
Woolworths Social Event

Lenton Abbey Ladies
Lenton Abbey Ladies Outing

Plessey Sports
Plessey Sports Day - late 1960s


Workplace Groups

Ericsson's in the Great War
Ericssons in the Great War

Ericsson's Staff Employees
Ericssons Staff 1921

Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade c1925

Ericssons Cabinet Shop 30s
Ericssons Cabinet Shop 1930s-70s

Ericssons Tool Design 1940
Ericssons Tool Design 1940

Ericsson Firetaam
Ericssons WW2 Fire Team

Ericsson's Graduate Apprentices
Ericssons Graduate Apprentices 1946

Bartons Women
Bartons Women Workers 1940s

Ericssons Maintenance
Ericssons Maintenance 1940/50s

Ericsson's Cabinet Shop
Ericssons Cabinet Shop 1957

Ericsson's 25 years 1957
Ericssons 25 years service 1957

Bartons Maintenance
Bartons Maintenance Staff c1950

Ericsson's Engineers
Ericsson's Circuit Engineers 1950-80

Ericsson Warehouse
Ericsson Warehouse c1957

Ericsson/Plessey Valve Lab
Ericsson/Plessey Valve Lab

Ericsson Paintshop
Ericsson Paint Shop c1959

Ericsson Y17
Ericsson Dept Y17 c1960

Plessey C5
Plessey Dept C5 - Late 1960s

Plessey 25 years 1965
Plessey 25 years service 1965

Beeston Boiler Awards
Beeston Boiler ?Service Awards c1970

Plessey Retirement
?Plessey Retirement - ?Early 1970s

Plessey Warehouse
Plessey Warehouse 1990

Strowger Reunion
Strowger Reunion - Late 1990s

Any information or additional photographs may be sent to david@beeston-notts.co.uk

© David Hallam - 2007-2024